Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1215 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1215 Underground Cemetery (16) ([-])
Since Leng Ye's avatars are physical avatars, although they only have [-]% of Leng Ye's strength, from the outside, they look exactly the same as Leng Ye, and outsiders cannot tell.Therefore, Leng Ye's approach would greatly damage the image of his gang leader, but it was also a way out of nowhere.

However, what makes Leng Ye depressed is that no matter how close the clones are to Akira Muto, they can't attract Akira Muto's attention at all, let alone rescue the brothers of Jingu from under them.

"What kind of special function does this undead monster have? Why is it so difficult to deal with!" Leng Ye was depressed, and immediately thought of the poor young man, and shouted: "Young master, young master!"

No reply.Leng Ye looked around, and he found that almost every Akira Muto was surrounded by people, and he didn't see the shadow of the down-and-out son.

In desperation, Leng Ye quickly summoned Xiao Bai, and just as he stepped onto Xiao Bai's back, he walked over gently, pointed to a pile of people not far away, and said, "Brother Leng, it's not good! Not good! Young Master was overwhelmed by the seductress."

"Brother Young Master has always been unimpressed with women. Could it be that he was also tempted? Overwhelmed? If Brother Young Master died like this and the word spread to Li Xiaoyun's ears, that 'Tigress' would have eaten Brother Young Master. Brother Young Master knelt down and rubbed his clothes That's all, then this trip to the cemetery is going to fail." These things flashed through Leng Ye's mind, and then he slapped the tiger's butt and rushed towards the crowd fiercely.

It was the first time for Xiaobai to sprint on the ground since he lifted the seal, so he looked extraordinarily energetic, full of energy, rampant, and scattered the crowd in the blink of an eye.

"Who hit me?"

"What happened to me just now?"

"Everyone, don't look at that SAO ladyboy, it's easy to have hallucinations!"


Being hit by Xiaobai like this, those who were deeply attracted by Akira Muto's beauty all woke up, one by one got up from the ground, closed their eyes, and some directly summoned their mounts and flew into the sky.

Leng Ye turned around and found that the others had run away, but the down-and-out young man was still under Akira Muto's body. He was smiling and looked at the swaying back and forth in front of Akira Muto with a fascinated look. The alluring twin peaks.

"Brother Young Master!" Leng Ye yelled loudly, however, his cry did not wake up the poor young man from his "sweet dream".

"Young Master, Young Master! Why is your concentration so poor? Yuan Zhiai and Jian Jian also know how to yell twice before dying, why... Is this the result of Young Master's lack of experience in personnel? Cough~" Leng Ye was depressed road.At this moment, Leng Ye didn't have any effective way to deal with Akira Muto, he just hoped that the down-and-out son could wake up a bit, and hope that he could overcome himself with determination, so that that part of his body would soften, so that Akira Muto would be "poor as a donkey". ", it's hard to sing alone.

"Brother Leng, hurry up and wake up those 'nymphomaniacs'!" Rourou came to Leng Ye, pointing to the other six groups of people who were attracted by other Akira Muto.

(End of this chapter)

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