Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1209 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1209 Underground Cemetery (10) ([-])
"Young girl is not easy! It seems that she is not messing around." Thinking of this, Leng Ye no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered 12 people to hit the key handle hard.

Victory was just around the corner, and the 12 people were relentless. They completely discarded the previous thought that they would break the key. They took up the weapons in their hands and used their unique skills. The twelve Star Soul keys started a crazy attack.

As Gentle interrupted the handle of the Pisces star soul key, the disc in the center of the twelve zodiac signs turned rapidly, turning faster and faster, gradually blurring everyone's eyes...

The disc kept turning and turning, and it took about 3 minutes before it gradually started to slow down, slowly, slowly, and finally stopped.The moment Yuanpan stopped, the ghost yelled: "Hey~~ The keyhole of the star soul is gone!"

Leng Ye's eyes were always fixed on the central disk, and he naturally noticed this situation. In addition, he also saw that there were twelve lines of different colors on the central disk, making the entire central disk Divided into twelve equal parts, and the originally sunken Tai Chi pattern in the center became flush with the entire disc surface.

"This should be a success! But why isn't this space door open?" Leng Ye was a little worried, looked around, and found that everyone had their eyes on the central disk, and their eyes were full of expectation.

Taking a closer look, Leng Ye found that the so-called lines on the disk were not static things as painted, but flowing things, but because they flowed too fast, they were not easy to be noticed.From Leng Ye's point of view, that speed was comparable to He's Bi's resurrection, and if he hadn't been able to see He's Bi's resurrection clearly, it would have been extremely difficult for him to discover it.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was still no sign of any change on the disk, but the flow of those lines continued.As time went by, the members of the Sword Demon Palace who were staring at Yuanpan were very irritable and became more and more impatient.

"Master, why isn't this space door open yet? Let me split it open with the Qinglong Yanyue Knife!" Before Leng Ye could speak, Phantom Abyss had already raised the super-magic sword with both hands and slashed at the central disc viciously. .With a loud "click", the blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife sank into the central disc. However, what made Phantom Abyss depressed was that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull out the big knife.

Leng Ye's gaze was always on the central disc. Right after the Qinglong Yanyue knife was cut off, he clearly found that the place where the blade was cut off actually "broke" the line of the Virgo. To be precise, it was the Phantom Abyss. With a slash, the flowing things on the line stopped and became still.

"'Putting the knife to cut off the water and the water to flow more', how can the Qinglong Yanyue knife really cut off the flowing thing?" Leng Ye was puzzled. Suddenly, he thought of what Wenrou said before, and thought: "Could it be true what Wenrou said? , To solve this problem, you need to use reverse thinking? Here it becomes "the knife cuts off the water and the water doesn't flow"?"

(End of this chapter)

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