Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1021 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1021 Punish Evil and Promote Good (34)
Tenacity has consumed almost all of his patience due to excessive power, and the new patience has not yet grown up. Therefore, although the "silver needle" he issued is almost exactly the same as the previous one, no matter in terms of strength, speed or accuracy. There is a big gap from before.This kind of silver needles fired without using the essence of the sunflower magic skill could not even penetrate Leng Ye's Broken Arrow Stance, and died one by one as soon as they touched the sword screen of the Broken Arrow Stance.

Seeing that the silver needles could not harm Leng Ye, Jian Jian suddenly changed his target and pointed at Shuang'er next to him. Six needles were fired at once, and all of them penetrated into Shuang'er's body, instantly killing Shuang'er.It can be seen that the tenacious Yuwei is still quite powerful.

"Damn it, how dare you hit my Shuang'er, I want you to pay with your blood!" Leng Ye said angrily, with a thought, a teleportation came to the back of the tough, holding the lazy sword tightly, using all his strength, facing He used "Wrath of the God of War" on the back of his head.What surprised Leng Ye was that when the lazy sword touched Jian Jian, it made a loud "dang" sound, and then was bounced back. At the same time, only a "[-]" floated on Jian Jian's head. Red lettering.

The world's great wonders.With Leng Ye's high attack, one sword strike, even if the toughness has ten times or twenty times the life, it will definitely die, but, to everyone's surprise, the lazy sword did not break the toughness' defense, which also let Leng Ye Extremely depressed.

"Master, I have already tested all the skills of Toughness with Xingyue Phantom Array, and one of them is immune to physical attacks. Use magic attacks instead." An Chen said with all her strength.Because he doesn't have his own palace, he uses the "ten-finger piercing needle" learned from tenacity, and his body is very weak. At this time, he is squatting in a corner of the field of life and death to rest.

"Immune to physical attacks?" Leng Ye was taken aback, and glanced at Qin Wudi, and found that Qin Wudi was no longer so handsome, that is to say, he had already been demoted.But Leng Ye found that the offensive of Canghai Weilong and others was slowing down, and the swords in the hands of the evil soldiers and Lengyun evil god basically could not cause too much damage to the five emperors of Qin.Leng Ye knew that the reason for this phenomenon was that their patience was almost exhausted in the fierce battle just now.

Compared with the dumb fires of Canghai Weilong and others, Qin Wudi's advantages gradually emerged. With his speed advantage, he broke through the encirclement of the crowd and shuttled among them with ease.

"If you go to fight Qin Wudi by yourself, then no one can deal with Toughness. The bad thing is, I'm afraid no one can block Toughness's silver needle." Thinking like this, Leng Ye subconsciously turned the wedding ring in his hand, overjoyed , because he didn't hear the system's message that the other party was offline, and then saw Shui Rulan appearing in front of him.

"Lan Lan, go and deal with the Five Emperors of Qin." Leng Ye ordered, he absolutely believed that Shui Rulan could kill the Five Emperors of Qin with her patience and the advantage of the Dragon Slaying Saber.Then they called the brothers and sisters alive and free, and dealt with the tenacity of the shemale with all their strength.

What Anchen said is correct, tenacity is indeed immune to physical attacks, but his magic defense is very low.As soon as the Lianzhu fireball in the living hand hits Tough's body, it can immediately "burn" [-] of his blood, and this skill can be used twice a second, easily destroying [-] of Tough's life.

(End of this chapter)

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