Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1087 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1087 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (2)
Of course, Leng Ye could understand the meaning of the word "super", and he was also very excited. He never expected that the harvest of this trip to the bottom of the sea would be so great. After a long time, his excited heart was relieved a little. Longquan said: "Brother, if you refine the three evil weapons and the lazy sword together, what is the success rate?"

"Brother, I don't know how likely it is to become a super magic weapon, but don't worry, at worst it can be a complete garbage magic weapon, which is better than the current laziness." Zhu Longquan said.

"The super artifact is already a perverted existence in the game. No matter how rubbish the magic weapon is, it will be ten times or a hundred times stronger than the super artifact. For ordinary people, the former is just a dream, while the latter is impossible. Dare to think. The offensive and defensive attributes of Lazy Sword are far worse than Lan Lan's Dragon Slaying Saber. Without those great summoning skills, it is not a super magic weapon at all, but now there is a chance to make it a super magic weapon. Don’t lose, you must work hard!” The decision was made, so Leng Ye said to Zhu Longquan: “Brother, I believe in you, let’s practice together!”

"Brother, thank you for giving me this opportunity to become famous. I will definitely seize this opportunity and strive to refine the lazy sword into a super magic weapon, become the only super holy blacksmith in the world, and master Zhu's weapon refining method." Carry forward..." Zhu Longquan looked more excited than Leng Ye.

It took Chang Baicao a whole day to inject all the spirits into Lanjian's body one by one. At this moment, he was already sweating profusely and exhausted. After handing Lanjian back to Leng Ye, he was lost. Fell asleep in a daze.

"Brother, it's up to you now." Leng Ye said and handed the lazy sword to Zhu Longquan.

"Brother, don't worry! My Zhu's Artifact Refining Method is by no means in vain..." Zhu Longquan threw the lazy sword, the three evil weapons, and the "additional items" picked out from the table to the table. Inside the furnace, the lid was covered and the fire started.

"Is this Zhu's Artifact Refining Method? Why is it a bit like cooking!" Seeing Zhu Longquan's extremely irresponsible behavior, Leng Ye fainted! ! !
Zhu Longquan worked on the bellows for a while, opened the furnace cover to look at the fire, and occasionally put some scraps in it that Leng Ye had never seen and could not name. Before he knew it, half a day passed.

"In the real world, you don't have to be so slow in blacksmithing!" Leng Ye was a little anxious, and also a little worried about Lanjian, and asked, "Brother, how long will it take to practice well?"

"Hush~~." Zhu Longquan signaled Leng Ye not to speak, stretched out three more fingers, and then concentrated on practicing the sword again.

"Being so careful, you actually treated the sword like a sleeping child. It seems that the Longquan brothers really have a trick. But there are still three hours! My god! Why are you so slow!" Leng Ye was upset, a little irritable, and wanted to go back to sleep After a while, I was worried that I would not be able to witness the grand occasion of the Lazy Sword being born, so I just had to walk back and forth for a while, drink tea at the small table for a while, and check the time for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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