Chapter 8

If it is Yimao at the right time, sitting in Zhuanlu (Yilu is in Mao) is a great beauty. If sitting in Kan Palace, it is the sick town of Yimu, and its body must be strong, like a strong person, and it can still support; if it is right The time is Yihai, which is the death place of Yimu, and if you sit in the Kan Palace, you will have no energy for a long time, you will die of illness, you will be defeated in battle, and you will fail in planning; When you are born, you will be cured after you are sick, you will win after you fight, and you will succeed after you plan for a long time; if it is Yimao at the right time, and you sit at Yinmao Chen and have not applied to the palaces before noon, then you will get the land and the most auspicious.If the time is Bingxu (the tomb of Bing was in Xu), when Shiqian enters the tomb, if you sit in Xungong, the earthly branch under it is Renchen. Difficult but easy, long-term will be accomplished, but we should look at the combination of the main flow, the method is not bad, the above refers to Bingyan, and the rest can be deduced by analogy.

Ask: "When Yi meets Xin Ding meets Gui, if it breaks, it becomes a fierce character. Why is it not a fierce character when Du Ren sees C?" He said: "This is all a mistake in the books. Gai Ding sees Gui as a door, Gui sees Ding as a talisman palace Also, straight to the door. If Gongji and Menji, see a little confrontation, it will not cause great harm; Gongji and Menji are fierce, see it as a big ominous, and even Ding sees Gui, who is at the gate, then I am lucky, and Gage is with me. , Guijian Ding, is at the gate of the envoy, Piji, Gage is in the human, and it is secret." He asked again: "The jade girl guarding the door is so strange that it is in the human, so why is Jige?" Said: "Shouping the door is nothing but a secret and cooperation. Things should be broken because of the time."

Ask: "Faiji Menqi arrives, such as Shijia Liugeng, Liuxin, Liuren, can I go out?" The legend says: "Liuxin and Liuren have strange things to come out; Shijia Liugeng, although there are strange things, can't go out. "

He also asked: "Fleeing and hiding, so that the door is an auspicious palace or Geng arrives, can I go out?" Said: "Escape itself is difficult, so you can go out; if you live in peace, you must not go out."

He also asked: "The envoy cannot go out, can he go out of the talisman palace?" The legend said: "You can recite it when you are in battle, but you can't when you go out. If the star is restrained, you can recite it or not, and keep it in secret."

He also said: "Out of the three wonders and three auspicious things, we can say it when we send troops. Recite the methods of Tiangang, Tingting, Yuejian, Youdu, Lei Gong, etc., and we can say it when we are in battle. Each of them is accurate."

The number of gates is occupied, and the three oddities are not available, so what can I do?Said: "It's so strange, otherwise it goes to the sky, like six steps in the courtyard, six feet in the suburbs." He asked again: "Are you out with all the soldiers? Or come out alone?" Said: "Go out in the court, Go out together in the suburbs."

The scriptures say: "Every action and action, you will get the three wonders to Fangji, and you will not be restricted to the palace. The taboos of the year and the month will be avoided, and the evil will be turned into auspiciousness."

It is said: "The three strange things in the underground avoid gossip, that is, the tomb of Geng Ding is ugly, and the tomb of Yi Bing Xu is the same."

According to the legend: "For branch evil, look at the envoy, for door dry evil, and for talisman palaces. Dry is heavenly evil, and branch is earth evil. More bad luck and less good. If the evil you encounter is very fierce, you can get rid of it by getting three oddities, and you can also get rid of it when you meet Tiangang. If the three wonders are in the same place with the evil spirits in the ground, and the evil spirits stay far away, there should be no disaster. If the three wonders are in the sky, they will suddenly come, and the evil spirits will rise and retreat."

Question: "There are two branches in each palace in the four corners. If the gate falls in the Gen Palace, you can also look at the Disha in the Ugly Palace and the Disha in the Yin Palace. Should you look at both palaces?"

It is said: "At this time, when the branches belong to Yang, you should look at the Yang Palace; when the branches at this time belong to Yin, you should look at the Yin Palace. Therefore, it is said: "Yang is compared with Yang, and Yin is compared with Yin." The main gate is blocked by Liugong, and it seems that people who ask pedestrians will not come, but the Du gate will open when it is restrained, and if you want gold and prosperity, you will come, keep it secret, and the eight gates can also be pushed."

It is said: "The gate of life is the soil, and the gate of death is also the soil. Although the soil is the same, it has different functions. When it is angry, it is dead, so it is different. For example, the door of Du and the door of injury are both trees, and their uses are also different. Du is If it is heavy and light, if it is lacking, it is light, if it is closed, it will not come out, and if it is injured, it will be rescued."

For example, if you use gold to injure the door, ask the patient if the knife is used for arrow sores or cough or pus and blood, or liver disease; dry gold can be used to injure the door, or bruises or stone pressure or ascending to cause pain or liver disease or cough in typhoid fever. Class is also.It doesn't matter if the wood is prosperous and the gold is declining. If the metal is prosperous, the wood will die, and if the metal is declining, the wood will also die.

For example, if Dui Jin Ke Du Men, or abdominal distension, or bone hard, or diaphragm choking, or constipation, when wood decays and gold flourishes, dysentery, hematemesis, and death will result.Although the prosperity of wood and the decline of gold are important, it doesn't matter.

Question: "The first of the five elements is prosperous. March is Jianchen, Yingtu is prosperous, and March is the Ching Ming Festival. It is the commander of Maomu, and Yingmu is prosperous. Is it fruitful?"

According to the legend: "If you rely on Qimen, the wood will prosper, and if you depend on the solar terms, the soil will prosper. Both of them should be used together. For example, the direct talisman of the birth door, the wood cannot restrain the soil; the direct talisman of the door, the tree can restrain the soil, and the two causes of prosperity It’s almost straight, it’s never easy.”

He said again: "What if you meet Dumen?" He said: "It's a little different."

He also said: "The door of death and the door of life are the same soil, is it the same when it is declining?" It said: "Birth is prosperous in spring and summer, and death is prosperous in autumn and winter."

He also asked: "Whether the heavenly birds are sent to the sky, is the decline and prosperity the same?" Said: "Although the heavenly birds are sent to the southwest, they actually live in the central palace, without distinction between yin and yang.

Ask: "People are sick, life and death are not yet judged, and they still look at the palace of life, and look at the palace of death?" Said: "Young people look at the palace of life, old people look at the palace of death, it is auspicious for those who come to the palace unexpectedly, it is not forced."

Asked: "What do you mean by taking a bath?" He said: "While taking a bath, if you want to send out, you will miss out."

Ask: "What is extinction?" Said: "There are so many extinctions. Those who are utterly exhausted will lose their anger and have no relationship. If they are extinguished, they will lose money and marriage, and if they are extinguished, their love will be reversed. If you understand by analogy, why not ask for it?" And there is a more subtle point here, the trunk of the talisman palace is the main one, and the branches of the gate are the guests, and the fetus is prospered together."

Asked: "What is the meaning of the emperor's prosperity?" Said: "If the marriage is prosperous in the emperor's case, it will become auspicious if the man gets rested, and the woman will be strong and good to help the family. If the yin is dry, it will be suitable for the woman, and if the yang is dry, it will be suitable for the man. If it fails and dies, then It's a fake marriage; it's definitely a wild marriage when it dies in the sky and keeps the door."

Ask: "What does the word yang mean?" Said: "There are a lot of money to be raised, and a job is sought, all of which can be deduced by analogy, and I can't describe them all."

Ask: "If the palace where the main stem is located is prosperous, but the branches carried by the main stem are declining, how to use it for good and bad luck?" Said: "The twelve branches of the stem have discards and choices, and the addition of talismans is like a combination of pearls. Although Emperor Wang Jue is difficult to use, just look at sitting in the palace and not at the branch. You must know that the purpose of coming should be based on the direction, not because of the talisman. If Pianjia does not return to the tomb, Xingqi will be able to do everything, and it will have a beginning and no end, which is really amazing."

Ask: "The canopy star is good for Hai Ziyue, and spring and summer are not good for generals and soldiers. If the spring and summer months are straight and the canopy is water, and the flying gate is the scenery, it is water that can overcome fire. Can you use soldiers?" Said: "Although the canopy can overcome the scenery, Always weak ears." Then asked: "When you meet your son, how is it?" Said: "Slightly inferior to victory, although the talisman envoys are broken in sequence, the talisman auspicious master should be the first to be fierce and then the unfavorable. Also; the door is more important than the talisman, and it is also said when sending troops. If the star gate is auspicious but the character is not auspicious, there is evil in the auspicious; When subject to restraint, the father dies, and if subject to restraint, the mother dies; and the symbol is for oneself, making it a wife, and giving birth to restraint is also pushed; and the symbol is for heaven, making it an earth; symbol is for a king, making it a minister. If it belongs to earth, it will increase the fields; if it belongs to gold, it will increase wealth; if it belongs to wood, it will increase houses; if it belongs to fire, it will increase articles; if it belongs to water, it will increase the talents.”

Question: "Why did the eight cheats remove several of the twelve heavenly generals and insert the straight talisman of the nobles of the nine heavens and nine places into it? What's your opinion?"

It is said: "The twelve heavenly generals are matched with the twelve earthly branches, and the eight deceptions are matched with the eighth palaces." The questioner said: "If the star gate direct talisman cheats and wins the white tiger, is it okay?" Said: "Harmful. The good and the bad are the best." Follow the eight cheats and use the six ren to fall into the palace to break it." He also said: "Is it harmful to get the nine heavens by cheating the straight talisman of hurting the door?" Said: "The most auspicious nine heavens and nine earths, the former sages have not separated them. In short, everything is auspicious. About nine days and nine earths, the heavens and the earth are not big to me, so what’s wrong with it?" He also said: "Soon is auspicious, quick is bad, quick is for me, and quick is for the other. People don’t know it, gods can’t predict it. If you can see it, its smallness is called deceit. Among the eight deceptions, only the nine heavens, nine earths, Taiyin, and Liuhe are auspicious, and all of them are inauspicious. If my star gate defeats the other, it doesn't matter, and if the other is not in the prosperous order, it doesn't matter, if you don't get the star gate, and if you encounter a vicious star gate defeater, it will be a great disaster."

If I sit in the sky and serve as the door of life, and cheat Yuanwu, I should guard against villains and thieves. However, the soil can restrain water, and although there are villains, they will not cause harm.The one who wins the land from the main gate of the Star Gate, Kat.

In addition, the eight deceptions must be seen together with the gate palace of our star gate and the enemy's gate palace.

Eight cheats and eight genera
straight character.

The white tiger is gold.

Nine days belong to gold.

Nine lands belong to soil.

Liuhe is wood.

The moon belongs to gold.

Yuan Wu belongs to water.

Teng Snake belongs to Fire.

Suzaku is fire.

Gou Chen belongs to soil.

On the Combination of Stem and Branch

Jiaji transforms the soil, the soil of the pastoral, loves the husband and wife, and the righteousness.

Yi Geng turned into gold, the gold inlaid with embellishments, has the same affection as soldiers, and has the function of kindness and power.

Bingxin Huashui, the water of gallbladder, loves the monarch and his ministers, and is a friend of power.

Ding Renhuamu, the tree of Tengluo, loves friends, and is a situation of obscenity.

Wugui transforms into fire, the fire of dry flames, loves monks and Taoists, and is suspected of jealousy.

The son is ugly, the real ugly is combined with the son's emptiness, and the two are combined to transform the soil, which is the union of orchid house, and the righteousness of husband and wife; ; Also; Jihe Shen, Xin Shen combined with self-doubt, two combined into water, a combination of partnerships, the righteousness of monks and Taoists.

(End of this chapter)

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