Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 106 Personal Contest

Chapter 106 Personal Contest (1)
As soon as the Ice Witch appeared on the stage, she received a warm welcome from all players in China.Twenty-nine years old, beautiful and moon-like, with a plump body, dressed in green clothes, it adds a bit of charm.There is a green dragon vaguely alive on the green clothes, ready to go, this should be the magic weapon suit "Blue Dragon Suit" of the Ice Witch.

On the other hand, Leng Ye, except for the decent soft sword in his hand, is a complete beggar. Those players who put their treasures on him before all had the idea of ​​suicide.

The Ice Witch performed her stunt on the stage: "Ice Demon Flurry".This skill is one of the ultimate skills of ice mages, and no one will feel any surprise when it appears on the ice witch who has artifacts and beasts.

The ruthless ice, with its evil spirit, hit Leng Ye's body heavily. Leng Ye's whole body was icy cold, and he didn't have any resistance immediately.

When Leng Ye was dying, the Ice Witch put away her magic, walked to the side of Leng Ye surrounded by ice and said, "Brother Leng, as long as you listen to me and love me wholeheartedly, I will give you this championship." .”

Leng Ye was furious when he heard the words, wishing to tear the Ice Witch's body into pieces.

Seeing Leng Ye's expression, the Ice Witch said: "Brother Leng, you also know that so many people in the audience have seen it, and they will definitely say how shameless I am as a woman, but I just want to prove that people really like it. Yours. Are you reluctant to part with your Shuang'er? You know, she is far behind me no matter in reality or in the game, besides, I will definitely serve you comfortably in the future."

Leng Ye heard the words and said: "Shuang'er is not as good as you, she is not as shameless as you, you bastard!"

"My surname is Leng, don't be so ignorant of flattery, let me show you the power of the divine beast." The ice witch said and summoned the divine beast Qinglong.

But at the same time that Qinglong came out, a big bird also appeared in front of Qinglong.This big bird is Leng Ye's pet, the golden-winged roc.

The golden-winged roc gave a long cry, and the divine beast Qinglong gradually shrunk until it became a small snake as thick as a finger, and crawled back into the ice witch's pet space.

The Ice Witch was furious, and cast all kinds of ice spells on the frozen Leng Ye, and finally swung the divine weapon, the Azure Dragon Staff, but still did not kill Leng Ye.The Ice Witch discovered this before, so she flattered Leng Ye.Because Shao Jingyan said that as long as the Ice Witch wins the game, she will be given a bonus of [-] million, and if anyone pulls Leng Ye to Shao Jingyan's side, she will be given a bonus of [-] million.

As Leng Ye's anger rose, the red and black protective cover on his body reappeared, and slowly expanded outward, breaking through the shackles of the ice soon.Leng Ye raised the Ziwei Soft Sword and stabbed at the Ice Witch's chest.

However, something other than Leng Ye's surprise happened. The moment the soft sword pierced the Ice Witch's chest, the soft sword was bounced back by a powerful force.Leng Ye quickly took a few steps back, almost falling to the ground.

"Haha, it's not that easy to break my blue dragon suit! I advise you to surrender obediently, so that you can get me as an extra, with no loss." The Ice Witch's sinister laughter rang out on the field.

(End of this chapter)

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