Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1203 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1203 Underground Cemetery (4) ([-])
"I want you to take care of it!"

"If you don't say it, it means acquiescing. I'm afraid people who are faster than computers have not come out yet!"

"You're talking nonsense. If you don't believe me, you ask me to figure it out." Xue'er said.

"It would kill a lot of brain cells to come up with such a boring question, so I can't be bothered. Unless you tell me what you did behind my back in class, otherwise, I wouldn't believe it if you killed me." Leng Ye said lazily .

"Just be lazy! But, to ensure the purity of my IQ, I'll tell you." Xue'er put her mouth close to Leng Ye's ear as she spoke.

"What? It's a safe period!" Leng Ye exclaimed.

"You're going to die! It's so loud!" Xue'er blushed immediately when she saw the eyes of the students around her, she took Leng Ye's hand and ran a few steps quickly.

"Honey, just such a number that doesn't exceed [-] wasted most of your class as a math genius?" Leng Ye asked in bewilderment.

"I'm just worried! I counted 210 twice, but after all the calculations, I feel that last night was very dangerous. Husband, do you think I should buy medicine?" Xueer said.

"No! It's okay for you to waste my essence before, but you still want to kill my ungerminated child, absolutely not!" Leng Ye sternly shouted.

"Hmph! Big villain!" Xue'er said angrily.

"The big villain asked you a question, I wonder if you can answer it?" Leng Ye asked with a smile.

"Is it about numbers?" Cher asked.

"Yes!" Leng Ye said firmly.

"Say it!" Xue'er said happily.

"Then tell me how many elite soldiers I sent to attack you last night?" Leng Ye smirked.

"Big villain! Husband, I only now realize what a big mistake it was to follow you." Xue'er whispered.

"Then break up!" Leng Ye said with a smile.

"I don't want to! I want to run away after taking advantage, no way!" Xue'er said with a small mouth.


After recovering from his thoughts, Leng Ye couldn't help sighing secretly: "Xue'er, where are you now? Do you know that I'm thinking of you? Why don't you just leave!" Taking a deep breath, he said : "Don't worry, no matter where you go, I will definitely find you back. I know that games are your favorite, and I will definitely make the shrine the largest kingdom in Lingyun. It's the king, you're the queen..."

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly smelled a strange but familiar fragrance, and when he looked up, he found that it was Gentle.

"Brother Leng, what makes you think so fascinated? Are you thinking about the numbers I just mentioned?" Gentlely smiled.

Leng Ye nodded, and said casually: "You are right. Unfortunately, it will take [-] years. If it is an hour and a half, we can try it."

"Brother Leng, you seem to have something on your mind. Do you blame me for taking the opportunity to blackmail you? If that's the case, I don't want any conditions." Gentle said.

(End of this chapter)

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