Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1022 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1022 Punish Evil and Promote Good (35)
Although the free brothers and sisters are not at high levels (both from level [-] to level [-]), their skills are very powerful. Like An Chen, they also have a skill called "Liang Yi" (one of the skills of the gods and ghosts, which can Send out the powerful white instrument and black instrument to attack the enemy respectively, because the magic symbols issued are very similar to the two instruments divided into Tai Chi, hence the name) instant skill, quite powerful.Once this skill is used, no matter whether it is Bai Yi or Hei Yi, as long as they hit Jian Jian's body, they can immediately knock out more than [-] of Jian Jian's blood.What is even more shocking is that when the black yi and white yi of the free brothers and sisters appear at the same time, they will automatically combine before they touch the target to form a perfect Tai Chi ball.The Tai Chi ball will automatically enter the target's body and explode, causing huge damage to the target. This is the combination skill of Yin and Yang.As soon as the combination of yin and yang came out, it penetrated into the tough body and exploded. With the astonishing "[-]" scarlet letter floating up, it instantly killed him without leaving a trace of ashes.The only fly in the ointment is that the cooldown time of the "Liangyi" skill of the free brothers and sisters is too long, it takes [-] seconds, otherwise they will be so tough that they cannot turn over...

Of course Tough knew his own weakness, so he did everything possible to shoot cold arrows at the three people behind Leng Ye.However, how could his tricks be hidden from Leng Ye's eyes.As soon as the flying needles came out, Leng Ye immediately used the Broken Arrow Style, and just like that, all the silver needles were cut off one by one by Leng Ye's sword screen before reaching the target.

Look at the Five Emperors of Qin again.

After being relegated, the overall strength of Qin Wudi has been greatly inferior to before, especially the sudden drop in speed, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.Qin Wudi, who just broke out from the encirclement of Canghai Weilong and others by virtue of his patience, was depressed to find that the water was blue.Qin Wudi knew that with his own speed advantage, even two Shui Rulans would not be opponents. However, what made him depressed was that once Shui Rulan used the unique skill (seven life-killing swords), the Dragon Slaying Saber in her hand was like a long sword. It was attacking him as if his eyes were closed, and every move would hit his vitals, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't dodge it.Fortunately, Shui Rulan's skill could not be fired continuously, otherwise Qin Wudi absolutely believed that he would be finished.

Qin Wudi knew that it was impossible to steal the Yamato dagger from Leng Ye again. What he wanted to do most now was to unite with tenacity to kill Leng Ye back to level zero, so that he could make a deal with Shenwu Liulang, in order to achieve the goal of "raise the price" "the goal of.Therefore, he deliberately avoided the attacks of Shui Rulan and others, and specially dealt with Leng Ye.However, what made Qin Wudi depressed was that the artifact short sword in his hand (attack [-], has a [-] (percent sign) chance of hitting double attack, [-] (percent sign) chance of hitting [-] times attack and [-] (percent sign) No.) chance to hit [-] times the attack) seems to have suddenly failed, each time it can only knock out more than [-] damage to Leng Ye, but the above multiple attacks have never appeared once.

(End of this chapter)

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