Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1205 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1205 Underground Cemetery (6) ([-])
"Sister Wenrou, do you mean to insert all the Star Soul keys into the keyhole? But we tried it just now, and it didn't work at all." The poor young man asked.

"Military Master, listen to me slowly. According to the two elder brothers, the Undertaker and the Gravekeeper, there is a special field around the Yin-Yang spirit, and every point in the field will have two positive and negative field lines passing through it. And this is completely contrary to the magnetic field theory. Because, if the field at each point is like this, because positive and negative "matter" cannot tolerate, then this field can be said to not exist. However, in Lingyun, it exists What does this mean? This means that its design theory is reversed, which requires us to use reverse thinking to understand it, rather than the divergent thinking that Xiao Ai said." Gentle pacing came to Leng Ye , and said: "I think everyone knows that after each star soul key is put down, the fish eyes of the yin and yang fish on the Tai Chi diagram will turn red, and when all the star soul keys are put down, the two fish eyes will all turn red. Turn red. If we follow the normal way of understanding, we will think that the superposition of the energy of the star soul key makes the fish eyes gradually turn red, and we will take it for granted that the power of Tai Chi spirit is far greater than the yin and yang on each star soul key The power of the spirit. However, we were wrong. The fact is just the opposite. It is precisely because the power of the Taiji spirit is far less than that of the Star Soul key. The color of the dot changes. Therefore, we only need to increase the power of the Tai Chi spirit, or decrease the power of the Star Soul key, so that the Yin-Yang spirit and Tai Chi on the twelve Star Soul keys can be maintained after the Star Soul key is inserted into the keyhole. The states of the spirits are the same, so the door of this dimension is opened according to the principle of same-sex repulsion.”

"Sister Wenrou, your theory is too profound, even me, a Feng Shui master, is confused. How about this, can you tell me specifically what we should do?" said the poor young man.

Rourou looked at the others, most of them looked confused, and finally, when her eyes fell on Leng Ye's face, she was pleasantly surprised to find that Leng Ye actually smiled.

"Could it be that Brother Leng has already understood? Then I'll let him talk! After all, he is the leader of the gang, and I don't want to steal his limelight." Thinking this way, Rourou said to Leng Ye: "The leader, my expression I'm not capable, can you please explain to everyone?"

"Me?" Leng Ye was startled when he heard that.The reason why he laughed was because he was completely immersed in the gentle and eloquent narration, and she was amused by the little girl's fallacies.He didn't believe what Ruan said at all, so what theory could he explain to everyone!
However, Leng Ye quickly realized Ruan Wen's kindness, and thought: "It's all wrong anyway, so just talk nonsense!" So he smiled and said: "Sister Wen Wen means that we should take the twelve Inserting the Star Soul key into the key hole at the same time, her idea is very good, we can give it a try, as for whether we can succeed, it depends on our luck."

As soon as Leng Ye spoke, her tender face suddenly became gloomy, and she thought to herself, "Brother Leng, Brother Leng! Why are you smirking if you don't understand me! I was hurt by you!"

(End of this chapter)

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