Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1016 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1016 Punish Evil and Promote Good (29)
A very familiar voice suddenly sounded in the field of life and death, and everyone present could guess that the voice came from Leng Ye without looking.As a result, Qin Wudi's people panicked, and Leng Ye's people became happy.

"Should the leader not talk to the dead?" Canghai Weilong and the others were not slow to react, and they immediately realized this. When they looked up, they found that the little sun was high above them, and they immediately understood everything: it was the cold night that made the little sun Added blood to Qin Wudi.

Of course, they also clearly understood that Qin Wudi's immortality was purely accidental. After all, no person/pet can increase the target's HP by one-third in an instant.They absolutely believed that with the attack (suicide) speed of Qin Wudi, it was far from enough to rely on the blood of a little sun.

Canghai Weilong and other elites from the Sword Demon God Palace all have extraordinary strength. No matter how powerful the Five Emperors of Qin are, if they attack together, they can still smash the Five Emperors of Qin into thousands of pieces.However, asking them to guarantee that the Five Emperors of Qin would not die was really embarrassing for them.

At this time, the big boy who fell to the ground because of being too excited grabbed Qin Wudi's legs, and before Qin Wudi was about to stab the dagger into his body again, with both hands, he smashed Qin Wudi's legs. Feet pulled off the ground.With his feet suspended in the air, due to the effect of inertia, Qin Wudi's body immediately lost his balance. His legs were forward, his head was backward, and his back was facing up. In the blink of an eye, he fell to the ground with a "dang".His head hit the ground first, and he was able to make such a loud noise that people had to admire the power of his "iron head skill".

The Fifth Emperor of Qin was hit by such a fall, he felt a severe pain in his head and fainted.What made Qin Wudi depressed and Leng Ye and others rejoiced was that such a forceful fall only caused a little compulsory damage to Qin Wudi, and did not kill him immediately.

After Qin Wudi's body completely fell to the ground, his consciousness was still "awake". He clasped his hands and "stabbed" his chest. After several failures, he found depressed that the dagger in his hand didn't know When is it gone.So, he struggled to get up.

At this time, the big boy grabbed Qin Wudi's ankles with both hands, and with a little force, he turned forward. In the blink of an eye, the big boy turned his back up and "slammed" heavily on Qin Wudi's body, and his legs , tightly clamping the head of Qin Wudi...

When Qin Wudi turned over, the big boy also turned over; when Qin Wudi got up, the big boy also got up.In short, the big boy locked Qin Wudi tightly like a snake, sticking to his body, so that he could not break free.

Suddenly, Qin Wudi had a golden dagger in his hand, and he was about to stab the big boy.Unexpectedly, the big boy "sees" Qin Wudi's conspiracy as if he had eyes on his buttocks. As soon as his legs loosen, his feet hang on the neck of the standing Qin Wudi, forming a "golden hook hanging upside down" posture. .Just like that, the dagger in Qin Wudi's hand just passed through the big boy's legs and pierced heavily into his own body. However, because the little sun had added enough blood to him, his "self-mutilation" "The blow did not kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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