Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1088 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1088 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (3)
Finally, three long hours passed.Leng Ye came gently to the furnace, held his breath, and quietly waited for the birth of the magic weapon Lazy Sword. However, to Leng Ye's dismay, Zhu Longquan waved to him while continuing to pull the bellows, signaling him to leave. Far away, and then stretched out three fingers.

"Could it be three days? Is it so difficult to refine a magic weapon?" Leng Ye muttered.In Lingyun, there are probably not many people who can add the word "bro" in front of "dharma implement".

After confirming that it would really take three days, Leng Ye paced out of the gate of the blacksmith's shop and walked straight to the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God's Palace.He originally just wanted to come here to take a look around, but he didn't expect that it was just in time for the meeting.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come!" Leng Ye felt a little regretful, and after greeting everyone, he took his seat and motioned for the meeting to continue.

"As I said just now, judging from the current situation, in three months at most, [-] (percent) of the players in the world will exceed level [-], and [-] (percent) of the reincarnated players will Number) above, at that time, the setting of national boundaries will have no meaning, that is to say, our Sword Demon Palace, and even our entire China region will be in a completely open state, and will be attacked by gangs from different regions or even the entire country at any time. Challenge. Therefore, on the one hand, we must improve our own strength, and on the other hand, we must strengthen our understanding of the dynamic situation of the entire Lingyun. All elders are responsible for their own. For those who violate the gang rules and disrupt the gang discipline, the lighter will withhold wages and bonuses Those who are serious will be cleared out of the gang and hunted down forever." The down-and-out young man who presided over the meeting was still at this point, he stopped and asked: "Guild leader, what else do you want to say."

Today, there are only acquaintances such as Young Master Luo, Jin Dao, Xuemei, the Eighth Elder of Jingong, and Young Master Luo's "secretary" Li Xiaoyun. What surprised Leng Ye was that Young Master Luo was so serious. He gradually understood why It was rumored in the Sword Demon City that the cold-blooded military master (the down-and-out son) secretly admired him.

"I don't have a big deal, I just want to ask how the brothers are doing recently? Is the food good? Is the drink good? Is the money enough to spend? Is the girl enough to have sex..." Leng Ye said casually, enlivening the anger in the scene up.

"Master, seven days later is the final of our second martial arts competition for players from the entire China region. Do you want to join in the fun?" said Hou Wenjia, the personnel elder of Sword Demon God Palace.

Hou Wenjia, who is in charge of the personnel work of the entire Sword Demon Palace, has two unique skills: First, he has a unique vision.In just half a year, he successively introduced and promoted dozens of cadres, large and small, for the Sword Demon God Palace. After a series of transformations, these people have become indispensable members of a certain position in the Sword Demon God Palace. ; Second, false public benefit.It is said that this kid used his position to openly recruit several wives, and the influence was so bad that the down-and-out son wanted to expel him from the gang.In the end, it was Jin Dao who interceded for him before he was given a lenient sentence, and those who were serious were given the punishment of police, stay for inspection, and three months' wages were withheld.

(End of this chapter)

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