Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 111 Seven Colored Crystals

Chapter 111 Colorful Crystal (3)
Leng Ye was shocked when he heard it.The village chief continued: "During the ancient war, the Jade Emperor was plotted against by others, and his life was in danger. He was dying. The gods went through untold hardships to save the Jade Emperor, and finally found out the secret recipe. This secret recipe is the seven-color crystal. Recipe. The seven-color crystal made of the hearts of seven living people has great energy and can destroy everything, but it also has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. Therefore, the seven-color crystal is also called the seven-color exquisite heart. The seven fairies sacrificed their precious lives to save the Jade Emperor , saved the Jade Emperor. After the death of the Seven Fairies, the Jade Emperor was in great grief and sealed the secret recipe of the seven-color crystal."

Leng Ye listened, his heart skipped a beat, but he still tried his best to search for useful information, and said to the village chief, "Is the crystal you made really powerful?"

The village head replied: "The colorful crystals made from the hearts of the gods have the power to destroy the world, but the colorful crystals made by people who have no power to bind chickens have very little energy. The amount of energy is related to the heart used."

"Then how can we refine the colorful crystal?" Leng Ye asked.

"The crystal shell is made of seven kinds of crystal minerals: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. The crystal shell has the function of farsightedness when placed on the watchtower. However, if you want the crystal to have energy, you need to inject the soul. It’s just people’s hearts.” The village chief said patiently.

Thinking of the crystal mine, Leng Ye suddenly remembered something, and then asked: "Where can I find the amethyst mine?"

The village head said Wanwan: "The amethyst mine has a total of six yuan, and it was used by Leng Shaoxia to repair the teleportation array."

"Then there is no other way?" Leng Ye continued to ask.

"Unless the Purple Heart is extremely powerful, no carrier is needed," said the village chief.

Leng Ye exchanged some pleasantries with the village chief, and hurried to the Xinshou Village mine.

Under the majesty of Ziwei's soft sword, Mining Jing quickly handed over six types of crystal ore, and Leng Ye went back to the station happily.

Zhu Longquan quickly produced six-color crystals according to the craftsmanship in "Ou Yezi's Collection".Although the six-color crystal has flaws, it is enough to put it on the watchtower to monitor the movement around the entire station.As for the legend of the seven-color crystal, Leng Ye didn't tell everyone. In his opinion, the mighty Sword Demon Palace might not need that at all.

Climbing up to the watchtower, Leng Ye looked around. The rocks and trees around the station had been cleared away by craftsmen, and replaced by various arrow towers, organs, and traps.The entire resident, that is, the future Sword Demon City, stands on the mountainside, dotted with the entire Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, adding a bit of color to the more charming scenery.

As long as the lower entrance is blocked, no one can attack the mountain. As long as the upper entrance is blocked, monsters cannot invade. The terrain of Sword Demon City can be said to be dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.With this kind of natural danger, as long as Sword Demon City can withstand three waves of monsters attacking the city within six hours, there will be no worries.

(End of this chapter)

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