Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1002 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1002 Punish Evil and Promote Good (15)
Jin Dao absolutely believed in Leng Ye's strength, so he took it for granted that Leng Ye had already won. The purpose of Leng Ye's doing this was nothing more than to cultivate talents. Anyway, as long as they won, these people would not be relegated, so he put the three All of them are related households with hidden occupations.These three people have not changed their professions, and their professions are all weird: Potato Fries is a Boneless Loose Man, Mischievous Princess is a lucky messenger, and Anchen is a Star Mage.

Boneless Sanren's unique skills are Golden Snake Silk Hand and Invincible Hot Wheels, Mischievous Princess' unique skill is Lucky Blessing, and Star Mage's unique skill is a skill called "Star Jue".

Hearing the names of these three professions, Leng Ye felt that their advantages are that they have a bright future and are worth cultivating. The disadvantage is that their level is too low and they are not very useful now.But considering the reasons of the related households, Leng Ye still brought them along.If it is too bad, it needs to be replenished, so Leng Ye rejected Jin Dao's offer of further recommendation, and called Cang Haiweilong and others.Afterwards, everything went so smoothly.

Although there were many people on Qin Wudi's side, their occupations were relatively concentrated. Among them, there were 11 assassins, six thieves, three fighters, and two knights.In addition to these 22 male occupations, there is also a female, who is not very beautiful, dressed in a costume, if her face is transformed, she should be a female actress.

At the end of the forbidden spell, Leng Ye happened to be standing on the dividing line between life and death to fight against the Five Emperors of Qin. among the crowd.

Although assassins and thieves have the advantage of speed, they can't take any advantage in the space that each person occupies less than two meters on average. Fight back.

Seeing that Qin Wudi didn't move, and Leng Ye didn't move, he wanted to see what Qin Wudi could do.

"Master Leng, you are really brave with thirteen enemies and twenty-three, but...but...but..." Qin Wudi said three times in a row, but he still didn't say why.

Leng Ye has been observing Qin Wudi and the situation around him. Suddenly, he saw that Hua Dan behind Qin Wudi flicked his long sleeve casually, and then he saw three small things flying towards him from the top, middle and bottom. .The speed of these three little things is extremely fast, comparable to that of He Shibi's resurrection. This is also the fastest speed that Leng Ye has seen since entering the game. Lost consciousness.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by Endurance, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

"It's him! It turned out to be him! He disappeared for so long and turned into a woman. It seems that his sunflower skills have been mastered." As soon as he was resurrected, Leng Ye quickly threw the lazy sword in his hand, and used it against Jianren. One move of flying swordsmanship, and then, with a stray step on his feet, he retreated more than three meters diagonally backward.

That's right, this "Hua Dan" is exactly the physical tenacity of being cut off by Leng Ye to trigger the ultimate hidden professional eunuch.Back then, when Sword Demon City was built, Leng Ye experienced its flying needle. What Leng Ye didn't expect was that it appeared today with Qin Wudi. What Leng Ye didn't even expect was that its sunflower magical skill The power has reached such a high level.

(End of this chapter)

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