Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1090 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1090 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (5)
At this moment, he suddenly heard Zhu Longquan's complaining voice: "Brother, you only care about the sword, why don't you ask about my life or death."

"If you died, you wouldn't stand here and talk to me." Leng Ye said casually when he saw that Zhu Longquan hadn't looked at him.

"Brother, why am I standing, I'm lying on my stomach!" Zhu Longquan said with a mournful face.

"Just stand up."

"The leg was blown up and limped, woo woo woo~~"

"Don't cry, it will be fine in a minute." After saying this, Leng Ye realized that he should care about this little brother, and when he lowered his head, he couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Zhu Longquan was lying at Leng Ye's feet, his face was dark and his clothes were already tattered, revealing the same dark skin.

Seeing the little brother's miserable appearance, Leng Ye couldn't help being moved with compassion, and hurriedly comforted him: "Okay, don't cry, all the losses here will be counted on me, and your bonus this month will be doubled, oh No, quadruple."

"Brother, are you serious?" Zhu Longquan immediately jumped up from the ground as soon as he heard it, looking very good.

"Is your leg not lame?" Leng Ye said looking at Zhu Longquan's leg.

"No." Zhu Longquan said with a smile.

"Deduct the bonus." Leng Ye said immediately.

"Then I'll be lame now!" Zhu Longquan plopped down on the ground again, making Leng Ye laugh out loud.

Leng Ye understands this brother's character, and knows that although he is a little bit greedy for money, he is absolutely loyal and will not make things difficult for him about money.This also made Leng Ye pay more attention to this brother, and gave him a salary increase more than once.

"Brother, can you see if this sword has been forged successfully?" Leng Ye handed the lazy sword into Zhu Longquan's hands.

Suddenly, Leng Ye seemed to hear Zhuang Longquan yelling like a lunatic: "I succeeded! I succeeded! Zhu's refining method succeeded..."

"Successful?" Leng Ye's heart was very calm at the moment.

After a while, Zhu Longquan calmed down and said: "Brother, this sword was refined very successfully. The three major evil weapons were successfully integrated into the lazy sword, and other things were not added in vain. Congratulations, brother!" I really admire you so much after getting the super magic weapon! My admiration for you is like a torrent of water..."

"But why can't I see the attributes?" Leng Ye asked.

"Brother, the spirit of heaven and earth and the spirit of all things have been injected, and the lazy sword has been fused. Now it's time to consecrate with the spirit of the sun and the moon. I'll go and call Baicao." Called by the cold night.

"You don't need a 'telephone', so why run errands! It seems that the explosion is really serious. I heard that a chef came to the Sword Demon Restaurant recently. The fish soup is very good. If you have time to drink a bowl, tell me On the account." Leng Ye said.

"Thank you, brother, thank you, brother!" Zhu Longquan couldn't mention how proud he was.

Leng Ye shook his head helplessly, and called Chang Baicao.

(End of this chapter)

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