Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 107 Personal Contest

Chapter 107 Personal Contest (2)
Leng Ye attacked the Ice Witch again, but he didn't expect the Ice Witch to block with her arms. Whenever she touched the green dragon suit, Leng Ye would be bounced back viciously.

When the Ice Witch was immersed in mocking Leng Ye, Leng Ye suddenly raised the Ziwei soft sword and stabbed the Ice Witch's throat.Without the protection of the blue dragon suit, blood flowed from the throat immediately.The Ice Witch also fell down unwillingly.

System prompt: Congratulations to player Leng Ye for winning this game.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for winning the individual championship of the martial arts competition. The system rewards a piece of Tianshu jade with [-] reputation.

System Announcement: The Martial Arts Tournament in China has officially ended.

This martial arts competition has produced two people, one is Leng Ye, and the other is the more famous slut Ice Witch.Even more spurned by those players who bought her victory.

Without accepting everyone's celebration, Leng Ye went offline directly, and she wanted to tell Shuang'er the good news first, even if she already knew it.

As soon as Leng Ye walked into the living room, he heard the doorbell ring.Leng Ye opened the door and saw that it was Shuang'er who came.

"Honey, woo woo woo..." Shuang'er threw herself into Leng Ye's arms and began to cry. It was not over until Leng Ye comforted her for a long time.Shuang'er also slowly told Leng Ye the reason.

It turned out that one of Shuang'er's father's subordinates entered "Ling Yun" and accidentally triggered a hidden professional gambler.Ouyang Long opened that small casino.Considering all aspects, Ouyang Long found a strong partner and started the activity of guessing the results of the martial arts competition.

Through various investigations, they had no doubt about Leng Ye's strength, so they offered quite high odds for Leng Ye.But I didn't expect the ice witch's strength to be so strong.Even so, the total amount of betting between Leng Ye and Ice Witch is the same, so if Leng Ye loses, they will still make money.But just in the last minute before the start of the game, a huge sum of money was suddenly involved in the quiz, and the treasure was placed on the Ice Witch.If according to the agreement with Leng Ye, Leng Ye loses, then the betting shop will lose the money, and even Shuang'er's father's company will go bankrupt.But it was too late to inform Leng Ye.

Leng Ye wanted to lose the game before it started, so he didn't use the "magic breaking style" to resist.Later, when the Ice Witch made such a fuss, Leng Ye was overwhelmed by anger, and his desire to win became even stronger.Leng Ye's unintentional result not only increased his reputation, but also brought a huge turning point for Shuang'er's father's company.That's why Shuang'er shed tears just now, tears of excitement, tears of joy.

"Here, the money has arrived." "Shuang'er said and handed Leng Ye's smart identification card to him.

"How much?" Leng Ye asked excitedly.

"Check it out." Shuang'er said.

When Leng Ye heard a lot of zeros reported on the phone, Leng Ye excitedly picked up Shuang'er and kissed her.

"Honey, what do you plan to do with the money?" Shuang'er asked.

(End of this chapter)

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