Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1110 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1110 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (5)
"Hmph! How can you underestimate me! Then you should test me." Shuang'er said.

"Then tell me what's so good about Lazy Sword?" Leng Ye said casually.

"That's a lot! First of all, as an uninfused super magic weapon, the lazy sword can inject your soul, so you might be able to fly with the sword..." Shuang'er said.

"Stop! Stop! How do you know this? Who told you." Leng Ye asked.

"As your wife, I naturally have to care about you a little bit, even if I don't need Longquan and Brother Baicao, I will know about it." Shuang'er said.

Leng Ye was moved when he heard it.

Chapter 520 The Magical Artifact Lazy Sword and Shuang'er's Number Game
"Husband, there is! Attacking [-]~[-], this is too perverted, it is almost three or four times that of Sister Lan's dragon-slaying sword." Shuang'er said again. (Note: The short horizontal line may not be visible on the mobile phone, so it is represented by "~" here.)
"This blind man can see it, what else?" Leng Ye said.

"Huh! You can't beat me! It will be even more powerful later.' [-] (percent sign) has a chance of [-] times damage, [-] (percent sign) has a chance of [-] times damage, and [-] (thousand percent sign) has a chance of instant kill Everything', these three chances seem a little low on the surface, but you have the 'Spirit Snake Sword Justice' in your body, and you can make twelve swords in one shot, so the above becomes the chance of '[-] (percent sign) [-] times damage, [-] (percent sign) chance, [-] times damage, [-] (percent sign) chance to instantly kill everything. Husband, how is it? Am I smart?" Shuang'er said proudly, suddenly, she found that the cold Ye seemed to be stupid, with dull eyes and a smirk all over his face.

"Husband! Husband!" Shuang'er yelled and pushed Leng Ye to 'wake up' at last.

"Shuang'er, I'm fine, I'm fine! I'm just too excited." Leng Ye laughed.

"Excited? Bad guy! Don't worry, I won't break my promise."

"Shuang'er, I'm not because of that, it's here, here!" Leng Ye pointed to the sharing panel and said.

"Isn't it 'the chance of [-] (thousandths) kills everything'? There is nothing to be excited about." Just now, Shuang'er suddenly yelled "ah", and then said: "Husband, do you have any chance?" The Spirit Snake Sword is righteous, so you have a [-] (percentage) chance to instantly kill immortal beasts, divine beasts, super divine beasts, and even magic beasts?"

Leng Ye shook his head, and said, "No! You only said one thing, not the other." Then, Leng Ye shared the attributes of God of War's Wrath with Shuang'er, almost giving Shuang'er fainted.

"Husband, the five-strike combo of Wrath of God of War is even shorter than He Shibi's resurrection, so as long as you use Wrath of God of War, there will be a [-] (percentage) chance to instantly kill all monsters and players Oh my god! Thank you for giving me such a strong husband!" Shuang'er exclaimed.

"Shuang'er, in fact, you didn't get any of the probability questions right just now." Leng Ye said again.

(End of this chapter)

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