Chapter 19

Time-strange formulas
Look at the two peaks first to distinguish the pros and cons.

After the winter solstice, it is Yang Dun, which follows the Liuyi and reverses the three wonders; after the summer solstice, it is Yin Dun, which reverses the Liuyi and follows the Three Wonders.

The solar terms are divided into three elements to determine the three elements.

The three elements are the upper, middle and lower three elements. There is one season for five days, one season for three seasons, two seasons for one month, and 24 seasons for a year. In this method, Jia and Ji will be the symbol heads. , Yinshen Sihai is the Zhongyuan, Chenxu Chouwei is the Xiayuan, and the talisman heads are changed every five days, so the half-month is one-qi and the week is also established.Assuming that the winter solstice is used, according to the example, the winter solstice is [-], one is Shangyuan, the seventh is Zhongyuan, and the fourth is Xiayuan. Seeing that today’s talisman is the first round of Shangyuan, start from Jiazi in Kangong, and I will follow this.

The character selection depends entirely on the beginning of the day

The head of ten days is also the head of Liujia talisman. The palace where the head of the talisman falls is the direct talisman, and the door you get is the direct talisman. If it is in the Kan Palace, the Xiumen is the direct talisman, the canopy is the direct talisman, and so on. .

fixed straight character but dry at any time

Depending on which palace the time-occupying stem falls on the site, that is, move the head of the ten-day talisman to this palace, and distribute it sequentially and reversely, and then you can see where the strange instrument is coming. It is a direct symbol, and the rest can be deduced by analogy.

direct counting hours

Depending on which palace the time-occupying branch falls in, that is, from the first house of this ten-day division of yin and yang, counting forward and backward to the time-supporting house, the gate of direct envoys will be added to it. The door is in the first palace, and when Yi Chou was in the second palace, the door was in the second palace. I followed this example.

straight character plus prefix

The straight talisman is the deceitful straight talisman, and the head of the talisman is based on each of the first talismans. The direct talisman of Xunshou is added to the Zhan Shihe Palace, that is, the swindling door straight talisman is added to the head of the talisman, and the yang is smooth and the yin is reversed. If you spread it, you will see it in the palace where the gods are coming.

Dunjia Sanyuan Song

Jiaji Linzhong Shangyuantian, Linmeng was Zhongyuan, and Linji Xiayuan Bureau was set. , and one prince for five days is one yuan.

One hexagram unifies three pictures
Winter Solstice [-]
Kan Gongtong Xiaohan [-]

big cold three nine six

Beginning of Spring Eighty-Five Two

Gen Gong system rain nine six three

Jingzhe one seven four
vernal equinox three nine six

Zhen Gong Tong Qingming April [-]

Grain Rain Five Twenty Eight

Lixia April [-]

Xun Gong Tong Xiaoman Five Two Eight

Grain six three nine

This method of yang escape and straight line

Summer Solstice Nine Thirty Six

Li Gong Tong Xiaoshu Eighty Two Five

July [-]

Beginning of Autumn Two Five Eight

Kun Palace is in charge of summer [-]
Bailu Nine Thirty Six

autumnal equinox seven one four

Dui Gongtong Cold Dew Six Nine Three

frost five eight two

Lidong six nine three

Gan Gongtong Xiaoxue [-]

heavy snow four seven one
Yin escape retrograde game method

The key to the order of festivals is to use the eight trigrams and nine palaces to manage the 24 qi. First, identify the hexagrams to which the eight festivals belong. The first palace in the winter solstice is Shangyuan, the seventh palace is Zhongyuan, and the fourth palace is Xiayuan.

Prelude Song of Yang Dun Shun

The winter solstice is [-], the minor cold is [-], the great cold is [-], the beginning of spring is [-], the rain is [-], the rain is [-], the Qingming is [-], the rain is [-], and the ear is [-]. For the law.

Yin escape retrograde festival prologue

The summer solstice is white dew at nine thirty-six, the minor heat is eighty-two and five-yin, the great heat is autumnal equinox seven-one four, the beginning of autumn is two-five-eight palaces, the end of summer is one four seven, the frost is light snow five-eight-two, the cold dew is winter six-nine-three, and the heavy snow is four-seven-one palace. seal.

Liujia Xunwubushi

Jiazi Xunjia, Jiri, Gengwu, Yichou time.

Jiaxu Xunyi, Geng day, Xinsi, Bingzi time.

Jiashen Xunbing day, Renchen time.

Jiawu Xun Xinri, Dingyou time.

Jiachen, Xunding, Renri, Guimao, and Wushen.

Jiayin Xunwu, Guiri, Jiayin time, and Jiwei time.

A game of Yang Dun, three yuan, four qi, sixty o'clock, good and bad
On the winter solstice.In the beginning of summer.Qingming.On the Awakening of Insects.

Jiazi Xun Jiazi canopy is a straight symbol, and the door is directly envoyed.

Jiaji Day.Jiazi time.Gen (door close).Star Gate Fuyin.

When Yi Chou.Exchange (day escape, true fraud) dry (earth false) leave (phase Zuo).Qiankan (door anti) Kun (criminal grid) dry (Jiangjiang)

Bingyin time.Gen (looking back, helping each other) in (odd combination).Gen (Flying Bo) Kan (Fu Palace) Gan (Strange Tomb).

Ding Maoshi.Li (Qihe) Sunda (Menhe) Gen (ground leave).Kundui (door anti).

Wuchen time.From (door close).Star Gate Fu Duikun (Men Fan).

Jisi time.Kan (Long Dunxiu cheats Huanyi Tianfu).Dui (demon) Gen (strange tomb).

Geng noon.Kun (earth escaping and swindling) against (the gatekeeper's odd combination).Zhen (gate counterattack Xing Feigong) Zhong (Xiaoge) Gen (door anti) Kun (strange tomb).

Xin Weishi.Shock (Shengdian Qihe).Dry (large grid).

Renshen time.Sunda (cloud escape wind escape true fraud).Sunda (door anti-escape) Zhong (ground network) earthquake (yingying into white) leaves (door anti-).

Guiyou time.Kun (false god) shock (false material) dry (yihe).Men Fugen (Bai Ruying) Li (crazy) Gan (Skynet).

In the ten days of Jiaxu, Jiaxu Tianrui is a direct talisman, and the door of death is a direct envoy.

Jiaxu time.From (day holiday) Gen (door close).Star Gate Talisman.

Yihai time.Exchange (true fraud to pay Thailand) from (Xiang Zuo).Dry (door anti-odd tomb) Kan (door anti).

Yigeng day.Bingzi time.Gen (back to Prime Minister Zuo).Gen (feibo).

When Ding Chou.Shock (door close).Dui (time tomb) Gen (white into Ying) Li (rampant).

Wuyin time.Qian (Jiangjiang) Kun (Fu Gong Xingge).

Jimao time.Against (keeper).Star Gate Fukun (sentence).

Gengchen time.Hom (ghost escape) Kun (yihe).Zhen (the door against the flying palace) Gen (the door against the strange tomb) against (the demon scorpion).

Xinsi time.Middle (small grid) Kun (strange tomb).

At noon.Xun Li (door anti) Qian (big grid) middle (ground net).

Gui Wei time.Kun (God false) Hom (Yihe).Men Fuqian (the tomb of the sky net) Zhen (ying into the white) Xun (run away).

Jiashen Xun Jiashen Tian Chong talisman, hurts the door directly.

Jiashen time.Gen (God escapes Tianfu).Star gate symbol Fu Zhen (Fu Gong).

Yiyou time.Shock (shen false) from (Xiangzuo Qihe).Qiankan (door anti).

Bingxu time.Gen (when Feibo was tortured, the tomb was white into the screen) Li (crazy).

Ding Haishi.Kun (day holiday) shock (falling into the acupoint makes joy).Zhen (ying into the white) Sunda (escape).

Bingxin day Wuzi time.Against (keeper).Kundui (door anti) Qian (strange tomb).

When you are ugly.Gan (people escape from true fraud) Hom (Yihe).Qian (Jiangjiang) Kun (Xinggeshi Tomb).

Geng Yin time.Exchange (Shengdian door close).Star symbol Fu Zhen (door anti-flying palace) Gen (door anti-flying palace).

Xin Maoshi.Gen (heavy deceitful handover to Thailand).Dui (demon) Gen (strange tomb).

Renchen time.Li (Xiu cheats prosperity and travels salary) against (odd combination).Xunli (door anti) Zhong (small grid ground net) Kun (strange tomb) Gen (time tomb).

Guisi time.Hom (door together).Menfugan (Dagri Skynet).

Jiawu day, Jiawu Tianfu Zhifu, Dumen direct envoy.

Jiawu time.Gen (heavy fraud Tianfu).Star Gate Talisman.

Yi Weishi.Dry (yihe).Gen (white into Ying) Li (striking rampant).

When Bing Shen.Dry (ground false) Kun (door closed).Qiankan (door anti) shock (ying into the white) Sunda (escape) Gen (feibo).

Ding Youshi.Kun (day false) Kan (true fraud) against (guardian) Zhen (shengdian strange combination).Dry (large grid).

During the Reform Movement of [-].Sunda (Xiu cheats Huanyi) from (strange combination).Kundui (Menfan) Kan (Time Tomb).

Jihai time.Dry (true fraud).Dry (odd tomb).

Ding Renri.Gengzi time.Hom (ground holiday) against (door close).Zhen (men anti-flying palace) Qian (Jiangjiang) Kun (Ping Ge) Gen (door anti).

When Xin Chou.Kun (ground fake) Gen (heavy fraud).Star Fu.

Renyin time.Leaving (Xiu Zhasheng Temple).Sunda (menfan Fugong) Dui (yaoyu) Li (menfan) Gen (strange tomb) Zhong (ground net).

At the time of Guimao.Exchange (personal leave) Kan (door together).Men Fuzhong (Xiaoge) Kun (Strange Tomb) Qian (Skynet).

Jiachen Xun Jiachen Tian Ren Zhifu, Shengmen Zhishi, Zhongwu Jigen.

Jiachen time.Burgundy (Tianfu Menhe).Star Gate Talisman.

Otomi time.Shock (heavy fraud).Zhen (ying into the white) Sunda (escape).

Bing noon.Against (keeper).Xunli (door rebellion) Gen (feibo) dry (big grid).

Ding Weishi.Hom (heavy fraud).Middle (Fugong Xiaoge) Kun (strange tomb).

Wushen time.Qiankan (door anti) Gen (white into Ying) Li (rampant).

Jiyou time.Sunda (spiritual leave) in (falling point joy).

Gengxu time.Kun Dui (door anti) Zhen (Flying Palace) Qian (strange tomb).

Xinhai time.Dry (Men He) Hom (Yi He).Sunda (strike) Qian (Jiangjiang) Kun (punishment).

Wugui Day.Renzi time.Exchange (Shengdian door close).Star Talisman Fu Genzhen (door counter) in the middle (ground net).

Gui Chou time.Hom (Long Dun Men He) Gen (true and false) Zhen (false).Menfudui (yaoyu) Gen (strange tomb) Gan (Skynet).

Jiayin Xun Jiayin Tianxin is a direct talisman, open the door and make it straight.

Jiayin time.Kun (God false) Gen (true fraud Tianfu).Star Gate Talisman.

Yimao time.From (Xiang Zuo) against (keeper) Kun (door close).Gan (door anti-Dage Fu Gong) Kan (door anti-).

Bingchen time.Kan (God escape) Gen (return to Prime Minister Zuo).Gen (feibo) Zhong (small cell) Kun (strange tomb).

Dingsi time.Li (heavy fraud ascending hall) Kun (Yihe) Gen (ground holiday).Dui (door anti-yao) Gen (strange tomb) Kun (door anti).

At noon.Shock (true fraud) Hom (yihe).Zhen (ying into the white) Sunda (escape).

It's not time.Sunda (Tiger escapes heavy fraud Youlu Qihe).Gen (door anti-white into Ying) Li (rampant) shock (door anti-).

Gengshen time.Dry (Long Dun Huan Yi Men He).Shock (flying palace).

Xinyou time.Exchange (Hugh fraudulently pay Thailand).Xun (door counterattack punishment) dry (strange tomb) from (door counterattack).

Renxu time.Exchange (day escape).Xun Li (door rebellion) Gan (Jiangjiang) Kun (Ping Ge) Zhong (ground net).

Guihai time.Kun (God false) Gen (true fraud).Star Gate Symbol Fugan (Skynet).

Yangdun seven rounds, three yuan, four qi, sixty o'clock, good and bad
During the winter solstice.Under the beginning of summer.Under Qingming.Awakening of Insects.

Jiazi Xun Jiazi Tianzhu is a straight talisman, which surprises the door directly.

Jiaji Day.Jiazi time.Dry (door closed).Star Talisman Gate (V).

When Yi Chou.Against (yihe).Qiankan (door counter) earthquake (throwing into the river) Gen (criminal grid).

Bingyin time.Zhen (door closed) in (back to Prime Minister Zuo).Zhong (Fei Bo) against (Fu Gong).

Ding Maoshi.Kun (true fraud) Zhen (day false) Xun (Xiang Zuo).Kundui (door anti).

Wuchen time.Kun (human fake) Gen (thing fake) dry (door close).Star symbol (volt).

Jisi time.From (material false) to (door close to Tianfu Huanyi).Gen Zhen (door rebellion) Sunda (yao 蹻) Qian (strange tomb).

Geng noon.Gan (Xiu cheats prosperity) Sunda (human false gatekeeper) Gen (door close).From (flying palace) Kun (small cell).

Xin Weishi.Gen (door close).Shock (large grid).

Renshen time.From (Shengdian gate close) to (Yihe).Li (door anti-ying into the white) Kan (escape) Gen (strange tomb) Kun (ground net) Sunda (door anti).

Guiyou time.Hom (heavy fraud and strange combination).Eight (Fu) Shock (Shocking Skynet) Zhong (Bai Ruying) Dry (Rampant) Kun (Qi Tomb).

Jiaxu Xun Jiaxu Tian Ren Zhifu, Shengmen Zhishi.

Jiaxu time.Dry (heavy fraud) Sunda (ground false).Star Gate Talisman (V).

Yihai time.Kun (heavy deceitful combination).Qiankan (door anti).

Yigeng day.Bingzi time.Zhen (Menhe Shengdian) Zhong (return to Prime Minister Zuo) Kan (Menhe).Medium (Fiber).

When Ding Chou.Kun (true fraud) Li (door close) Gen (ground false) Xun (Xiang Zuo).Kun (Men Fan Qi Tomb) Zhong (Bai Ruying) Gan (Rampant) Xun (Shi Tomb) Dui (Men Fan).

Wuyin time.Shock (door close).Zhen (Jiangjiang) Gen (Fu Gong Xingge).

Jimao time.Xun (true and deceitful gatekeeper).Star Talisman (V) Gen Zhen (Door Anti).

Gengchen time.Exchange (true fraud).Sunda (Yaoyu) Li (Flying Palace) Qian (Strange Tomb).

Xinsi time.Dry (prosperity) Burgundy (door closed to make joy).Kun (small case).

At noon.From (Qi He) to (Men Hesheng Hall).Kun (beating ground net) Xunli (door anti) shock (big grid).

Gui Wei time.Kan (cloud escape, dragon escape heavy fraud) Gen (door combination) middle (odd combination).Men (Fu) Li (Yingying into Bai) Kan (escape) Gen (strange tomb) Zhen (time tomb Skynet).

Jiashen Xun Jiashen Tianying Zhifu, Jingmen Zhishi.

Jiashen time.Do it (Xiu cheats Tianfu).Star Gate Talisman (V) Li (Fu Palace).

Yiyou time.Kun (heavy fraud).Qiankan (door anti).

Bingxu time.Hom (God escapes tiger escape Qihe) Zhong (Returns to Prime Minister Zuo) Zhen (Yihe).Zhong (white into Ying Feibo) Qian (rampant) Kun (strange tomb) Gen (time tomb).

Ding Haishi.Leaving (the door closes and the acupoint falls to make the Shengdian happy).Kun Dui (door anti) Li (ying into white) Kan (escape) Gen (strange tomb).

Bingxin day Wuzi time.Zhen (door close) Sunda (gatekeeper).

When you are ugly.Shock (door close).Zhen (throwing into the river) Gen (tomb punishment at the time of punishment).

Geng Yin time.Sunda (door close).Star Talisman (V) Gen Zhen (Door Reverse) Li (Flying Palace).

Xin Maoshi.Dry (God escape) in (Jiaotai).Xun (demon) dry (strange tomb).

Renchen time.Dui (door combination) Sunda (odd combination).Xunli (door anti) Kun (Xiaogeshi cemetery net).

Guisi time.Gen (God escape).Door (volt) shock (large grid sky net).

In the first day of Jiawu, the canopy is straight, and the door is closed.

Jiawu time.Dry (Men He Tian Fu) Xun (Earth False).Star Talisman Gate (V).

Yi Weishi.Kun (heavy deceit) Li (door close Youlu).Qian (men anti rampant) in (Bai Ruying) Kun (strange tomb) Kan (men anti).

When Bing Shen.Kan (the cloud escapes the dragon to make you happy), middle (looking back and closing) Gen (door closing).Li (ying into white) Kan (escape) in (flying) Burgundy (strange tomb).

Ding Youshi.Redeem (fake things) Sunda (guardian Xiangzuo) Li (strange combination).Kun Dui (door reverse) shock (big grid).

During the Reform Movement of [-].Kun (God escape).Against (time tomb).

Jihai time.Shock (door close).

Ding Renri.Gengzi time.Xun (Tian Dun Shen Dun You Lu) against (Yihe).Zhen (throwing into the river against the door) Li (shooting Fei Gong) Gen (the punishment against the gate).

When Xin Chou.Dry (door closed).Star symbol (volt).

Renyin time.Against (door close).Xun (gate anti-yao) Kan (Fu Gong) Qian (strange tomb) Kun (ground net) Li (gate anti).

At the time of Guimao.Dry (the door closes the air) Gen (the door closes).Men (Fu) Kun (Xiaoge) Zhen (Skynet).

Jiachen Xun Jiachen Tianrui is a direct talisman, and the gate of death is a direct envoy.

Jiachen time.Sunda (earth false sky auxiliary) dry (true fraud).Star Gate Talisman (V).

Otomi time.Exchange (yihe) from (door close).Kan (door anti-flee) Li (ying into the white) Gen (strange tomb) dry (door anti).

Bing noon.Middle (back to Prime Minister Zuo) Gen (door close).Medium (flying) shock (large grid).

Ding Weishi.Gen (earth escape heavy fraud) Sunda (gatekeeper).Xun (strike) Kun (Fu Gong Xiaoge).

Wushen time.Li (heavy fraud Youlu) Kun (door Hehuanyi) Gen (ground holiday).Kun (Men Fan Qi Tomb) Zhong (Bai Ruying) Gan (Rampant) against (Men Fan).

Jiyou time.Zhen (Men Hesheng Hall) Gan (Qi He) Kan (Men He) Li (Ground False).

Gengxu time.Xun (wind escapes and communicates with Thailand) Kun (odd combination makes envoy).Gen Zhen (reverse door) Li (Flying Palace).

Xinhai time.Shock (true fraud).Zhen (Jiangjiang) Gen (criminal grid).

Wugui Day.Renzi time.Sunda (heavy fraud).Xunli (door anti) star symbol (volt) Kun (ground net).

Gui Chou time.Dry (door closed).Men (Fu) Sunda (Yaoyu) Gan (Strange Tomb) Zhen (Skynet).

Jiayin Xun Jiayin Tian Chong Zhi Talisman, hurting the door directly.

Jiayin time.Dry (Men He Tian Fu).Star Gate Talisman (V).

Yimao time.Dui (door close) Li (qihe Shengdian) Sunda (gatekeeper).Qiankan (door anti) earthquake (Dagefu Palace).

Bingchen time.Dry (ground false) against (door closed).Zhong (feibo) Kun (small case).

Dingsi time.Gen (yihe).Sunda (beating demons) Gan (strange tomb).

At noon.Li (heavy fraud, ascending to the palace) Gen (ground holiday).Kun Dui (door anti) Li (ying into white) Kan (escape) Gen (strange tomb).

It's not time.Hom (Qi) Seismic (Meter) Li (Ground False).Zhong (white into Ying) dry (rampant) Kun (strange tomb).

Gengshen time.Kun (door close).Gen Zhen (reverse door) Li (Flying Palace).

Xinyou time.Shock (true fraud and falling point Huanyi).

Renxu time.Xun (Tiandao Youlu heavy fraud wind escape) against (Yihe).Xunli (door rebellion) Gen (criminal grid) earthquake (throwing into the river).

Guihai time.Dry (door closed).Star Gate Talisman (V) Zhen (Skynet).

Yang Dun four rounds, three yuan, four qi, sixty o'clock, good and bad
Under the winter solstice.On Lixia.Tomb-sweeping day.Under the Awakening of Insects.

Jiazi Xun Jiazi Tianfu Zhifu, Dumen Zhishi.

Jiaji Day.Jiazi time.Hom (door together).Star Gate Talisman (V).

When Yi Chou.Hom (heavy fraud).Men (Xiu) shock (strike) Li (throw into the river) Zhong (Ping Ge) Kun (strange tomb).

Bingyin time.From (God escapes to the palace) Kun (returns to Prime Minister Zuo).Qiankan (door anti) Kun (feibo) Xun (Fu Gong) Gen (strange tomb).

Ding Maoshi.Dui (ground fake) Gen (menhe) Kan (phase Zuo) Zhen (odd combination).

Wuchen time.Zhen (day false) Kun (true fraud).Star Talisman (V) Kundui (door anti).

Jisi time.Shock (Men He Tian Fu).Hom (demon 蹻).

Geng noon.Sunda (the door closes the hole and Huanyi makes you Lu) Kan (the gatekeeper).Gen (door anti small grid) dry (flying palace) shock (door anti).

(End of this chapter)

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