Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1202 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1202 Underground Cemetery (3) ([-])
Several people inserted each key into the keyhole of the symmetrical constellation. However, in the eyes of almost everyone, the central disk never changed, let alone the door of space.

"Little love! I'm going to castrate you!" Ghost took a big knife and slashed at Yuanzhi'ai. If her husband hadn't stopped her in time, a new dead soul would be born here.

"Sister-in-law ghost, don't worry, I haven't finished yet! You know, I'm just guessing, this kind of thing won't be successful for hundreds of people, I just gave everyone a method." Yuan Zhi Love said.

"You still dare to quibble, what method, tell me quickly! Otherwise, I will really castrate you!" Ghost shouted.In fact, she was also molested on her fingernails by Yuanzhi Aimeng. In the eyes of outsiders, she seemed to have been greatly wronged.

"My method is to mess up the order of the star soul key and the constellation hole, recombine them, and try them one by one." Yuan Zhiai said.

Then, a gentle and loud voice came from the crowd: "There are 900 million combinations. If we change the combination every second, it will take 15 years to complete."

When everyone heard this, they fainted.

"900, what a familiar word! It's been more than three years!" Leng Ye sighed.Touching the scene, I couldn't help but return to an afternoon three years ago.

Leng Ye clearly remembered that it was just after the advanced mathematics class, he and Xueer were on the way out of class, Xueer asked: "Husband, you said that if you disrupt the twelve months of each year, how many times will there be?" A combination?"

"Hehe, silly girl, you just learned about permutations and combinations, and you sell them now. Don't forget, I also listened carefully to the class. This problem can't trouble me. Disrupting twelve months, isn't that a difference?" Is there a problem with the arrangement of the class elements? Of course, the formula P (subscript [-]) (superscript [-]) is applied, so the calculation is [-]! (The factorial of [-])!" Leng Ye said with a smile.

"Everyone knows it's [-]! What I want to know is what the number is!" Xueer said.

"Honey, you're just embarrassing me. From [-] to [-], the number is tens of millions, if not tens of millions. Who can figure it out?" Leng Ye said.

"Then let me tell you now, it's 900, you have to remember it firmly! I'll check it later." Xue'er said with a smile.

"It would take a lot of brain cells to memorize such a large number. Just leave this kind of trivial matter to the calculator in my schoolbag! Oh! Baby, it turned out that you were secretly calculating this behind my back in class!" Leng Ye smiled.

"You lazy bastard!! You are lazy and wronged others, huh! Husband, you can insult me, please don't insult my IQ!!! Simple math calculations like this, I can definitely calculate faster than a computer!" Xueer Said.

"So you didn't think about this when you were in class, so why are you being so secretive?" Leng Ye asked.

(End of this chapter)

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