Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1026 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1026 Punish Evil and Promote Good (39)
As soon as the tenacious words fell, dense "needle rain" immediately fell over the field of life and death. It was fast and fierce, making it impossible to hide and guard against.As soon as the needle rain hit Canghai Weilong and the others, it killed them one by one within three seconds.In a sense, this kind of needle rain is better than Shuang'er's forbidden spell.

After being washed by the rain of needles, after 5 minutes, only Leng Ye, Tough and the little thief in the corner remained in the field of life and death.And the 12 people brought by Leng Ye died under the rain of needles without exception, changed back to level [-], and were sent out of the field of life and death.

Leng Ye didn't expect tenacity to have such a powerful move. He guessed that this must be the skill of Phoenix after rebirth, and he was very depressed. It's not surprising that the 'Needle Rain' was released!"

Leng Ye is not afraid of tough tricks, because he has a yellowing ability, and after being blessed by the naughty princess, the yellowing skill has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Huanghua: God-level passive skill, when attacked by the outside world, there is a [-] (percent) chance to convert the enemy's attack into one's own life with [-] times the value.

Take "needle rain" as an example, if eight needles hit Leng Ye's body at the same time, there will be a [-] (percentage sign) chance to convert the needle's attack into Leng Ye's life by [-] times the value, in other words In other words, there is a [-] (percent) chance that it will not work against Cold Night.Although this is only a matter of chance, it is definitely not an easy task to reduce Leng Ye from level [-] in one reincarnation to level [-] before reincarnation.With the help of the "Huinting" skill, Leng Ye only died once under the rain of needles (He Shibi also played a role), which is the best testimony.

"Hahahaha! Leng Ye, the outside world has told you that you are miraculous. I didn't believe it before, but now I admire you a little bit. You are the first one who can survive under the flying needle that I just comprehended. However, I think it's also the last one." Tough smiled.

"Although your flying needle is powerful, I'm still living here. If you have any unique skills, just tell me!" Leng Ye said.

"Haha! Want to provoke me? I have plenty of ways to kill you, but I don't have time now. My Liulang will be very happy to see me, maybe he is waiting for me to go back now! ... I almost forgot, And the Yamato dagger, if you don't hand it over, I'll take it myself." Jian Jian said without blushing, most likely he took the wrong medicine.

"It's not that easy to get Yamato Dagger, unless you kill me!" Leng Ye said confidently.

"Haha! Then I'll take it myself." As soon as Jian Jian finished speaking, he waved his sleeves, turned his fists into palms, and performed his unique skill "Ten Fingers Piercing the Heart Needle" again.Then, ten black silver needles shot out from its slender white fingers as if soaked in poison, and flew towards Leng Ye with lightning speed, leaving ten black thin streaks in the air like shooting stars. The whole root of the thread was submerged into Leng Ye's body...

It was almost exactly the same as the previous time, as soon as the ten-finger piercing needle came out, Leng Ye became stiff again, standing like a zombie, only thinking remained.

(End of this chapter)

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