Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1033 "Reporter" Reception

Chapter 1033 "Reporter" Reception (3)
"Hehe, I will control every word and deed of the fake Er Gouzi, so it's a waste of time! Bing'er will make me a bowl of bastard soup later in the evening." Leng Ye laughed.His smirk was immediately rolled by the eyes of the women.

"Husband, you ordered Black and White Wuchang to release black smoke for the second time, right? The purpose is to take the opportunity to kill the real Ergouzi, and then replace it with fake Ergouzi?" Jin Xing asked again.

"Haha! My Jin'er is so smart. I didn't expect you to guess my trick of deception." Leng Ye laughed.

"Husband, I remember that the shemale was staring at you all the time, and your every move, every word and deed must not be able to escape its eyes, so how did you complete the subterfuge?" Jin Xing asked.

Leng Ye smiled and said: "I think it's better for your Sister Shuang'er to answer this question."

Shuang'er: "I have been paying attention to every move of my husband on the board. I clearly remember that my husband first winked at Black and White Wuchang, and then looked at me. From the look in my husband's eyes, I guessed that my husband has The idea of ​​killing thieves. My husband winks at Hei Wu Chang, which means to let him release smoke. This is agreed in advance. Since I often play the "cross-eye" game with my husband, I can quickly guess what he is thinking. , This is also the reason why my husband looked at me for the second time. He looked at Sister Lan again, and I knew that my husband wanted Sister Lan to kill the thief. In the end, my husband actually looked at the naughty princess. I was also confused at the time, but , When I think that the eyes of the naughty princess can see everything in the dark, I understand everything. Simply put, this is how I understand my husband's meaning: after black and white impermanence emits black smoke, the field of life and death will be dark I couldn't see my fingers, and then I asked the naughty princess to take Sister Lan to the side of the thief and killed the thief. Finally, my husband used Ruyi to transform into a thief. Since we women are not tough targets, we privately No matter how you communicate, you won't attract Tough's attention. Husband, am I right?"

"My Shuang'er is so smart, she's perfect." Leng Ye praised.To be exact, Shuang'er is the smartest among Leng Ye's several wives.It is admirable to be able to figure out the thoughts in Leng Ye's mind in a short period of time with just a few glances.

"Husband, what do you think is the purpose of Little Japan's willingness to take back the Yamato dagger at all costs?" Jin Xing asked again.

"Toughness is crazy, self-confident, and probably won't lie. The reason why Rokuro Shenwu wanted Yamato Dagger is probably to complete a mysterious mission. According to my analysis, this mission is likely to be related to two things." Leng Ye said.

"What are the two?"

"The founding decree and the Yamato dagger."

When Leng Ye said this, the girls were all shocked.They all know the value of these two things, any one of them is worth hundreds of billions of gold coins.

Afterwards, Shuangju took up the topic again and asked, "Husband, why do you think tenacity should work hard for Shenwu Liulang?"

Leng Ye smiled, and said: "Being tenacious and becoming a woman after practicing the Sunflower Magic Kungfu is quite lonely. Naturally, I want to find a man to comfort me. But look at his appearance, who can fall in love with him. Can Shenwu Liulang like him?" Him? A ghost would believe it! That's Shenwu Rokuro using him."

(End of this chapter)

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