Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1074 Super God Beast Flounder King

Chapter 1074 Super God Beast Flounder King (28)
Suddenly, that "Flying Sound from Beyond the Sky" reappeared in Leng Ye's mind.

"Since there are all phantom beasts here, maybe it's also an illusion! What is an illusion? It should be a place where people have illusions, but everything is fake!" Leng Ye thought.

"'What I hear may not be true', why did I almost forget this point. Since the system can use phantom beasts to transform into Shuang'er, it must also be able to give me fake notification sounds." Thinking of this, Leng Ye My heart was relieved again.

However, when Leng Ye opened his attributes and saw that his level had indeed decreased, even though he still struggled with the idea that "seeing may not be believing", he couldn't help but feel worried.After all, anything can happen in this game.

After receiving so many blows in a row and still not falling down, people have to admire Leng Ye's self-regulation ability and the strong endurance of the heart.

Just when Leng Ye saw the sword in Xuemei's hand stabbing her face again, he flashed and quickly came to Xuemei's back, and then used the wrath of God of War. The red words floated up, and Fake Xuemei disappeared together with the phantom sword in her hand.

After that, Venus (false) walked up again...

At this time, the diameter of the circle surrounded by fake Jupiter, fake Mercury, fake Mars, and fake Saturn holding hands became smaller (about [-] meters in diameter). Once Leng Ye and fake Venus entered the circle, their activities The space is also smaller.At this moment, Leng Ye can preemptively strike the fake Venus from the front with almost no need to move.However, after all, the other party has the appearance of his wife, and he couldn't bear to see her crippled appearance before death.

In order to reduce unnecessary pain, Leng Ye made a decisive decision and used the skill "Madness" to transform.Then, he closed his eyes, and quickly used a swinging sword move (holding the lazy sword straight, with the left foot as the axis, and with a little force on the right foot, his body rotated rapidly, and at the same time, the lazy sword in his hand Then it turned up, and in less than a second, the lazy sword drew a perfect circle in the low sky.), as the red letters floated up, with Leng Ye as the center, the distance between three meters All the girls (phantasmal beasts) in the room turned into bursts of white light and disappeared.

Leng Ye shook his head helplessly and sighed.Suddenly, he saw a sword on the ground, which was the one used by the Eudemons Mixian before, and bent down to pick it up (the automatic item picking function of the ring of space did not work this time).

Just as Leng Ye put the phantom sword into the ring of space, his eyes went dark and he couldn't see anything...

With a flash in front of his eyes, Leng Ye found himself on the wide avenue in front of the palace in the courtyard of the Lobster King's Mansion again. At this moment, the little ice dragon was half lying at his feet.

Leng Ye could vividly remember everything that happened in this "fantasy". He knew that it was all caused by the so-called Misty Immortal Sword of the little ice dragon, so when he saw the little ice dragon under his feet Anger rose, and as soon as the lazy sword came out, it stabbed at the little ice dragon.

Just when the lazy sword was thrusting out, Leng Ye suddenly heard the little ice dragon's shout: "Wait a minute, Young Hero Leng."

(End of this chapter)

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