Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1003 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1003 Punish Evil and Promote Good (16)
As a sword demon, Leng Ye has gradually revealed his attack advantage after his reincarnation. Coupled with a series of adventures, his attack power is astonishing, reaching an unfathomable level.Leng Ye is confident that with his current attack, he can instantly kill anyone, including Tenacity, but the premise of this is that he must have the opportunity to get close to Tenacity.However, as an aggressive and terrifying existence, Leng Ye also has its own fatal flaw, that is defense.Leng Ye deduces from the series of battles after reincarnation that his defense is likely to be [-], which is much worse than before reincarnation. There would have been a purple shield and it seems to be gone now.

Therefore, there are only two ways for Leng Ye to survive in front of the enemy.One is to strike first and kill the enemy, and the other is to avoid the enemy's attack until the opponent's patience is exhausted.However, these two methods have one thing in common, that is, they need the support of speed. Without the advantage of speed, Leng Ye may only be at the mercy of others.

Unfortunately, once Leng Ye met Toughness, his speed advantage completely disappeared.

At this time, players who watched the battle through various channels focused their attention on Leng Ye and Hua Dan.As soon as they saw Leng Ye retreating, someone immediately exclaimed: "Why is Leng Yingxiong still stage fright?"

"Damn! It's unreasonable, isn't it? A stinky singer who flicks his sleeves and hits the cold hero backs away. Could it be that she is releasing innate qi?"

Once upon a time, in this battle of slaughtering traitors, Leng Ye and others almost became the heroes in the minds of all players in China. It became the life code name of Qin Wudi and others.

If these people can see the resurrection of He Shibi, they will never say that Leng Ye is a stage fright; similarly, if these people can see the flying needle in Jian Jian's hand, they will never say that the existence of Xiantian Gangqi.It also just goes to show how fast tenacity can be.

As soon as Jian Jian saw the lazy sword flying, he waved his sleeves, and three silver needles were issued from his left and right hands respectively.As soon as the extremely fast silver needle hit the fast lazy sword, there was a violent collision immediately, and sparks splashed everywhere at the collision, which was deafening.In this way, Leng Ye's flying sword technique was easily dispelled by six small silver needles, which is rare in the history of Lingyun.

The field of life and death clearly stipulates that the warring parties are not allowed to use pets and mounts, but there is no explanation for the summoned objects.So, Leng Ye tried to summon all the summoned creatures with his mind at the moment Lanjian returned his hand, and to his great joy, he succeeded.

As soon as Little Sun, Ice Silkworm, Snow White, Loch Ness Monster, Somali Leopard, Nine-tailed Thousand-faced Fox and Binghuo Lihun Beast came out, they immediately performed their duties according to Leng Ye's instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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