Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1086 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1086 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (1)
Then, Zhu Longquan took the phantom sword that Leng Ye picked up from the illusion and said: "Brother, I really didn't expect you to be able to get such a top-quality item. [-] (percent) is the highest probability. Big brother You really admire my little brother!"

"Brother, thank you! Tell me directly whether this phantom weapon will help the lazy sword!" Leng Ye said.

"The biggest feature of the phantom is that it can instantly kill all targets lower than the user's level, including players and monsters, etc. If you add its attributes to the lazy sword, then the lazy sword can have it at least [-] (percent sign) ) power, it is really invincible. The only disadvantage is that this process may fail. If it fails, the phantom sword will disappear, and the lazy sword will also be damaged to varying degrees." Zhu Longquan said.

"Phantom Sword has a [-] (percent) chance of instant killing, [-] (percent) of [-] (percent) is five per thousand, it's too little!" Leng Ye thought about it, and suddenly thought of his Spirit Snake Jianyi, overjoyed: "Spirit Snake Jianyi is a real deviation, now there are [-] swords in one shot, so the probability of this instant kill becomes [-] (percentage sign), an average of sixteen to seven The sword can be used once, which is quite high."

Thinking of this, Leng Ye was overjoyed, and immediately asked: "Brother, if it fails, how much damage will the lazy sword have?"

"Brother, the success rate is [-]% (percentage sign), if it fails, one additional skill will be lost on the lazy sword." Zhu Longquan said.

"Less one additional skill? Don't just summon the little sun, I don't care about the others!" Leng Ye was startled, and thought again; "My luck is so high, plus the success rate is [-] (percent), how could it be possible? It failed!"

Just when Leng Ye was considering whether to add the phantom sword to the lazy sword, he suddenly heard Zhu Longquan's exclamation of "Ah", looked closely, and found that Zhu Longquan's eyes were staring like bull's eyes, his I'm watching it with a hieroglyph shield in my hand, and I can't put it down.

"Brother, this is half-life equipment, you don't have any idea about it, do you?" Leng Ye asked.

"Big... big brother, you are my dear big brother! This... this... this..." Zhu Longquan hesitated for a long time and didn't say anything. Big... big brother, you have all three evil weapons, and the lazy sword can be super-upgraded."

"Brother, what are the three major evil weapons? Will the lazy sword survive? One life two, two life death?" Leng Ye was startled.

"Big... big brother, it's not a super life, it's a super promotion, an upgraded promotion. The spirit weapon, the phantom weapon and the semi-life equipment are called the three major evil weapons. If you mix them together with the lazy sword, it is very likely It will upgrade the lazy sword to a super magic weapon." Zhu Longquan said.

"Super Magical Artifact? Why are Magical Artifacts divided into different levels? Why didn't you tell me last time." Leng Ye was startled and asked.

"Yes, big brother. The magic weapon is divided into ordinary magic weapon and super magic weapon. With the previous things, the lazy sword can only be upgraded to a better magic weapon. However, if these three evil weapons are added to the In Lazy Sword, it is very likely that it will be upgraded to a super magic weapon. Brother, even if you don’t know how powerful a super magic weapon is, you can figure it out.” Zhu Longquan said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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