Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1034 "Reporter" Reception

Chapter 1034 "Reporter" Reception (4)
"Husband, how do you say swear words!!!"

"Can't help it! Can't help it!"

"Then why do you think the Fifth Emperor of Qin would help Shenwu Liulang at all costs?" Shuangju continued to ask.

"It's the same as your Sister Shuang'er's question. It involves 'state secrets'. Let's talk about it when you ask the next question." Leng Ye continued to play tricks.

"Husband, isn't your ring of space non-stealable? Are you sure the Yamato dagger was stolen from there?" The Ice Witch suddenly asked such a question.

"Yes, the ring of space does have such an attribute. However, there is no absolutely impenetrable wall in this world, and there is no safe that cannot be opened. What's more, this is just a game, and anything can happen in it. Mo Da Restaurant, I heard from An Chen that the "Ten Finger Piercing Needle" he learned from Tough can paralyze a person, so that any thief has a [-] (percentage) chance of stealing from the paralyzed player. There is one and only one piece of equipment that does not recognize the owner. I think this is the reason why the five emperors of Qin stole the Yamato dagger after I was hit by the ten-finger heart needle. Based on this, I guess there are so many artifacts in the hands of tenacity , Job transfer scrolls and the like are all obtained by such despicable means, no wonder it is so generous!" Leng Ye analyzed.Then he took out the three things that the fake Ergouzi "extorted" from Jianjian and put them on the table.

Looking at these three "stolen goods", the women admired Leng Ye even more in their hearts.

"Husband, what do you think of the performance of the three untransformed people, Potato Chips, Mischievous Princess, and Anchen? Did you bring them on purpose or not?" The Ice Witch asked again.

Leng Ye stretched out two fingers, and said: "Two words: luck! First, if there is no golden snake silk wrapping hand for French fries, Qin Wudi will commit suicide, and then he will use the rebirth bracelet to directly carry the Yamato dagger Gone; secondly, if there is no Xingyue phantom array of stars, we will not be able to penetrate into the bracelet of rebirth, and we will not be able to "steal" the Yamato dagger back; thirdly, if there is no naughty princess... there is no naughty princess... ...That dead girl, really pissed me off!"

"Didn't the naughty princess bring you any?"

"The light is messing up!" Leng Ye blurted out, paused, and said again: "However, when it comes to bringing me luck, this little girl really contributed a lot. She added a skill called "Lucky Blessing" to me, Afterwards, I found that the probability of all probabilistic skills on my body and Lazy Sword has doubled. Especially the "Yellow Flower" skill, originally only had a [-] (percentage) chance, and after adding blessings, it has a [-] (hundred percent) chance. semicolon), which basically guarantees that I will be able to live well after six or ten needles of tenacity."

"There is such a perverted skill?" The girls waited, pale with shock.

Then, Mercury asked again, saying, "Honey, did you fall off the Loch Ness Monster on purpose or by accident? There are three people below, why did you fall on the back of the naughty princess? Did you want to eat her tofu or treat her?" Any other ideas?"

(End of this chapter)

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