Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1001 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1001 Punish Evil and Promote Good (14)
With the black smoke, Leng Ye and the others saw complete darkness in front of them, and they couldn't see their fingers.

"Brother Wuchang, even if you can rush away, we can't see the beast!" Someone said in the dark.

As soon as this person finished speaking, suddenly, countless white beams of light rose from the sky above the field of life and death.The beam of light was as thick as the mouth of a bowl. As soon as it appeared, everyone's eyes suddenly brightened up again.

"Sister Shuang'er's forbidden spell is so powerful! It hit the wall!" Bauhinia suddenly shouted.

Everyone on Leng Ye's side saw the beam of light filling the entire [-]*[-] square meter area. As soon as it fell, it hit Qin Wudi and others, and within a second, they were sent to see the King of Hades.Show the power of the priest's forbidden spell.

Immediately after the death of Qin Wudi and others, they turned into bursts of white light. Less than three seconds after the white light disappeared, they were resurrected on the spot, and the cycle continued like this...

"It's a pity that Shuang'er's forbidden spell has a time limit!" Leng Ye sighed, and shouted loudly: "Brothers and sisters, Brother Wuchang has broken through the wall of space, let's rush over... Stand up! Stand up!... ...Don't grab, each person is responsible for two..."

"Shuang'er is only level [-] at level [-] now, if it reaches level [-] at level [-], that kind of power..." Thinking of this, Leng Ye was startled.He had seen the power of Shuang'er's forbidden spell before, more than once, but it was the first time for such a powerful forbidden spell like today, and now he coveted great hopes for Shuang'er.

Shuang'er's forbidden spell lasted for more than [-] seconds, and it didn't stop until Leng Ye and others took their positions.However, in this short [-] seconds, Qin Wudi and others have died no less than forty or fifty times. According to their previous level calculations, it is almost the same even if they are not downgraded.

Through the understanding of these few days, Leng Ye knows that the life and defense of players who turn from [-] to [-] will never exceed [-] (not counting the defense of the same level, and do not add points), so, with Leng Ye's current level, it is necessary to instantly kill any [-] It shouldn't be a problem for players who transfer to level [-].At the same time, Leng Ye also learned that the attack power of players from level [-] to level [-] is an uncertain factor.Because the players from level [-] to level [-] not only have their attributes modified, but also completely inherit the skills before reincarnation.In a sense, these skills are much more powerful than those at level [-] before reincarnation.Therefore, Leng Ye knew that before killing these people until they were reincarnated, they couldn't be careless in the slightest.

This time, the 12 people with Leng Ye are Shuang'er, Bauhinia, Canghaiweilong, Wine Bottle, Black and White Impermanence, White and Black Impermanence, French Fries, Alive, Evil Soldiers, Lengyun Cthulhu, Mischievous Princess and Anchen.Among them, French fries were introduced by Jindao, Princess Mischievous is Hou Wenjia's distant cousin, and Anchen is gentle biological brother.

The reason why so many "relationship households" came in was entirely caused by Leng Ye.When the Five Emperors of Qin said to fight in groups, Leng Ye thought about it this way: too many people can't do it, too few people can't be cost-effective, too strong can't do it, too weak can't do it.Otherwise, Qin Wudi is very likely to fight cowardly, and Leng Ye will not be able to bring him closer to the life and death zone.

So, Leng Ye said to Jin Dao: "Brother, just find me a few people who are neither strong nor weak, preferably with some potential for development. Let them go through the field and practice their skills."

(End of this chapter)

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