Chapter 9

Eight Doors and Nine Stars
Xiumen is the position of Yin Qi, the emissary of the Kan Palace, its star is white, the canopy belongs to water, the Kan is the trap, and it ranks the first of the five elements, and living things dare not fight against Lihuo, so it is called Xiumen.Restoration, beauty, the main winter, prosperous in Renzi Guihai year, month, day and time, those who go out of this door, there is nowhere to go; those who come to this door, the Lord has auspicious things.Those who go out of this gate will walk twenty miles and see senior officials, leading pigs, sheep, chariots and horses, etc., and see lame people. After walking thirty to fifty miles, they will see snakes and other things in the water.It is advisable to put up a seal, choose a general, promote a division, set up a camp, be an official, go to office, pay respects, apply for an examination, relocate, marry, seek talent, go on a long journey, merchants, repair, erect a pillar, rest, and rest. It is advisable to close the door, control the spirit of the second palace, and suppress hurdles.The scriptures say: "Shumen Kande, everything is at peace, the teacher goes out with great benefits, and the soldiers are led out under the three miracles, and the divine way clearly helps the spirit."

Canopy Star should guard border villages, build cities, garrison troops, open caves and build burials, emigrate, focus on fires, construction, damage to fetuses, fights, see blood, take office, many thieves, auspicious spring and summer, unfavorable autumn and winter, and For the greedy wolf star, the main division of Yanzhou.

The gate of death is the gate of punishment, the envoy of Kun Palace, its star is Erhei, Tianrui belongs to earth, and the one of Kun is Shun Ye, because it treats resurrection with Gentu, and there is death when there is life, so it is called the gate of death.The dead, finally, the master is prosperous in the four seasons, when Chen Chou Weixu and Wuji years, months and days, the soldiers will fight against the enemy, and they will win a big victory if they fight against the death with their lives behind them.Those who come to this door should be careful about revenge, intercourse, ambush, fighting, and the Lord's viciousness.Those who go out of this gate will travel thirty to fifty li, and the cows, mules, and calves will be bloody and dead, or at funerals, and they will see crying or sickness, soap-clothed people, or heavy prisoners in chains for twenty miles.

The gate of death should be opened, buried, besieged, executed, killed, shot and hunted, hunted for fish, netted with beasts, opened fields, built roads, blocked water, filled foundations, and other things are inappropriate.The scriptures say: "Kun Dao of the gate of death is even more spiritual. If you make a mistake, you will lose your soul. You can only send Lin Ziji to commit crimes. If it is for other things, it will be unbearable."

Tian Rui Xing is suitable for setting up troops, defending, training soldiers, receiving employment, cultivating Taoism, trading, property, burial, recruiting talents, making friends, exorcising evil spirits, and curing diseases.

The gate of injury is the gate of the six evils, the emissary of the trembling palace, its star is three blue, and the sky is in the wood.The wounded, the damage, the master is prosperous in spring, when Jiayi Yinmao years, months and days, the generals go out to battle, the soldiers are terrifying, so they should stick to it.Those who come to this gate, there will be vicious fights, damages, etc.; those who leave this gate, within thirty or three miles, they will see injured objects or people fighting with blood, or writhing pigs, pregnant women, dogs, barking cows, and villains to fight with each other.

It is suitable for hunting, conquering, collecting debts, gambling, praying to gods, fishing for fish and hyraxes, receiving goods, and filing lawsuits.Jingyun: "The shock of the wounded door is frightening and dangerous. People who hear the sound from thousands of miles are afraid of power. The generals are worried when they go out to battle. They will return after hunting in the bushes."

Tianchong star is suitable for selection of generals, deployment, confrontation, battle formation, revenge, catching thieves, scouting, shooting and hunting.

Dumen is the closed gate, the envoy of the Sunda Palace, whose stars are four green, and the sky assists wood.Du Zhe, Jue Ye, the Lord was prosperous in the year, month and day of Jiayi Yinmao. It is not suitable for generals to fight, but to stick to it, invite interception, and hide.Those who come to this gate, the master will stop and lose what they are looking for; those who go out of this gate, forty miles or four miles, will see construction, panic, or see vicious people, or respond to storms and rain.

Du Men should hide in ambush, fight against rebellion, slaughter violently, judge, put in prison, fill up potholes, and invite to cut off roads.Du Men controls the Qi of the Nine Palaces, and suppresses Sunda.The scriptures say: "The yin and qi under Du's gate are suffocating, and if you go to the east and west by mistake, it is not suitable to raise troops to fight, but to stick to it and wait for the time to pass."

Tianfu stars are suitable for selection of generals, seeking talents, confrontation, breaking the formation, acquiring land for thousands of miles, building burials, marriage, marriage, applying for fame, business transactions, cultivating Taoism, teaching, migration, construction, auspicious spring and summer, and for Wenqu Xing also dominates Jingzhou.

Heavenly Bird Star, Zhonggong Tuye, the Lord is prosperous in the four seasons, Xu Chouwei, year, month, day, when generals and soldiers clash, battles are won, borders are opened up, and all seasons are beneficial, with the help of all spirits, it is suitable for offering sacrifices, praying for blessings, and exorcism. Evil, expelling evil, rewarding meritorious service, conferring titles, getting into office, electing, asking for fame, emigrating, erecting pillars, building, asking for money, trading, banquets, submitting a letter, presenting a book, entering an official position, prosecuting a crime, paying respects.Jingyun: "The place of the heavenly birds is Lianzhen, and everything is for the blessings of self-improvement. The generals will be the first to report victories, and the borders will be turned into rain and the people." For the star of Lianzhen, he is in charge of dividing Yuzhou.

Opening the door is the door of showing off, the envoy of the Qian Palace, its stars are six white, and the heart of heaven is gold.Those who do it are healthy, and doing it for the health of the sky will not stop, because the sunda wood of the opposite palace is restrained and stopped, there is no reason to close it in good fortune, and it will reopen when it is closed, so it is called opening the door.Opener, Pi Ye, the Lord flourished in autumn, at the time of Gengxin Shenyou year, month and day, the generals and soldiers won the victory, and they were surrounded and hid in ambush for refuge.Those who come to this gate will be entrusted with gifts, offerings, requests, gifts, auspicious occasions, etc.; those who leave this gate, there may be people holding wine and food and riding oxen on horses, or purple-clothed Yin people, or forty miles. When you meet acquaintances, you should respond.

Opening the door is suitable for seeking wealth, honoring honor, being promoted, going to office, asking for fame, being promoted, traveling far, merchants, marrying, making funerals, migrating, opening the door, releasing water, guiding springs, piercing wells, marching troops, opening up land, opening up borders Soil, accessible to all directions.Open the door to control the Qi of the Eight Palaces, to suppress the dryness.Jingyun: "Opening the door and doing the main road to benefit Yuanheng, and sending the soldiers far away to shake the prestige, all the tricks are all auspicious, and the fame and fortune will be made thousands of miles away."

Tianxin star is suitable for choosing generals, dispatching troops, displaying prestige, setting up formations, smashing nests, defeating enemies, spreading soil, opening borders, seeking immortals, spinning Taoism, combining medicines, curing diseases, entering an official position, meeting nobles, seeking fame, emigrating, and merchants , travel, construction, autumn and winter are auspicious, spring and summer are inauspicious, and it is also the star of Wuqu, which dominates Jizhou.

The Jingmen is the gate of treachery, the envoy of Dui Palace, its stars are red, and the Tianzhu is gold.The exchange person, Yue Ye, was moved by the shocking palace, so it was called the shocking door.The one who is shocked, the one who is frightened, the Lord is prosperous in autumn, the year, month, day and day of Geng Xin Shen You.Generals and soldiers are in danger of being shocked, defeated, and attacked.Those who come to this gate will be scared away, escaped, deceitful, false alarm, and rebellious things; those who go out of this gate will see fuss and fuss when they walk seven miles, or the road will be blocked by people, cars, horses, horses, and crows and birds will respond.

Shocking the door is suitable for catching thieves, fighting lawsuits, frightening and confusing the crowd, deceiving and treacherously, attacking ambushes, and benefiting the west.Shock the door to control the spirit of the six palaces, and to suppress it.Jingyun: "I feel uneasy when I go in and out of the door. Mingzhong said that the matter should be judged. It is appropriate to catch the adulterer and seek strange things. It is not difficult to cover up the arrest."

The Tianzhu star is suitable for defending, stationing troops, building tombs, training soldiers, nourishing vigor, repairing, offering sacrifices, hiding, and burying the body.

Shengmen is the gate of Tongtai, the envoy of Gen Palace, its star is eight white, and the sky belongs to earth.Gen, stop, the evolution of the living things in heaven and earth cannot be terminated, and when it is terminated, it will be reborn, and the life will not cease, so it is called the gate of life.The living, Yu Ye, is prosperous in the four seasons. At the time of the Wuji Chen and Xu Chouwei, the soldiers were led from the Shengmen and killed, and they were victorious in every battle.Those who come to this gate are mainly engaged in offerings, returns, auspicious celebrations, etc.; those who leave this gate will meet nobles riding horses or meeting company officials when they travel eight miles.

Shengmen Yixing soldiers, issuing orders, being promoted, going to office, making funerals, getting married, moving into a house, returning to a partner, asking for money, playing games, applying for exams, asking for fame, traveling far, merchants, trading, managing, and repairing recipes, everything you want , all get.Shengmen controls the Qi of the Three Palaces, and suppresses Gen.Jingyun: "Shengmen is benevolent, moral and positive, but it is suitable for Pepsi to manage well. If you write a letter to pay tribute to Qimenji, the star you are looking for is very sympathetic."

Tianren Xingyi Anbang, Jianyi, general selection, dispatching troops, marriage, Shangguan, merchants, seeking advice, making burials, repairing prescriptions, taking exams, asking for fame, visiting nobles, four seasons are auspicious, and Zuo Fu Xing, who dominates Qingzhou.

Jingmen is the gate of Jinzuo, the envoy of Ligong, its star is nine purple, and Tianying belongs to fire.Li Zhe, Li Ye, is called Jingmen because Dui Kan water contains the sun's essence, reappears the brightness and beauty in the sky, and transforms all things.The scener, Da Ye, was prosperous in the year, month and day of Bing Ding Siwu, and he marched his troops against the enemy, breaking through the encirclement and breaking through the formation without viciousness.Those who come to this door, the Lord writes a letter, collect debts, fight for marriage, discuss lawsuits, etc. Those who go out of this door may see terrified thieves and fire lights and lost property, or have wind and rain diseases, and encounter disasters on the way, or see snakes and fire, or see Sinners should.

Jingmen is suitable for seeking talents, visiting scholars, submitting letters, offering advice, accepting Taoism, studying, looking for jobs, and seeking officials.Jingmen controls the spirit of a palace, and it is also used to suppress Li.Jingyun: "Jingmen Lijiu Zhengyang, wrote a letter to offer advice, and broke through the encirclement to enter the soldiers, so the road was ominous."

Tianyingxing should meet with the king, pay respects, write a letter, present a book, ask for a job, promote, have a banquet, and other things are not suitable.Xia Ji, also known as You Bixing, is in charge of dividing Yangzhou.

Temporary severance of eight gates
Kaijiagan (Qian Gua), if Tianxin is added to this palace, it is a form of Fuyin, it is only suitable for visiting Taoism, seeking talents, accumulating grain, harvesting, training soldiers, hiding treasures, ambush, defense, and other things are not suitable; If there are other stars added to this palace, or if the three odds pass, everything will be fine, and if it meets the ominous pattern, it will be inauspicious.

Kaijiakan (litigation hexagram), the master and the noble will help each other, benefit gold and treasure, benefit from cattle and horses, fame and fortune, if combined with three odd jigs, Uji; if combined with fierce, everything will be auspicious in advance, and will be lost later, and auspicious things will decrease Half.

Kai Jiagen (Dun Gua), everything is exhausted and loses, and it is late for customers. If it meets Jige and Sanqi, everything will be fine, and the army will win a big victory;

Open and add shock (no falseness), send out troops to benefit guests, combine three odd jigs, everything will be auspicious;

Kai Jia Xun (姤 hexagram), dispatch troops to benefit guests, if Tianxin star comes to this palace, it is advisable to smash nests, destroy enemies, and win every battle. It is a good match for Jige Youji, and it is called Huiyin for a fierce match. It is only suitable for scattered soldiers and rewards , moving camps, relocating, everything else is fine.

Kaijiali (same person), dispatch troops to benefit the master, ask for fame, official lawsuit, good luck, Sanqi Youji; good luck, everything is late, the first is the strong.

Kai Jiakun (No hexagram), dispatch troops to benefit guests, and all things will be lost. If the combination of three odd and Ji Ge, the general will win, all things will be auspicious;

Kaijiadui (Lu hexagram), the host and the guest are both beneficial when sending troops, and the combination of three odd jigs will surely win the battle;

Xiujiakan (Kan Gua), if the canopy star is added to this palace, it is a pattern of Fuyin.It is advisable to stand firm in war, and everything is unlucky. It is advisable to dig ditches, raise fish, make wine, accumulate grain, and buy fish salt.

Xiu Jiagen (Jian hexagram), dispatch troops to benefit the master, seek fame and official lawsuits, win the battle with Qi Jige, and all the signs of difficulty in the first place and easy later;

Xiu Jiazhen (Tun Gua), dispatching troops to benefit the master, if it meets Ji Ge and San Qi, the battle will be victorious, and everything will be auspicious;

Xiujiaxun (Jing Gua), dispatch troops to benefit guests, combine three odd auspicious patterns, you will win a big battle, and everything will be auspicious forever;

Xiujiali (Jiji), if the canopy comes to this palace together, it is for reciting songs, taking advantage of guest soldiers, and winning a big victory. It is also suitable to distribute food, rewards, release water, open ditches, dig wells, and dredge ditches; if it meets the ominous qualifications , everything is not suitable, such as the three oddities of Hebiexing Jige, everything is half auspicious.

Xiu Jiakun (comparison of hexagrams), the master of the army, if the combination of three odd jigs, the victory is auspicious;

Xiu Jiadui (jie hexagram), dispatch troops to benefit customers, if you combine three odd jigs, you should use the opportunity to win, everything will be profitable, and you will be prosperous forever;

Xiujiagan (Need to Gua), send troops to benefit customers, do benevolence and righteousness first, and then get auspiciousness.

Sheng Jiagen (Gen hexagram), if any star is added to this palace, it is Fuyin, and it is better to stick to it in battle, and all things are unfavorable. Injured.Fuyinli opened fields, cultivated, built walls, blocked roads, filled wells, received goods, and accumulated grain.

Sheng Jiazhen (Yi Gua), sending troops to benefit the master, if there are three odd jigs, one enemy has a hundred men, and everyone who seeks to meet;

Sheng Jia Xun (Gu hexagram), sending troops to benefit the master, if the combination of three odd jigs, everything will be great, and the battle will surely be victorious; if the combination is fierce, everything will be good in advance and then defeated, and you must guard against danger when using troops.

Sheng Jiali (Ben Gua), sending troops to benefit guests, should be benevolent and righteous, and lure them with benefits. If they meet the three oddities, they will retreat without fighting, turn evil and return to righteousness, and everything will go well; , has a beginning and an end.

Sheng Jiakun (Pu Gua), if the heavenly star is added to this palace, it is only suitable for scattered soldiers and rewards. If other stars are added, it will be combined with three odd jigs, and the host and guest will win all battles; For disadvantages, soldiers should stick to it.The back-song style is only suitable for breaking ground, collapsing walls, and destroying houses.

Sheng Jiadui (Damage Gua), if you send troops to benefit the master, the thief must seek cooperation, and if you do more things, you will benefit. If you combine the three, everything will prosper, and you will win the battle;

Raising and adding Gan (big animals), sending troops to benefit the master, and fighting effectively, everything is beneficial, such as the three odds of auspiciousness and Youji;

Shengjiakan (Meng hexagram), sending troops to benefit the master, it is advisable to apply benevolence and righteousness, to win by planning, all the falsehoods before the real, and the Jige Qimen, the battle will be completely won, and everything is a big gain; if you encounter a fierce situation, everything will be halved After fierce.

Injury plus shock (Zhen Gua), if the heavenly star is added to this palace, it is called Fuyin, and it is only suitable for debt collection, praying to gods, playing games, receiving goods, accumulating grain, catching, killing evil, and cutting down evil, such as the presence of other stars If you meet Jige, you will win all battles; if you meet fierce, you should stick to it and don't ask for anything.

Injury plus Sunda (Heng Gua), the host and the guest are both beneficial when dispatching troops. If it is auspicious, the battle will be victorious, and everything is as you want;

Injury Jiali (Feng Gua), dispatching troops to benefit the master, thieves come to surrender, do not move to fight, and return after winning, it is auspicious, good luck first and then fierce, must guard against ambushes, everything is beneficial early, and there will be panic later; auspicious Grid, both beginning and end are auspicious.

Shangjiakun (Yu hexagram), master of war, good luck, weak soldiers become strong, victorious in a hundred battles; fierce, everything is inauspicious.

Injury Jiadui (Guimei), if Tian Chong comes to this palace together, it is called returning to chant, it is only suitable for dispersing crowds, giving rewards, cutting trees, and unloading goods.

If you are injured and dry (big and strong), send troops to benefit the master, if you meet the Jige victory, everything will go smoothly;

Injury Jiakan (Xie Gua), send out troops to benefit the guests, and if the Jige wins the battle, the first move wins, and everything will be done;

Injury Jiagen (minor fault), war like, if the Jige wins, everything is auspicious;

Du Jiaxun (Xun hexagram), if Tianfu comes to this palace together, it is Fuyin, suitable for accumulating grain, receiving goods, storing treasures, hiding treasures, escaping, planting gardens, and storing fruits. Host and guest, secret suppression by soldiers, various schemes, private plots, secret plots;

Du Jiali (family members), hosts and guests of the war profit, and Jige bandits come to surrender, hearing the prestige and self-defeating, everything will succeed; if they are fierce, after the battle is not good, guard against ambushes, everything is inappropriate, success first and then defeat.

Du Jiakun (Guan Gua), Zhanlike, who is auspicious, and whoever is half auspicious, wins first when fighting; if he is fierce, wins first and then loses.

Du Jiadui (Zhongfu), the master of war profit, if he is a good fighter, he will win all battles, and he will be lucky in planning;

Dujiagan (little animal), if Tianfu comes to this palace, it is advisable to return to the army, disperse the crowd, flee, reward, and let go. If the other stars are in Jige, the main thing is to fight, and the enemy retreats after hearing the prestige. Advance and suppress, return triumphantly; fierce, everything is fierce.

Du Jiakan (Huan hexagram), Zhanlike, if it meets Jige, the victory will be auspicious;

Du Jiagen (Jian hexagram), Zhan Li Ke, if he meets Jige, he wins, everything is difficult and easy later; if he meets fierce, he will be defeated in battle.

Du Jiazhen (Yi Gua), the host and the guest benefit, and the battle wins. If you combine the three odd jigs, youji, everything is also auspicious;

Jingjiali (Li Gua), if Tianying is added to this palace together, for Fuyin, it is appropriate to make an appointment, offer advice, send envoys, break through the siege, reward soldiers, invite teachers, teach Taoism, make furnaces, alchemy, and repair stoves. In addition to the stars, if you are in Jige, you will benefit from both the host and the guest. If you win with cooperation, everything will be prosperous;

Jing Jiakun (Jin hexagram), the master of war, good luck, turning evil and returning to righteousness, all things are auspicious if the thief surrenders himself;

Jing Jiadui (Guai Gua), Zhanlike, if you meet Jige, you will win all battles, everything is half-baked, and if you are late, you will gain all;

Jing Jiaqian (Dayou), Zhan Like, is a Jige, and returns triumphantly; he is a fierce, and the soldiers are damaged in battle, and everything is inappropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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