Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1207 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1207 Underground Cemetery (8) ([-])
Soon, everyone came to the same conclusion, that is, the gray dots on the Star Soul Key burst out from the corresponding constellations.Therefore, everyone agreed that to turn the gray on the Star Soul key into red, so as to complete the same-sex repulsion with the red on Tai Chi Ling, and to turn the gray on the Star Soul key into red, the only way is to hit it.As for whether to use a knife or a magic second, there are different opinions, and no final conclusion has been drawn.

"Insert the Star Soul keys into the corresponding constellation holes first, and then send a person from each constellation team to play the Star Soul keys according to the corresponding position, and be careful not to interrupt the keys. The first one won't work, the second One after the other." Leng Ye said, with a wave of his hand, he summoned Xiaobai, rode up and flew to the sky above the central disc.

With the order of the down-and-out son, the Demon Soul of the Aries team, the Lengyun Cthulhu of the Taurus team, Zhang Jingbo of the Gemini, Master Jie of the Cancer, Xiaoxin of the Leo, the mighty dragon of the Virgo, the ghost of the Libra, and the Scorpio The fire nightmare of Sagittarius, the wind dance alone of Sagittarius, the gentle knife of Capricorn, the god-thirsty murder of Aquarius, and the gentleness of Pisces all took up the weapons in their hands and started crackling and merciless blows to the star soul key inserted into the hole of the corresponding constellation. .

At the same time as their first wave of attacks fell, Leng Ye continued to use the magic technique in his hands. As a result, half of the dots on the Star Soul keys turned red, while the other batch remained unchanged. Leng Ye can't laugh or cry.

The Cthulhu of the Taurus team, the Xiaoxin of the Cancer, the Yasha of the Leo, the ghost of the Libra, the Gentle Sword of the Capricorn, and the God Killer of the Aquarius, no matter how hard these six people attack, they just can't open the corresponding star soul key. "Red", this also made the six people very depressed.

"Boss, do you think it's because the six of them are all close-combat violent professions that they can't turn the Star Soul key red?" Yuan Zhiai said suddenly.

Leng Ye looked at the 12 people below, and found that the Star Soul keys attacked by melee professional players did not turn red, while the Star Soul keys attacked by other non-melee professional players all turned red, and suddenly felt that what Yuan Zhiai said was reasonable , nodded, indicating a substitution.

However, to Leng Ye's dismay, after the 12 players on the field were all replaced by non-melee players, there were still three Star Soul keys that hadn't changed color.

At this time, Rourou quietly came to Leng Ye's side, and said in a low voice: "Brother Leng, I know where the problem is. As long as you promise me ten conditions, I will tell you right away."

"Gentleness!!! When is this time, you are still asking me for conditions, tell me quickly, otherwise you will be fired from the gang." Leng Ye said urgently.

"Brother Leng, you can't scare me. If you don't want me, I will leave sooner or later. I want to know, is my impression in your mind really that bad? Wouldn't it be better?" said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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