Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1100 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1100 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (15)
"The Lazy Sword has endured the flame attack for so long, could it be that he has already consecrated it?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye hurriedly opened his attribute list again and took a closer look. However, what made him wonder and depressed was that, Lazy Sword still does not show any consecrated features (attributes are still invisible).

Leng Ye looked at the lazy sword in the flames. Although it was still standing on the Sun Moon Stone, the sword body was showing signs of bending and becoming more and more transparent.The small ball on the hilt of the sword, which originally had three colors of red, black and white, only showed two colors in the bright and intense firelight, and the red color was concealed by the firelight.However, at this moment, the players at the foot of Wanshou Mountain found that the red spot on the top of the mountain was getting redder and brighter.

"Longquan said that Phoenix Ice can deal with Phoenix Flame? Although it may not be useful, at least it can neutralize Xiaohuo's Phoenix Flame and weaken the flame's offensive." Thinking of this, Leng Ye hurriedly said to Shuang'er: "Let Xiaobing Deal with the little fire."

Even the method of making the two great beasts from the clone of the ice fire phoenix kill each other was used, which fully showed Leng Ye's helplessness and his worry about Lazy Sword.

Shuang'er got off Xiaobing's body and sat directly behind Leng Ye, and said to Bingfenghuang: "Xiaobing, go make a small fire!"

The ice phoenix remained motionless.

"Xiaobing, go fire the fire unicorn!" Shuang'er said again.

The ice phoenix remained motionless.

"Xiaobing, go put out the fire!" Shuang'er said urgently.

The ice phoenix still didn't move.

"Honey, woooooo~~ Both Xiaobing and Xiaohuo have been taken away by Peng'er, they are disobedient, woooooo~~~" Shuang'er really started crying.

Leng Ye clearly felt Shuang'er on her back tightly sticking to her body, and her tears had already wetted her back quilt. At that moment, Leng Ye couldn't help feeling heartbroken.

"My dear Shuang'er, don't be sad. My husband can use other swords even if he doesn't have the lazy sword! They are just as powerful. Besides, even if all the swords in the world are gone, I still have one." A gun? It's equally powerful, and it will make you proud of me." Leng Ye said against his will.

"Bad guy, it's already at this time, you still have the mood to joke around! You don't have to be ashamed to make trouble here." Shuang'er said angrily, being teased by Leng Ye, his mood improved a lot.

Shuang'er's voice was very small, but it was still heard by the mischievous princess who had sharper ears than a dog, and she only heard her say: "Brother Leng Ye, what kind of gun is that? Is it powerful? Is it also a super magic weapon?"

If someone told Leng Ye at this moment that the naughty princess really didn't know, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.Just when Leng Ye didn't know how to answer the little girl, Huo Xing said: "It's a super artifact, it's amazing."

"Really? Brother Leng Ye, can you play with me?" The mischievous princess tilted her head, looked at Leng Ye, and said in an innocent and innocent voice.

Crazy in the cold night! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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