Chapter 66 Fighting Sun Ce

"Clap clap clap!"

After nightfall in Shouchun City, the soldiers who had experienced a day of offensive and defensive battles had already fallen asleep, and were so frightened by the day's siege that they were numb to the point of numbness. But it was brightly lit. Zang Ba, Wu Dun, Ji Ling and Guan Ping were all there, staring straight at the two figures fighting fiercely in the arena.

During the day, Zhao Feng proposed to Zhang Liao that he had a unique move, but Zhang Liao was not very sure about it, so the two decided to test it out through actual combat, so Zhang Liao and Zhao Feng played a round on the school field that night.Of course, to be on the safe side, both of them used wooden sticks instead of their original weapons.

It has been eight years since Zhao Feng came to this world, and his martial arts cultivation has been improving day by day in these eight years.The current him usually uses the Taiji Spear and the Yang Family Spear in battle. After years of actual combat, he has already mastered these two spear techniques, and even if they are used together now, there is no problem.Seeing that although he is using a wooden stick now, every move should not be underestimated, and the moves are aimed at Zhang Liao's vitals.

But Zhang Liao wasn't a rookie either. Although Zhao Feng's offensive was fierce and his defense was tight, he blocked all of them with a wooden stick, and sometimes he counterattacked occasionally, which made Zhao Feng hard to defend against.It is said that Wen is like a person, but in fact, this martial arts method can better reflect a person's character. After all, it is at the juncture of life and death that a person's nature will be more thoroughly exposed.Zhang Liao is hiding needles in the cotton, while Zhao Feng is slanting his sword, the two can be regarded as a family of their own.

"Hey!" After about eighty rounds in the battle, Zhao Feng suddenly swung his gun and turned his horse's head and left. The spectators were all stunned when they saw that he retreated suddenly without showing his defeat.But Zhang Liao, who was on the scene, was only stunned for a moment, and then chased after him.Seeing that Zhang Liao was about to catch up, Zhao Feng, who had been prostrate on the horse's back all of a sudden, turned around, stepped on the stirrup with his left foot, and held the rein with his left hand, relying on these two places to support his whole body on the left side of the horse. The wooden stick pierced Zhang Liao's lower abdomen like lightning.

"Not good!" Zhang Liao saw that this move was sinister, and it was too late to dodge it, so he was firmly stabbed in the stomach.Fortunately, it was just a wooden stick, and Zhang Liao was wearing armor, so he was only stabbed back a few steps.Even so, Zhang Liao was also speechless for a while.

"General Zhang, are you okay!" Zhao Feng asked hastily, putting away the wooden stick.Zhang Liao took two deep breaths, and then sighed: "General Zhao's move is really ingenious, and Zhang Liao really can't avoid it! What is the name of this move?" Guan Ping, who was watching the battle, came back to his senses at this moment. The trick really shocked them.

"This is the last move of the Yang family's marksmanship, back to the carbine." Zhao Feng also laughed.According to legend, when the generals of the Yang family confronted the enemy in history, unless the opponent did not pursue, it was difficult to avoid this move and return the carbine.It is said that the only time Yang Zongbao missed the carbine was when he faced Mu Guiying, who was still a bandit at the time. Young master Yang couldn't bear the pain to kill him, so he just picked off Mu Guiying's earring.

"What a move to return the carbine!" Zhang Liao sighed, paused and said, "General Zhao, Sun Ce has a hot temper. If he faces this move, he will be seriously injured if he does not die!"

"Okay!" Zhao Feng's confidence in this move has greatly increased after the actual combat.At this time, Zang Ba stepped forward and said, "General Zhao, when we go to battle tomorrow, do you want to feed poison on the tip of the spear?"

"Huh?" Zhao Feng was a little surprised that Zang Ba volunteered so much. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. It would not be a good reputation to spread like this, so he declined immediately: "I don't have any deep hatred with Sun Ce, this time I just want to retreat from the enemy, not to kill or injure people." It would be best if he could be killed, but serious injuries are enough." Zang Ba nodded upon hearing this, and said nothing more.After seeing this move, everyone went back to the camp to rest and recharge their batteries.

At this time, the Jiangdong army camp was also brightly lit, "My lord, Tanma has already found out, Xuzhou sent Zhao Feng to lead [-] troops to support Shouchun!" Cheng Pu, Sun Ce's subordinate, was the first to report.

"In this way, there are almost [-] defenders in Shouchun City. My lord, a strong attack is no longer the best strategy. It is better to retreat first! Nantong County has been captured, and this trip is worthwhile!" Huang Gai on the other side also persuaded him. Remonstrance.

"Don't worry, two generals. The increase in Shouchun's garrison is not necessarily a bad thing. I have heard about Zhao Feng, let's see how he will deal with it tomorrow." Sun Ce did not immediately adopt Cheng Pu and Huang Gai's suggestions, but neither did he. It's too embarrassing for them.Cheng Pu and Huang Gai looked at each other, both feeling a little worried, but now Sun Ce, who was full of fighting spirit, obviously couldn't listen to the suggestion of retreating.

In the early morning of the next day, Sun Ce had just raised his account to discuss matters, and Tan Ma had already come to report: "My lord, the enemy army in the city challenges!"

"Oh? Who is challenging, but Zhang Liao?" Sun Ce asked after hearing the words.

"No, it's General Dangkou, Zhao Feng, Governor of Pengcheng!" Tan Ma replied.

"It really is him!" Sun Ce was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately rewarded the spies and ordered him to retreat. "My lord, why is this so?" Cheng Pu couldn't help but wondered seeing Sun Ce's excitement.

"I said yesterday that Shouchun's coming to help may not be a bad thing, because they have more troops now, and they are likely to start a field battle with our army. As long as I kill Zhao Feng today, Shouchun's defenders will definitely be shocked. On the contrary, there is an opportunity to take advantage of it!" Sun Ce said enthusiastically.

Cheng Pu was also taken aback when he heard the words, and then realized that Sun Ce's words were true, but how could Zhao Feng be killed so easily?Just as he was about to talk again, he saw that Sun Ce had already put on his clothes and rushed out to fight excitedly with a golden gun in his hand. Cheng Pu and Huang Gai quickly followed up and swept the battle for him.

"General Zhao, it's been a long time!" Before the battle between the two armies, it was inconvenient for Sun Ce to be too arrogant at the beginning, so he still had to say hello.

"It's been a long time, General Sun! I don't know why General Sun wants to use unknown soldiers to violate our borders?" Zhao Feng also performed the courtesy first.

"Hahaha!" Sun Ce suddenly looked up to the sky with a long smile, and then said: "The city of the Han family is yours alone, only the virtuous live in it! I, Sun Ce, have a strong army and a strong horse. Today I want to take Liu Bei's city from him. If you surrender, You can still save your life. If not, you will turn into the ghost of my gun!"

"What a big tone, today I will experience the power of the little overlord of Jiangdong!" Zhao Feng saw that Sun Ce was so arrogant, so he didn't say any more, and directly stepped forward to fight with his horse and gun. "Good time!" Sun Ce picked up the gold-dipped Overlord Spear beside him, and also drove his horse forward to the enemy.

"Dang!" In the first round of the two horses pedaling wrongly, the two chose to fight head-to-head. Zhao Feng felt that Sun Ce's strength was extraordinary, and he almost caught up with Zhang Fei's strange strength man. It seems that he still used it at first. The Tai Chi gun dispelled its offensive.Thinking of this, Zhao Feng also slowed down his moves, and slowly fought with Sun Ce one by one, trying to avoid hard fights.

Sun Ce only felt that his usual fierce and unparalleled spear thrusts were often ineffective like a cow falling into the sea.On the other hand, Zhao Feng, every move seems to be effortless, but his own moves and his gun barrel can't use force.Although he didn't suffer any attacks like this, the opponent was unscathed. After dozens of rounds like this, Sun Ce felt more and more aggrieved.

"Hey!" At this moment, Zhao Feng suddenly changed his moves, Yang family's marksmanship was mixed with Taiji marksmanship, each move was extremely fierce, and each move was directed at Sun Ce's vitals.Sun Ce was depressed just now, but now seeing the opponent's rushing attack, it was like a long drought and rain, and now he was attacking and attacking, shouting and fighting.

"Here!" Seeing Sun Ce stabbing himself in the left rib, Zhao Feng's thoughts turned, he gritted his teeth and forced his body to dodge to the right, but deliberately did not dodge completely.This is also what he discussed with Zhang Liao yesterday. The most important point in using the carbine is to bluff first, but how can this bluff fool the eyes of the battle-tested Sun Ce?And even if they are fans of the authorities, Cheng Pu and others who are on the sidelines for Sun CE are also experienced and will definitely see the flaws.Therefore, if you want to make this fraudulent failure look decent, you still need to spend some capital.

And this is Zhao Feng's capital.Zhao Feng intentionally did not completely dodge this shot, and Sun Ce's spear tip still brushed past his left shoulder.Not only was the left shoulder armor lifted off, but Zhao Feng felt a burning pain in his left shoulder, the flesh should be broken.

"Hey!" Zhao Feng held the gun in his right hand and the horse rein in his left hand, but took the opportunity to flee to the west.Sun Ce was excited when he succeeded with one move. Seeing that Zhao Feng was going to escape, where did he agree?Immediately drive the horse to catch up and take the opportunity to take his life.

"Ten steps, nine steps, eight steps..." Zhao Feng looked at the shadow on the ground and silently calculated the distance between the two.There is another difficulty in this move to return the carbine, that is, the back is facing the opponent, how can we know the specific position of the opponent, and how can we choose the right time to turn around and stab again?It is definitely not possible to look back. Firstly, it is time-consuming, and secondly, the opponent will inevitably become suspicious when looking back. Therefore, the best way is to determine where the opponent is chasing by looking at the shadow on the ground.It was morning at this time, Zhao Feng chose to go west, he and Sun Ce's shadows could be seen, seeing the shadow of Sun Ce on the ground getting closer and closer, Zhao Feng became more and more nervous.The silver spear in his right hand was already tightly gripped, and his left hand was desperately holding on to the rein, the blood on his left shoulder had already flowed down and he couldn't care less about it.

"Zhao Botao, die!" Seeing that Zhao Feng was close at hand, Sun Ce shouted angrily and raised his gun, about to stab Zhao Feng in the back. All Xuzhou soldiers in Shouchun City exclaimed.At this moment, a sudden change occurred. Zhao Feng, who had been running away on his horse, suddenly turned over on his horse. The whole person was hanging on the left side of the horse. He only firmly grasped the rein with his injured left arm, but stepped on the stirrup with his left foot. At the same time, the right hand tried its best to stab the silver gun in Sun Ce's lower abdomen!

"My lord, be careful!" Cheng Pu and Huang Gai, who were on the sidelines, reminded repeatedly, but they were still a step too late.Sun Ce saw Zhao Feng's gun coming, and he had no time to use his weapon to separate him, so he could only lean up and come to Tiebanqiao to avoid it.But the horse is running at a normal speed, how can it just hide and hide?Just leaning back a little, he was stabbed in the right chest by this gun.

"Ah!" Sun Ce screamed, his right hand could no longer hold the golden spear, and his left hand instinctively grabbed Zhao Feng's barrel to stop him.But Zhao Feng saw that he had been hit, and made up his mind to kill him here, so he turned over and sat back on the horse, and stabbed with all his strength with the gun in both hands.

"Plop!" With this force, the spear in Zhao Feng's hand penetrated a few more inches, and Sun Ce also fell headfirst from his horse.Zhao Feng was about to take another shot, but saw an arrow shooting towards his face.

"Crack!" Zhao Feng blocked the arrow with his spear horizontally, and a general from the Jiangdong army had already been killed. "Donglai Tai Shici is here, Zhao Feng will hurt my lord!" It was he who shot the arrow just now.

"Tai Shici?" Zhao Feng was about to fight again, but saw Sun Ce staggered up on the ground, covering the bleeding wound with his left hand, struggling to run back.At this moment, two arrows flew over Shouchun City's head, and the target was Sun Ce.After Sun Ce cleaned up, it was inconvenient for him to move, how could he avoid it?One of these two arrows hit his back and the other hit his leg. Now Sun Ce fell and couldn't get up again.

"My lord!" Cheng Pu and Huang Gai were so angry that they rushed forward together. "It's indecent to come and not to go!" Zhao Feng heard the sound and looked towards the top of the city. It was Zhang Liao and Zang Ba who were not angry with Tai Shici's assassination of people in the back, and simply used their own methods to treat him.

Seeing that Tai Shici and Cheng Pu and Huang Gai wanted to find him desperately like a bereaved concubine, Zhao Feng didn't dare to go back to Ma's own army.In the midst of his busy schedule, he turned his head to look at Sun Ce who was on the ground. He had been shot by two arrows and one shot, and he was already lying on the ground motionless, but he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

(End of this chapter)

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