Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1091 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1091 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (6)
According to Zhu Longquan and Chang Baicao, the so-called spirit of the sun and the moon consecrated the lazy sword, which means that when the sun and the moon are shining, let the lazy sword fully absorb enough energy from the sun and moon on the sun and moon stone on the top of Wanshou mountain. When this energy reaches a certain level, the attributes of the lazy sword will be fully revealed, thus truly completing the transformation from a super artifact to a super magic weapon.

In Lingyun, the sun and the moon do not hang high in the sky at the same time, but appear alternately.The so-called intersection of the sun and the moon is the moment when the sun is about to set and the moon is about to rise. They appear on the horizon at the same time. This time is very short, only a few minutes. (This is different from reality)

There are still a few minutes before the sun and moon shine, and this kind of thing can be done by Leng Ye alone, so he hurriedly ran away from the blacksmith shop and went straight to the north gate of Sword Demon City.

"Brother Leng, what are you going to do?"

Leng Ye had just recruited Xiaobai, and was about to fly straight to the top of Wanshou Mountain, when he suddenly saw someone calling him from behind, and when he turned around, it was Jin Nanyan and the naughty princess.

"I have something to do when I go to the top of the mountain, so I won't talk about it with you." Leng Ye said and got on Xiaobai.Unexpectedly, Jin Nanyan and the naughty princess also sat up.

Without further ado, Leng Ye didn't say much, and didn't even check whether the second daughter was seated properly, so he flew the tiger and rushed directly to the top of the mountain.

Xiaobai is worthy of being a magic beast, with fast speed and amazing endurance. It is level [-], and it took Leng Ye and three others to the top of Wanshou Mountain in less than [-] minutes.

Leng Ye saw the tallest stone on the top of the mountain at a glance, with three large characters written on it: Sun Moon Stone.It was exactly what Zhu Longquan and Chang Baicao depicted.

At this time, when the sun and the moon were shining, Leng Ye rode Xiaobai, held the lazy sword, and pressed against the sun and moon stone. Then, he felt a powerful force passing along the lazy sword to his hand up, and then spread throughout the body along the arms.In an instant, Leng Ye felt his whole body was full of strength, his waist was no longer sore, his legs were no longer aching and cramping, and even his mood improved a lot.

"The brilliance of the sun and the moon has such an effect?" Leng Ye was overjoyed, while letting the lazy sword continue to absorb energy, he quietly closed his eyes, enjoying this wonderful moment.

At this moment, Leng Ye felt that Jin Nanyan behind her suddenly rubbed her back with her chest, and at the same time, her small hands hugged Leng Ye's waist tightly.

"Cough~~ Girls nowadays are really open, they dare to eat men's 'tofu' in broad daylight." Leng Ye said to himself.As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the voice of the mischievous princess from behind: "Master, would you like me to take a photo to commemorate this touching scene."

"It's all through the clothes! Even if you take pictures of others, you will only think that Yan'er and I are closer." Thinking like this, Leng Ye said casually: "It's up to you."

As soon as the words fell, Leng Ye heard Jin Nanyan's voice from behind: "Naughty, don't be naughty, you are ashamed!" Then, he heard the naughty princess say: "They dare to do things openly, I What's wrong with Paipai. They are not shy, but I am not!"

(End of this chapter)

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