Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1073 Super God Beast Flounder King

Chapter 1073 Super God Beast Flounder King (27)
As soon as the words fell, Leng Ye immediately realized that something was wrong.Because he really saw that just after he stabbed Shuang'er with the sword just now, a big red letter "[-]" floated out of her body.

"Shuang'er is a priest, how could there be so much snow?" Leng Ye was shocked, "Could it be that this is a change from a monster? No wonder it is so vicious to me!"

Leng Ye immediately used a magic spell on Shuang'er in front of her, and was shocked when she saw the other party's attributes.

Fan Xianlong: Eudemons, life [-] million, attack [-], defense [-], speed [-], skill: can equip phantom sword.

Phantom sword: phantom weapon, with a chance of attacking [-], [-] (percent sign) to instantly kill all enemies whose level is lower than that of the sword user.

"I knew it was impossible for Shuang'er to murder her husband. It turned out to be a phantom beast." Leng Ye murmured, and then looked at the girls around him. When the magic spell came out, they were all phantom beasts~ ~ Fan Xianlong.

"What you see may not be true, what you hear may not be true, true and false, false and true, all scenes are all illusions... so they are all illusions!" At this time, Leng Ye gradually understood the meaning of this sentence.

"But why does Mi Xianlong have to transform into Shuang'er and the others? How can I do this?" However, Leng Ye soon understood the deep meaning: "This is the same as 'Thinking every day, dreaming at night' 'Should be a reason, right? It (Fantasy Dragon) is to conjure up the closest relatives in your heart or subconscious, so as to be able to do evil things, after all, the probability on the phantom sword is not [-] (percent sign)."

Of course, Leng Ye is just a random guess.

"I was almost deceived by them. Since they are all illusions, there is no human kindness at all." Leng Ye stepped on the footsteps, jumped to the back of Fake Shuang'er, closed her eyes, and pointed at her back. Out of a move God of War.

Then, Leng Ye heard the system beep.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye kills his spouse, Han Shuang'er, the levels of both parties will be reduced by [-] levels, and the marriage relationship will be terminated.

"Divorced?" Hearing this, Leng Ye was dumbfounded, that bitter feeling immediately rushed into his heart, and suddenly, he felt his heart aching like a knife.

Three seconds later, Leng Ye just opened his eyes and saw Xuemei attacking him with a phantom sword. Although he knew that Xuemei was a fake, he couldn't guarantee whether the system would hit her after killing her. One after another.Of course, he wouldn't be caught without a fight, so he quickly used the Lost Step to escape.

The more Leng Ye hides, the more vigorously Fake Xuemei chases her.

"It's not an option to go on like this!" Leng Ye said depressedly.He looked at the women around him again, they were still holding hands, but because there was one person missing, the circle was even smaller.

"It's a good thing they didn't go together, otherwise my life would end here." Leng Ye rejoiced secretly.

"Can the divorce be reconciled? This is acceptable to me, but they are not allowed to hang themselves without knowing it. What should I do? What should I do?" Leng Ye was completely confused.

(End of this chapter)

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