Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1204 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1204 Underground Cemetery (5) ([-])
"If a woman says a word, it's hard to chase a horse! It's settled!" Leng Ye looked around the central disc again as he spoke, leaving only Wen Rou whispering there: "It is said that men don't have a good thing, but they really don't. Wrong. Those who just promised to others immediately changed their minds, hum! I will never be fooled by you again."

Turning back and forth twice around the central disc of the Zodiac, Leng Ye didn't find anything suspicious, and felt a little depressed. However, when his eyes fell on the Virgo Star Soul Key, his face A long-lost smile appeared on his face.

"Why didn't I think of it earlier! I'm so stupid!" Leng Ye blamed himself, and then used a magic spell on the key.As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, the smile on Leng Ye's face became even brighter.

"Brother son, please stop first, I have found the problem." Leng Ye smiled, and then he called everyone over.

"Guangzhu, tell us about it!" the poor young man said urgently.

Leng Ye nodded, pointed to the Virgo star soul key on the central disc, and said: "There is also a dot on it that is similar to the fish eye of Tai Chi Yin Yang fish, but this dot is neither black nor black. Not white, but gray."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, they all looked at me and I looked at you, but they lost their minds.

"Master, will the dot on this be changed by inserting it into the keyhole or taking it out?" asked the down-and-out young man.

"Brother, this is what I'm wondering about. No matter what state the Star Soul Key is in, the dot on it is always gray and won't change." Leng Ye said.

"According to the records in the Feng Shui Book, generally speaking, when yin and yang spirits interact with each other, both sides will become polarized, either becoming mutual repulsion of the same sex, or mutual attraction of opposite sex, and this star soul key is actually Unchanged, it’s really unbelievable.” The poor young man sighed, and then said to the crowd: “Let’s all think about it carefully, what’s the reason for this?”

As soon as the young master's words fell, Rou Wen stood up again and said, "I think it's because a key is too powerful." As soon as this remark came out, it really attracted everyone's attention.

"Isn't gentleness always very introverted and low-key? Could it be that she deliberately wanted to show it in front of me today? A girl who can calculate the factorial of [-] must be as smart as Xue'er. She can do it no matter what. Only those silly girls What did you just do? It is said that once a girl likes a man, she will do everything for him. It seems that she really likes me. Cough~~ I can’t even keep my most beloved woman, and What is there to be liked by others! Ruan is so smart and so beautiful, she will definitely find a husband who is more suitable for her than me." Leng Ye sighed secretly.

In the past, Leng Ye would have hugged Wenrou to bed without hesitation, but now, when he thinks of Xueer, he feels a sense of loss in his heart, and he can no longer tolerate others.As for why?I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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