Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1027 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1027 Punish Evil and Promote Good (40)
Although the audience outside could only see the image but not hear the sound inside, they were all concerned, worried about Leng Ye's comfort, and expected a miracle to happen.

At this moment, Jian Jian laughed loudly, then turned his head and said to the thief in the corner: "What are you doing stupidly, don't hurry up and steal!"

The thief in the corner might have been frightened dumb by the fierce battle, squatting on the ground, his eyes glazed over, his face extremely ugly, like a dead body.After repeating tenaciously three times, he stood up slowly, like a robot, walking towards Leng Ye step by step, his movements were extremely slow, comparable to a snail.

"Can you fucking hurry up!" Tough couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed loudly.It never thought that the thief was quite tempered, and after hearing this sentence, he stopped and remained motionless.

The tough face suddenly darkened. Normally, it would have killed the thieves long ago. However, people had to bow their heads under the eaves. For the sake of Yamato, it endured.Seeing that the thief still didn't move, he became tenacious and anxious. You must know that the effective time of the ten-finger piercing needle is only a short [-] seconds. If the [-] seconds pass, it will be too late for the thief to start.In desperation, Jian Jian picked up the thief and moved it in front of Leng Ye.

At this moment, the thief said: "I want a magic weapon!" Its voice was very small and vague, but it could be discerned from it.

"As long as you steal the Yamato dagger first, I'll give you whatever you want!" Tough said anxiously.

The thieves didn't seem to buy tough tents, and shook their heads.

Tough and helpless, he actually took out an earring and handed it to the thief.However, the thief didn't seem to show much interest in the artifact in front of him, and slowly reached out to take it.

"There are [-] seconds left, steal it!" Tough urged.

The thief still stretched out his right hand very slowly, touching Leng Ye's body.However, when the thief's hand touched Leng Ye's body, two seconds had already passed.Tenacity was so angry that his face turned blue and green, and he turned into a full-fledged ice beauty.

As soon as the time for the ten-finger needle piercing came, Leng Ye made a stray step and retreated more than [-] meters away, looking very proud.However, he was not happy for too long, and after about [-] seconds, he was hit again.What makes Leng Ye depressed is that with his current speed, there is no way to dodge the attack of the "Silver Needle".

"Er Gouzi, hurry up the fuck, did you take the wrong medicine today?" Tough said angrily.

However, Er Gouzi seems to have taken the wrong medicine, and he still doesn't buy tenacity.However, after all, he took an artifact of tenacity, he didn't stop this time, and walked slowly towards Leng Ye.In the end, he was caught in front of Leng Ye again by Toughness like a chick.

Er Gouzi is very "dedicated", and has been touching Leng Ye's body for nearly [-] seconds, from head to toe, without letting go.However, his dedication was a bit too much, until the ten-finger needle failed again, and after Leng Ye ran away again, his hands were still touching and grasping in the air, and he didn't know whether he wanted to grab oxygen or not. nitrogen.

"Did you steal it?" Tough asked anxiously.

This time, Ergou reacted quickly and shook his head quickly, but he disappointed the tenacity.

(End of this chapter)

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