Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1208 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1208 Underground Cemetery (9) ([-])
"Sister Wenrou, I'm afraid of you. I promise you ten conditions, you can say it now!" Leng Ye said anxiously.

"Brother Leng, you are so kind! Let me tell you, Master Jie, Chenchen and Beijifeng have problems. You just need to replace them with Huaidan, Hanfeng and Jiuyuefeng. , I guarantee nothing will go wrong." Gentlely said.

"What is the origin of this little girl, how can she know so much?" Leng Ye didn't question Ruan Rou's words, and directly replaced her.

With the release of the three basic attacks, although the three who replaced them did not use gorgeous attack moves, they all hit the "red" star soul key without exception, which also made Leng Ye feel very relieved.As a result, this made Leng Ye even more impressed with Wen Rou.

Problems followed one after another. The twelve keys were all red, but they did not repel the Tai Chi spirit that also turned red in the center of the central disc. For a while, this made everyone helpless and extremely depressed.

"Girl, your method is incorrect, double compensation, now you owe me a condition!" Leng Ye came to Wenrou's side and said depressedly.

"Brother Leng, people are not sages and sages, and there is nothing wrong with it. If you make mistakes, you can improve it! The ancients still had a benevolent heart and tolerance. As a new generation in the new era and across the century, how come you are not as good as the ancients! If If you like it, I will give myself to you now, isn't that more affordable than [-] conditions. Besides, there is only the last process left to open the space door, do you want to know?" Gentle said.

"Another condition?"

"Brother Leng, if you can be nice to me, even a little bit, I will listen to you. You forced me because I like you so much. Although I won't be like the naughty princess and the butterfly Stripped off like a neon dress, I come to seduce you, but I also want to be a slightly naughty woman, otherwise, I don't think you will like me anymore." Gentlely said.

"Good girl! If that's the case, then I'll figure it out on my own. I don't believe that so many of us are not as smart as you alone!" Leng Ye said angrily.

"Brother Leng, don't be angry...don't be angry! I said, let me tell you the head office will do it!" Gentle grabbed Leng Ye's arm, sighed, and said, "Cough~~ I'm really spineless Brother Leng, I will tell you the way to break the door right now, but whether it succeeds or not is none of my business."

"Say it quickly! I will bear all the consequences." Leng Ye said.

"Break the key handles with constellation patterns on the twelve Star Soul Keys," Gentle said.

Leng Ye was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help looking at the central disc, then at Wen Rou, and asked, "Why did you decide to replace Huaidan before, after Han Feng and Jiu Yuefeng, you will definitely be able to replace the star?" Red on the soul key? Is it a random guess?"

"Brother Leng, I have a reason, not a random guess, it's because I found out that the nine of us were the last ones to kill Star Soul, and the three of them were also the last ones to kill Star Soul... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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