Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1109 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1109 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (4)
"What's the use of being handsome! Husband, check to see if the attributes of the suit are turned on." Shuang'er said.

It was only then that Leng Ye realized the reason why Shuang'er asked her to wear it, so she quickly opened her attributes to have a look, but the result made Leng Ye very disappointed.

"Husband, it seems that there are other components in this suit." Shuang'er said.

"Well! You should be able to see the suits when you gather them together. I hope there are not nine pieces like his name." Leng Ye said.

"Cut~~ You think beautifully! Only one magic weapon is enough for ordinary people to spend a lifetime, but you still want nine pieces, it is simply wishful thinking. Besides, the system suits are generally four and five pieces. Yes, even if you want the system, it won’t give it to you. I think your set is only three pieces at most.” Shuang’er said.

"I really hope there are three pieces, so at least I don't have to be defenseless. Hey~~ Just give me one more piece of clothing and I'll be satisfied!" Leng Ye sighed.

"Honey, quickly open the Lazy Sword's attributes and let me take a look." Shuang'er urged again.

Just as Leng Ye was about to open it, he suddenly said: "Shuang'er, what's wrong with you today, it's not big or small, and you actually ordered your husband."

"Hey! Husband, Shuang'er wants to be happy for you." Shuang'er laughed.

"The Lazy Sword is a super magic weapon, and it's the only one in Lingyun. If you want to see it, you have to pay a price!" Leng Yese laughed.

"Husband, just let me see!"

"Then you know what to do?"

"Hmph! I'll log off immediately after reading this, wash my ass and wait for you, that's all right! Pervert!" Shuang'er put her mouth on Leng Ye's ear and whispered.

When Leng Ye heard Shuang'er's frankness, that part of his body reacted involuntarily. In addition, he hadn't had sex with Shuang'er in reality for more than a month. He was quite looking forward to it, so he quickly shared the lazy sword The property panel was opened, and Shuang'er looked at it together.

Lazy sword: uninfused super magic weapon, attack [-]-[-], [-] (percent sign) chance of [-] times damage, [-] (percent sign) chance of [-] times damage, [-] (thousand cent sign) chance of instant killing everything , Additional skill [-]: Summon the super god little sun; Additional skill [-]: Summon the super divine beast Snow White; Additional skill [-]: Summon the super divine beast Fire Unicorn; Additional skill [-]: Summon the super divine beast Fire Phoenix; Additional skill [-]: Magic immunity; Additional skill [-]: It can be injected into the spirit (after the injection of the spirit, the hidden attribute of the lazy sword is turned on).The fire attribute, blood-extracting sword, cannot be dropped, worn out, or stolen. (Lazy: It is recommended that you look at the probability damage above in combination with the spirit snake sword. Also: Lazy Sword has many hidden attributes, and none of them have been activated yet.)
Leng Ye and Shuang'er were stunned when they saw the violent attribute of Lazy Sword, they remained motionless like two snowmen.

After working hard for a long time, Shuang'er first exclaimed: "Wow! My husband, the lazy sword is so powerful!"

Leng Ye was still immersed in the joy brought to him by the lazy sword, and said casually: "You are a little priest and you have never used a sword before, what do you know!"

(End of this chapter)

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