Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1017 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1017 Punish Evil and Promote Good (30)
The big boy was taller than Qin Wudi. He put his hands on the ground, and his feet clamped Qin Wudi's head forcefully. With a little force on his waist, he rolled back. At the same time, Qin Wudi's head was crushed like a football. The big boy's feet were clamped, and his body was clamped together.By the time the big boy stood on his head completely, Qin Wudi's body had reached the highest point, lying horizontally, forming a vertical angle with the big boy's body.At this moment, the big boy suddenly loosened Qin Wudi's foot, and Qin Wudi flew forward like a toy plane, until he hit the single-sided crystal wall of the field of life and death.The moment Qin Wudi's head collided with the single-sided crystal wall sparked again, making people admire his iron head skills again.

After the collision, Qin Wudi's whole body was like a dead dog, leaning against the wall, falling limply, and did not move when he landed.Since his body is still there, everyone knows that he is not dead.What surprised everyone again was that although he collided violently with the wall, only the red letter "[-]" floated out from his body.

During the whole process, Leng Ye was ordering the little sun to add blood to Qin Wudi, while the others stopped fighting and quietly observed the big boy's performance.

Seeing the big boy ravage the Five Emperors of Qin in such a way, all the audience outside the life and death field clapped their hands and cheered.They wished that the big boy would continue to perform like this. In their opinion, traitors should be punished like this, which is even happier than killing them directly.

This big boy is none other than Jin Knife's related household, and the successor of the hidden profession Boneless Sanxian, French Fries.It can be seen from the action of him ravaging Qin Wudi just now that his body is very flexible, as if he has no bones in his whole body.From Leng Ye's point of view, that kind of toughness has far surpassed that of Jin Nanyan, who was born in dance.

This big boy is not really boneless, on the contrary, he has strong bones and a strong body, which can be seen from the fact that he can easily pick up Qin Wudi.And the real reason for his soft body lies in his special professional skill Golden Snake Silk Winding Hand.

The Golden Snake Silk Hand is one of the two special skills of the hidden professional Boneless Sanren. Once this skill is used, the big boy's body is like a golden snake, tightly entwining the enemy and interfering with the enemy's normal actions.Different from ordinary attack skills, the attack of this skill is only [-], but as long as the enemy's [-] life is knocked out, there is a certain chance to stun the enemy for [-] seconds.In this sense, this skill is similar to the ten-finger piercing needle.

"Boss, did he steal your dagger?" Chips asked immediately after knocking Qin Wudi out.

"He stole the Yamato dagger, can you get it back from him?" Leng Ye asked.

"Master, that needs thieves to steal it." Chips said.

At this moment, not only Leng Ye was depressed, but everyone in the Sword Demon Palace was also depressed.For no reason, who would take a thief to a life-and-death battle!

Suddenly, the Thief of Six Fingers said, "Master Leng, please give me a chance to redeem my sins." Before Leng Ye could answer, he quickly came to Qin Wudi's side, and started groping with his hands indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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