Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1101 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1101 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (16)
At this moment, Leng Ye's pager rang again, and as soon as he connected, the voice of Jin Dao came from there: "Xiao Ye, level [-] monsters have already attacked, and there are still level [-] monsters behind, and they can't pass one." The monster at hour [-] will also come up, and I'm afraid the colorful crystals won't be able to stop it by then."

"Brother, hold on, I'll think of a way." Hanging up the beeper, Leng Ye once again focused on the fire unicorn and the burning monster under the Sun Moon Rock.

"Fire Qilin is worthy of being the king of all beasts. It can make so many monsters die willingly. I never thought that the advantage of the same rank is so obvious in the group of monsters. Tiger poison does not eat its eggs, and these monsters can be regarded as Fire Qilin But why did it burn Lazy Sword at such a cost?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye was at least sure of one thing, that is, these monsters were all targeting the Fire Qilin, and the ones on Wanshou Mountain were Wanshou. The same goes for those under Beast Mountain, and without exception, they all came to support the combustion, and their purpose was to burn the lazy sword.

"So, as long as Huo Qilin can be killed or let Huo Qilin leave here, the crisis in Sword Demon City should be resolved." Leng Ye gradually confirmed this point.

"Didn't the lazy sword absorb some spirits of all things? This also angered the fire unicorn? Why did the fire unicorn want to 'kill the lazy sword'? Could it be that the fire unicorn had a grudge against me? What a disaster to the dogs and men!" Leng Ye was puzzled, even though he racked his brains, he couldn't think of a reason.

Leng Ye has encountered quite a few divine beasts and super divine beasts. For the first time, he found that he could neither outsmart nor outwit him, and he had no choice.

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly heard a man's voice not far away: "Guangzhu, we are here to help you." He heard the voice and looked around, and found a pair of men and women riding a three-pointed deer flying towards this side Come, the woman is in front, the man is behind, the man holds the woman tightly in his arms, and sees them coming to him in the blink of an eye.

Leng Ye recognized at a glance that this pair of men and women were the two people who were doing careless things on the unicorn sculpture yesterday afternoon. After a rough look, he found that the man was tall and mighty, and the woman was pretty. , the woman lowered her head slightly, with a shy face.

"They also call me the leader of the sect, could it be that I am also from the Sword Demon Palace?" Leng Ye was about to ask, but the man said, "Master, we are the hermits of the Dragon and Phoenix Hall of the Jingong, and my name is Zixuanbing , her name is Mingmo, and she is my wife."

Leng Ye nodded, thinking to himself: "Dragon Phoenix Hall is where the elite of the Sword Demon Palace resides. To enter this hall, you need to pass at least ten levels of assessment, and Hermit Xiangli is full of hidden professions, which is the top priority of Dragon Phoenix Hall. Not to mention the strength of these two people in front of them, just the fact that they dare to do mediocre things in broad daylight is enough to prove that their morals are not good. What did Silver Spear (the hall master of Dragon and Phoenix Hall) do to make these two people mixed in."

(End of this chapter)

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