Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1201 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1201 Underground Cemetery (2) ([-])
"Master, is the key placed in the wrong place?" Yuan Zhiai said suddenly.

"Location? Let's talk about it." Leng Ye said.

"Master, there is a saying that what is empty is true, and what is true is false. I don't know if you have heard of it. In my opinion, the reason why the space door cannot be opened now is because the key is not inserted in the right place. The key is inserted in a one-to-one correspondence with the constellations, since the door of space cannot be opened like this, then we can diverge our thinking! Haha~~" Yuan Zhiai laughed loudly as he said.

Yuanzhiai was still giggling, a woman's voice came from the crowd to everyone's ears, and she said: "Xiaoai, it seems that you know everything, you don't need to be able to, if your method can't open Spatial door, I will castrate you!"

The one who was talking was none other than the ghost who had been molested by Yuanzhiai's fingernails before.

"Sister-in-law Ghost, I have no grievances or enmity with you, it's too inhuman to castrate me every now and then!" Yuan Zhiai looked aggrieved.

"Haha~~Brother Xiaoai, it's very humane for Ghost Girl to do this, but you can't be humane if he does that." Zhang Feng teased with his bloody mouth open.

After a few people made such a fuss, Li Mo revived the dull atmosphere before.

"My little love is going out, one is worth two, although sister-in-law, you are vicious, but I will not let you succeed. My little love is going to do this today, I must open the space door, otherwise, I will let you eunuch... let you do what you want "Yuan Zhiai said swearingly.

"Brother Xiaoai, then hurry up and tell everyone what you think!" the poor young man urged.

"Yes! Military division. Listen up, everyone! We have twelve star soul keys in our hands. They were respectively burst from the star souls of the twelve constellations. There is no way to open the space door through the keyhole. Games are often confusing, so let’s diverge our thinking.” Xiao Ai paused, and then said: “As we all know, there are twelve months in a year. Starting from Aries on the [-]st, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, etc. will appear one after another almost every [-] days or so, from which we can find out the constellations with the longest interval (about six months) for pairing , we call them symmetrical constellations. For example, Aries (March [-]~April [-]) and Libra (September [-]~October [-]), Taurus (April [-]~May [-]) and Scorpio (October [-]~[-] month [-]), and so on, these are all symmetrical constellations. I think this way, since inserting the star-soul key into the keyhole of the corresponding constellation does not work, then we can insert the star-soul key into the key of the symmetrical constellation of this constellation Try it in the hole. For example, we can insert the Aries Star Soul Key into the Scorpio keyhole. I think it will work."

After Yuan Zhiai finished speaking, the scene was silent for three seconds.Three seconds later, before Leng Ye could speak, Wine Bottle and the others rushed to the central disc and exchanged the keys.

(End of this chapter)

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