Chapter 65 Calculation
Wei Xu is very anxious now, very anxious.

Since defeating Zhang Jaw a few days ago, Zhang Fei has led an army to Beihai to challenge.But perhaps because he knew that the Xuzhou Army had cavalry, Zhang Jaw simply chose not to hold out.Zhang Fei sent people to yell and scold in shifts day and night, but Zhang Jaw seemed deaf and ignored him at all.Let's order the soldiers to attack the city. The Beihai defenders just shot down with random arrows. After several attacks, the effect is not obvious.Zhang Fei, who is in a depressed mood, drinks alcohol every day to relieve his boredom, and if he drinks too much, he will go crazy with alcohol.Swearing is relatively light, and generally at least it is whipping soldiers.Just now, the military advisor Chen Gong came in and said a few words, asking him not to be too greedy, but he beat him out with a whip.

"Haha, old Wei, do you really think that my old Zhang drank too much?" When Wei Xu was in a hurry, Zhang Fei's triumphant laughter suddenly came from his ear.Wei Xu looked up in astonishment when he heard the words, but saw Zhang Fei smiling at him.Wei Xu looked at him like that, it really didn't look like he had drunk too much.

"You smell it yourself!" Seeing that Wei Xu hadn't reacted yet, Zhang Fei put the full wine bowl on the table in front of him, and Wei Xu stepped forward to smell it, but there was no smell of wine at all.

"This is it?" Wei Xu couldn't turn his head around for a while, Zhang Fei said triumphantly: "My old Zhang has been pretending to be drunk these days, and these two jars are full of white water, in order to deceive that jaw and make him feel drunk." He thought I was really drunk."

"Then why today?" Wei Xu understood most of it, but he still couldn't turn his head around.

"I'm reporting today that the army and horses in Beihai City are frequently mobilized. I guess Zhang Jaw thinks I'm really drunk and wants to attack my camp at night. How can I let him do so? Just now I deliberately whipped Chen Junshi. Jaw should be convinced that he will come to rob my camp tonight. Tonight I will lead an elite army to ambush on the east side, and Zilong will lead an army to lie in ambush on the west side. You will lead 2 horses, but the Beihai army can only be dispatched. His city is empty. Take the opportunity to seize the city!" Zhang Fei arranged with a face full of complacency, but he was thinking of Chen Gong's unbelievable eyes when he proposed this plan.

"The general obeys orders!" Wei Xu excitedly accepted the order and went down to not mention it, he only said that this plan was still made by Chen Gong.

That night in Beihai City, Gao Lan hurried to see Zhang Jaw, but saw that he was already dressed and waiting for him. "Junyi, why are the soldiers in the city frequently mobilized?" Gao Lan was a little surprised that his jaw was still wearing armor so late, and asked quickly.

"Haha, Jingzhong, haven't you been suffocating these days? Tonight we are going to rob Zhang Fei's camp!" Zhang Jai laughed.

"Huh? Why?" Gao Lan was a little surprised that Zhang Jaw, who had been avoiding fighting these days, suddenly took the initiative to attack with high fighting spirit.

"I haven't responded to the battle these days. Zhang Fei really couldn't hold back. He kept drinking and whipping the sergeant. Even Chen Gong was beaten by him today. I think the Xuzhou army's morale has been disturbed. If they take the opportunity to rob the camp tonight, they will surely die." You can win a big victory." Zhang Jai said confidently.

"So that's the case, Junyi, you have been waiting for the opportunity to fight." Gao Lan admired.

"Let's gossip less, respect the middle, pass the order down, make meals at the second shift, set off to rob Zhang Fei's camp at the third shift, and leave two thousand soldiers to guard the city!" After Zhang Jai arranged the final task, Gao Lan also hurriedly prepared.

It was the third watch of the night, and the guards in Beihai City quietly opened the east and west gates. Zhang Jai and Gao Lan each led a team of men and horses, with horses bound their hoofs, and quietly assembled outside the city.After walking for a few miles, the two teams stopped after meeting. Zhang Jai and Gao Lan looked at Zhang Fei's camp a few miles away.

"The whole army follows me!" Zhang Jai and Gao Lan took the lead, leading the army to attack Zhang Fei's camp at full speed.After the two rushed into the big camp, they were surprised to find that few people in the whole camp came out to fight.

"No, I've been tricked!" Seeing this, Zhang Jai's heart felt cold, Gao Lan's eyes were sharp, and in the dark, he found a lot of firewood piled up around the camp.

"Not good, retreat quickly!" Gao Lan immediately understood what it meant when he saw this posture. At this moment, a cluster of rockets shot from the west side, and immediately ignited the scattered firewood. The battalion army was immediately caught in a sea of ​​flames!
"Don't panic, find your way out quickly!" Zhang Jaw also tried his best to restrain the team. With the efforts of him and Gao Lan, although many soldiers were trapped in the flames and failed to escape, most of them were able to push aside the fence Get out of the way.However, before they could catch their breath, they felt the ground under their feet start to vibrate again, and Zhang Jaw and Gao Lan suddenly felt their heads grow bigger again.

"Zhang Fei Zhao Yun?" Zhang Jai looked at the two figures on the east and west sides leading the army to kill him, and immediately realized that his night attack today was a complete failure. According to the city to defend.But how can Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun make them happy?Immediately, the two rushed to intercept Zhang Jai and Gao Lan, and the rest of the soldiers also surrounded the Hebei Army one after another.

On that day, Zhang Ja led an army of 15 troops to Qingzhou to defend against Liu Bei. Zhang Ja knew the art of war and knew that as long as he defended Beihai, Yangcheng and Linzi, he could defend Qingzhou.Therefore, Zhang Nan led an army of 8 to garrison Yangcheng, himself and Gao Lan led an army of 1 to garrison the most important Beihai, and Jiao Touch led an army of 6 to guard Linzi.However, Zhang Nan's aggressive advance was already dead, and Jiao Chu was in the rear of Linzi. Of the [-] men under his command, more than [-] were lost in the previous field battle, and now he only has more than [-] people.Some of them were burned to death in the night attack just now. Now facing the Xuzhou army, they are completely at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, not to mention the low morale after the ambush just now. This combat effectiveness can be imagined.

"Hey!" But after Zhang Jai desperately caught Zhang Fei's move, he quickly turned his horse's head and ran towards Beihai City.On the other side, Gao Lan was not so lucky. He was not well injured, but it was even more difficult for him to face Zhao Yun, who was superior in martial arts. After a short battle, he was shot and dismounted, and then he was swarmed by the Xuzhou army. It was tightly tied up.

"Quickly open the city gate!" Zhang Jai led thousands of remnant soldiers back to Beihai City in despair, but saw that the suspension bridge was already hanging high, he shouted anxiously, but there was no movement on the top of the city.

"Huh?" Zhang Jai's heart sank, feeling that something was wrong, suddenly a group of torches were raised on the top of the city, and one of the generals laughed and said, "Master Zhang Jaw, you fell into the trap of my general. It's ours!" It was Wei Xu.

"Retreat!" Seeing that Zhang Fei had already led his men to chase after him, Zhang Jai knew that this was impossible, so he had to lead the remaining troops to Linzi.During the service, more than 2 Hebei troops were burned to death and annihilated, and more than [-] were captured. Zhang Jai fled to Linzi with only a few thousand people.Since then, Zhang Jai no longer dared to fight the Xuzhou army in the field, but could not hold on to Linzi.

"Kneel down!" In Zhang Fei's camp, a few soldiers pushed Gao Lan, who was heavily tied up, in, but the latter did not kneel proudly.

Zhang Fei got angry when he saw it, and immediately shouted: "The defeated general has been captured, why doesn't he kneel down?"

Gao Lan snorted and said, "Since you've been captured, you're just dead, so why talk more!"

"Huh?" Zhang Fei was about to explode, when Chen Gong persuaded him: "General Zhang, why should you get angry, since this Gao Lan is a famous general in Hebei, we should send him back to Xuzhou and let the lord deal with him!"

"Forget it!" Zhang Fei was well aware of his elder brother's ability to deceive people, so he didn't bother to care about his idleness at the moment, so he directly wrote a letter to inform the situation here, and asked Wei Xu to lead thousands of troops to escort the captives and Gao Lan back to Xuzhou.After repeated battles, the Xuzhou army was exhausted, so Zhang Fei also decided to stop the army for a whole day.

Not to mention that the battle in Qingzhou was in full swing, at this time in Shouchun County, "Greetings to General Zhao!" Zhang Liao and Zang Ba stepped forward to welcome the arrival of Zhao Feng's reinforcements. "You two generals, why do you need to be so polite!" Zhao Feng hurriedly stepped forward to return the salute. After the salutes, Zhang Liao began to describe the military situation to Zhao Feng in detail.

"Sun Ce has been besieging the city for several days, and the Shouchun defenders are also under great pressure! Right now, he is dividing his troops to attack the remaining surrounding counties, and he is waiting for the remaining isolated city of Shouchun to attack!" Zhang Liao said succinctly.

"Have you ever played in battle?" Zhao Feng asked again.

"It's time for the battle. Sun Ce and I have fought fiercely for more than a hundred rounds, and there is no winner." Zhang Liao hesitated a little at this point, and Zang Ba on the side smiled wryly and said, "The last general lost to Tai Shi." Ci, General Wu Dun was even injured by Cheng Pu, and he has not recovered yet."

"It's so?" Zhao Feng was also a little surprised.But after thinking about it again, although Zhang Liao once defeated Sun Quan in history, Li Dianle was still at the right and left arm at that time.Now Zang Ba is still a qualified helper, Wu Dun is really suspected of making up the number.And the opponent is Sun Ce, who is more powerful than Sun Quan in fighting.

"It's a pity!" Zhao Feng also secretly sighed in his heart that Sun Ce came at an untimely time.In fact, Zhao Feng thinks that it is easiest to deal with a leader like Sun Ce who has a strong sense of personal heroism. He just needs to find someone to single out him to knock him down or even kill him, and he can get twice the result with half the effort.But the problem is that Sun Ce has his capital to play like this: he has been on the battlefield all these years, and has never met any opponents. The only one who can draw with him is Tai Shici.At present, among the generals under Liu Bei's command, although there are already three of the five tiger generals in history, their martial arts are enough to defeat or even kill Sun Ce one-on-one, but it happens that all three are not there.Especially Zhao Yun, Zhao Feng reckoned that if he could fight against Sun Ce, who was not so well-known, the latter would probably subconsciously underestimate the enemy, and the chances of being killed by Zhao Yun on the spot would be very high.

Among the rest of the crowd, only Zhang Liao and himself had the highest martial arts.Since Zhang Liao was just playing in a tie, it is more likely that he himself will also be in a tie.

Suddenly, something came to Zhao Feng's mind, and he felt a little sure, but he wasn't sure yet.So he turned his head to Zhang Liao and said, "General Zhang, compared to our martial arts, you are on par with me, right?"

"That's true!" Zhang Liao was also an open-minded person, and he didn't want to deliberately please Zhao Feng just because of this moment.

"Then if I have a deadly move that I have never used with you, then you think I will suddenly use it when I am fighting Sun Ce. Is there a chance to kill him on the spot?" Zhao Feng continued to discuss.

Zhang Liao hesitated a little when he heard the words, but said cautiously: "It depends on how powerful your unique move is, General."

(End of this chapter)

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