Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 110 Seven Colored Crystals

Chapter 110 Colorful Crystal (2)
Before the siege of the city, the sword demon palace has a strong general to help, which makes Leng Ye very pleased.He didn't know that these people could come, but they were all aimed at him.

"Brother, let's go to the station first!" Leng Ye said to the poor young man.

"Okay, let's go!" said the poor young man, and led everyone away.

Leng Ye and the others soon arrived at Wanshou Mountain.

The gang resident was established at an altitude of [-] meters in Wanshou Mountain. The construction of the resident is almost complete. The craftsmen are strengthening the city wall. The gate of the resident is the only intersection on Wanshou Mountain.Building the station in this place is equivalent to owning the entire Myriad Beast Mountain.After the martial arts competition, several gangs were established successively, but the level was too low to establish a resident, otherwise, the competition in Wanshou Mountain would be very fierce.Not to mention anything else, just the monsters on the mountain ranging from level [-] to level [-], let them have no worries about leveling.

"Brother, can you build a watchtower in the center of the garrison to facilitate the defense of the city?" Leng Ye walked around the garrison and said to the poor young man.

Young Master Luo also agreed with Leng Ye's opinion, so he called the chief designer of the station.

"Master, it's not difficult to build a tower several hundred meters high, but if you want to see the surroundings clearly, you need..." said the chief designer.

"Just say what you need." Leng Ye returned.

"Seven-colored crystals," said the chief designer.

"Go build it first, I'll figure out a solution for the crystal." Leng Ye said to the chief designer.

This tower is very useful for scouting the enemy and dispatching troops, so Leng Ye made up his mind to find the colorful crystal.So Leng Ye called Zhu Longquan over.

"Brother, according to Ou Yezi's book, only the mines in Xinshou Village have mines, but I haven't dug it yet, but brother, you can ask Minerals. But... but brother." Zhu Longquan said to Leng Ye.

"Don't hesitate, speak quickly!" Leng Ye said to Long Quan.

"But, brother, I can't go back to Xinshou Village! If a newcomer is found to dig, by the time he leaves Xinshou Village, our resident will have been breached." Zhu Longquan said with a sigh.

"Get lost! Go play while you have nothing to do!" Jin Dao said to Zhu Longquan.

"The little brother is gone, the little brother is gone." Longquan said and rolled on the ground, making everyone laugh.

Others can't go back to Xinshou Village, but Leng Ye has the right to come and go freely, so he bid farewell to everyone and returned to Xinshou Village, which he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Young Xia Leng, why don't you have time to see me, an old man?" The village chief laughed when he saw Leng Ye.

Leng Ye exchanged pleasantries with the village head for a while, and then explained the purpose of his visit.

Hearing the colorful crystal, the village head was very shocked. After a long time, he said: "The colorful crystal is by no means a mascot, but it is indeed of great help to defend the city. Leng Shaoxia really wants to get the colorful crystal."

"As long as I can successfully defend the city, I will not hesitate to ask the village chief to let me know." Leng Ye said.

The village chief sighed and said, "The colorful crystals are not minerals, but the hearts of seven people!"

(End of this chapter)

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