Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1216 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1216 Underground Cemetery (17) ([-])
"Hmm!" Leng Ye saw that Akira Muto hadn't shown any sign of "ruthless hand" to the down-and-out son, slapped the tiger's ass, and directed Xiaobai to rush towards the other groups of people...

After most people were awake, Leng Ye realized that he was in a circular house, the walls were bleached, and there was a big Tai Chi Bagua pattern on the ground.At this moment, he is standing on the yang fish eyes of the intertwined pattern of yin and yang fish.There is a circle the size of a millstone on the ground at the far end of him, and there is a big "dry" character written in the circle. Leng Ye knows that it is the dry direction of the eight trigrams, which represents the true south.Looking counterclockwise from the dry direction, there are three directions: Dui, Li and Zhen, which respectively represent the three directions of southeast, true east and northeast in the eight trigrams; clockwise from the dry direction, there are three platforms in sequence: Xun, Kan and Gen. , which respectively represent the three directions of southwest, west and northwest in the gossip; and behind Leng Ye is the "Kun" platform, which represents the north in the gossip.

To Leng Ye's surprise, the positions of the seven Akira Muto who were still alive at this time were within the circles of the seven directions in the gossip. The position before the chapter happened to be the "dry" position.

"Does it mean that if you want to kill Akira Muteng, you have to start with gossip?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye turned his attention to the down-and-out son of "Dui".

Looking at it, Leng Ye found that Akira Muto's hand had already touched the fate of the poor young man, and was about to eat the poor young man.

"It's not bad! Xiaobai, hurry up!" Leng Ye shouted.Xiaobai seemed to understand what Leng Ye meant, and without Leng Ye needing to say much, he rushed straight in the direction of the down-and-out son.

Xiaobai's speed is fast enough. However, Leng Ye can clearly feel that it will be too late to fly over at this speed. By then, the down-and-out son will really fall into the mouth of a sheep, and he is a docile little sheep willing to die. , not only the life of the down-and-out son is in danger, I am afraid that this mission will also fail.

In desperation, Leng Ye swung the lazy sword vigorously while Xiaobai was still running wildly.Leng Ye's arm strength is astonishing, coupled with Xiaobai's inertia in high-speed running, the lazy sword he threw flew towards the "Dui" position at a speed close to He Shibi's resurrection, and hit Akira Muto impartially. between the eyebrows.Following the momentum of the lazy sword, Akira Muto's body flew backwards and hit the white wall wallpaper directly, "Ga Benger", he died.

As soon as Akira Muto of "Dui" died, the poor young man immediately woke up. When he saw the clothes he had taken off, his face flushed instantly. He hurriedly dressed neatly and came to Leng Ye who was still in a daze because of the accidental killing.

"Master, that dead shemale is so fucking powerful, he can use illusion to confuse people's minds." Said the down and out young man in shame.

"Brother son, I know this. The most urgent thing is that we kill those six monsters as soon as possible, otherwise, our brothers will become fewer and fewer." Leng Ye said.

"Guangzhu, have you found anything?" The down-and-out young man asked.

(End of this chapter)

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