Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1015 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1015 Punish Evil and Promote Good (28)
The real occupation of Qin Wudi is a hidden professional thief assassin.This profession is a combination of assassin and thief, and the combination method is also very simple, that is, the simple superposition of the two professions.For example, assuming that Qin Wudi is level [-], then his attributes are the sum of the attribute values ​​of a level [-] thief and a level [-] assassin, including all skills and so on.With this superposition, the Thief Assassin not only makes up for the respective shortcomings of the Thief and the Assassin, but also combines the advantages of the two to make it even stronger.Therefore, the Rogue Assassin not only has an attack that is almost comparable to a Berserker, but also has a life that is almost comparable to a Paladin, and the most terrifying thing is its superhuman speed.In a sense, the thief assassin can be regarded as one of the ultimate powerful professions in the game.

If it was an ordinary thief or assassin, he would have died with two swords, but based on the attack and defense of Qin Wudi, he would need at least three swords.He has already stabbed himself twice, and now his remaining blood volume is only one-fifth. If the third strike goes down, he will definitely die.

Seeing that the Five Emperors of Qin had really self-mutilated, almost everyone was surprised.Combined with the words of Six Fingers Thief and Qin Wudi, they felt vaguely ominous in their hearts. They knew that Qin Wudi must have a conspiracy, and they also knew that Qin Wudi must not die.However, what puzzled almost everyone was why Leng Ye stood stupidly and didn't speak.

"Fuck NMD and traitor to Qin Wudi, it's not so easy to run away." Two meters away from Qin Wudi, a tall, thin, rather handsome boy who gave people a sense of immortality shouted loudly, Then he rushed to Qin Wudi.

Because Qin Wudi was eager to die, his third sword was extremely fast. To prevent accidents, he didn't even look at the big boy, and stabbed directly.At the moment when the tip of the sword touched his chest, he laughed out loud, it was the most sincere and heartfelt laugh, with a hint of wild laughter, and a bit of a smirk at the same time.

In "Ling Yun", suicide is different from homicide.Generally speaking, once one commits suicide, the level of the whole body will be cleared, and all equipment will be exploded.So, here, the scariest thing is not that others want to kill you, but that others force you to commit suicide.Suicide is feared like a ferocious beast.Therefore, there are not many people like Qin Wudi who can face it calmly and laugh out loud before committing suicide.

It was also Qin Wudi's strange expression of relief that made everyone present feel that he couldn't die, he absolutely couldn't die.But this feeling is definitely not pity for traitors.

Just when Qin Wudi's sword was about to pierce his skin, and when everyone was exhausted, a white light fell from the sky and shone on him, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Could it be that God wants to help us?" This was the first feeling of Cang Haiweilong and others on the field of life and death.

However, to their disappointment, this white light did not stop Qin Wudi from penetrating the short sword in his hand at all.With the strength of Qin Wudi's hands, the short sword sank into his chest.That kind of scene is very similar to Little Japan committing suicide by caesarean section, the difference is that Little Japan did it by caesarean section, while Qin Wudi did stab his chest.

"Master Qin, you have learned Little Japan's signature moves so quickly, you are really competent as a lackey!"

(End of this chapter)

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