Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1072 Super God Beast Flounder King

Chapter 1072 Super God Beast Flounder King (26)
After saying this, the girl disappeared.


Leng Ye yelled loudly, however, he had no way to keep this most beloved and most important woman in his life.

Rubbing his eyes, Leng Ye found that Shuang'er, Xuemei, and the quintuplets appeared in front of him at some point, and they were all naked, looking extremely flirtatious.

"Illusion? Is it an illusion? Maybe I miss her too much." Thinking of this, Leng Ye looked around and found no one, so he hurriedly took out a few sets of women's clothes from the ring of space , Throwing it to Shuang'er and the others, and shouted sharply: "It's so unreasonable to run around naked in broad daylight! Willing to take off and go back to the bedroom!"

When Leng Ye said this, his attitude was extremely hard, and there was a hint of anger. This was the first time he was aggressive towards a woman. As for why, he couldn't say, maybe he was affected by hallucinations.

To Leng Ye's dismay, several girls threw all the clothes Leng Ye gave them on the ground. After that, they immediately held hands, surrounded Leng Ye, and danced the "savage dance".

"Pick it up!" Leng Ye pointed his sword at the clothes on the ground and shouted loudly.

The girls said nothing.

At this time, Shuang'er suddenly walked in. Once upon a time, she also had a sword that was exactly the same as Lazy Sword in her hand.She didn't say much, she held the sword in both hands and slashed at Leng Ye's body.

"Shuang'er is a little priest who has no strength to restrain a chicken. Even if she uses a sword, how much blood can she kill?" Leng Ye stood still quietly, but, to his surprise, just at this sword When he raised it high and fell rapidly, he could see that the sword was extremely fast and powerful, and he felt a powerful murderous aura from it.In an instant, "color is emptiness,...", this sentence flashed in Leng Ye's mind, Leng Ye immediately realized that it was not good, and with a stray step under his feet, he was already two meters to the right, heavily It hit Mars who was holding hands.

"Damn it! You don't need to murder your husband if you say a few words!" Leng Ye said angrily, as if he had taken a gunpowder. I'm afraid even he himself didn't know why it happened.

The girls remained silent.

Suddenly, Leng Ye felt as if two round soft things pushed her back. Looking back, it was the two "beauties" of Huo Huo, and then saw Huo Huo's upper body straightened up, and pushed herself to the middle of the field .

"Damn it! Huo'er, I haven't seen you for a few days, you've made progress!" Leng Ye blurted out, and then he saw the sword in Shuang'er's hand attacking him again, the attack was more fierce than last time.

"Dare to play swords with me, it's like playing with an ax!" Leng Ye thought so, swiped the lazy sword in his hand, and used a broken sword style, preemptively, directly stabbing Shuang'er's right wrist.Blood flowed from Shuang'er's wrist immediately, and the pain caused the sword in her hand to fall to the ground.

"Anyway, it's just a game, take some blood medicine and it will make up for it." Leng Ye looked at Shuang'er's bleeding wrist, and in normal times, he wouldn't even move a finger of them.

(End of this chapter)

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