Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1071 Super God Beast Flounder King

Chapter 1071 Super God Beast Flounder King (25)
"Isn't the Immortal Imaginary Sword just a way to break the confusion formation? I can just run out." Realizing this, Leng Ye closed his eyes and stepped on his feet until he felt that he had run at least ten meters away. Just stopped.

"That's not right! I'm surrounded by the seven clones of Little Ice Dragon, how can I be unimpeded? They won't follow me, right?" Leng Ye wondered.At this moment, Leng Ye was very cautious, and he had to be like this. If he opened his eyes rashly, he might fall into the "illusion" again and be killed.If so, he would most likely be sent back to the city.

"Haha~~Yes!" Leng Ye secretly laughed, then summoned Xiaobai, and then heard the system's notification sound.

System prompt: The player is in the psychedelic fairy sword, and the mount summoning failed.

"The Lazy Sword Summoner is ready!!! Look at the magic of the Binghuo Lihun Beast and it won't kill you..." Leng Ye waved the Lazy Sword in his hand, and as soon as his thoughts came out, he heard the hateful notification sound from the system again , I am very depressed at the moment.

Just when Leng Ye was racking his brains to think of other feasible solutions, he suddenly heard the sound of a woman laughing wildly.He could hear that the voice was from the little ice dragon. After the laughter, he heard the little ice dragon say in an arrogant voice: "There is no one alive under the magic sword, Leng Ye, you can't escape, or Open your eyes obediently, and grab it with your arms loose!"

"If you tell me to open it, I will open it! Damn, what the hell are you!" Leng Ye said angrily.Leng Ye originally didn't want to swear in front of the woman, even though he was an enemy, but at this moment, he had no way to escape from the Immortal Imaginary Sword, he wanted to use this to anger the little ice dragon, so as to find a loophole.

"Leng Ye, there is no way for anyone to escape from the Immortal Imaginary Formation. You close your eyes and obediently wait for death! Our noble dragons have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, while your humble humans only last a few decades. Haha~~ I have plenty of time to wait for you... I am bound to get the spirit of the earth!" Little Ice Dragon said easily.

"Illusory Immortal Formation? Isn't it Immortal Immortal Sword?" Leng Ye was confused again.

"Could it be that I really can't escape the Immortal Magic Array?" Leng Ye was dubious about the little ice dragon's words.

"How can you catch tiger cubs if you don't enter the tiger's lair? Even if I know it's a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair, I'm going to break into it today!" Leng Ye had no choice but to open his eyes, and then his eyes blurred again.

Suddenly, Leng Ye was shocked when he saw a girl in a white dress appearing in front of him.Because, the girl standing in front of him was none other than Xue'er who just broke up with him half a year ago.

"Xue...Xue' that you?" Leng Ye looked at the opposite girl with unbelievable eyes, and asked foolishly. At this moment, there was an indescribable joy in his heart, and he was even more excited.

The girl met Leng Ye with her big round eyes, her face was expressionless, she gently parted her red lips, and murmured in a low voice: "'Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, what you see may not be true, what you hear may not be true, true and false, false True or false, all scenes are illusions. Remember, remember~~'"

(End of this chapter)

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