Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1217 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1217 Underground Cemetery (18) ([-])
"Brother, look at the ground, whether Akira Muto has set up a gossip array to confuse us." Leng Ye asked.

Hearing this, the impoverished young man looked around seriously. However, when his eyes fell on Akira Muto who was on the "Li" position, he couldn't help but ran there.

"Brother Young Master has been confused again?" Leng Ye quickly realized this, urged Xiao Bai to rush over quickly, stopped him, and finally resolved the crisis.

"Master, no, the shemale is too fucking powerful, I can't watch it, you tell me what you see, and I'll analyze it." The poor man squatted on the ground, closed his eyes and said.

"En!" Leng Ye nodded, and said, "Brother, I have checked, and this Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram is almost exactly the same as the one you told me before. The eight Muto chapters should all stand in the direction of the Eight Diagrams. But those who were in the dry position and exchange position were all killed by me with the lazy sword."

The poor young man was shocked when he heard the words, and said again and again: "How could this happen? How could this happen!"

"Brother, is this formation difficult and strange?" Leng Ye asked.

Young Master Luo Po shook his head and said, "Master, this is the simplest formation in the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Formation. But why you can kill the two human monsters on Qianwei and Duiwei, I really can't figure it out .”

Startled, Leng Ye asked, "Where is the problem?"

"Master, this kind of gossip formation that doesn't even have any unusual settings at the two fish eyes in the yin-yang fish intertwining diagram is the simplest form of Tai Chi gossip formation. To break this kind of formation, you only need to follow the principle of mutual generation and restraint of the eight trigrams." The theory can be deciphered, but what I can't figure out is why you can use the lazy sword to kill the transvestites on the Qian and Dui positions." Said the Luo Po son.

"Brother, what is the theory of gossip, mutual generation and mutual restraint?" Leng Ye asked.

"Bangzhu, the eight trigrams also belong to the five elements. Qiandui belongs to gold, Zhenxun belongs to wood, Kungen belongs to earth, li belongs to fire, and Kan belongs to water. Therefore, the eight trigrams also have the attributes of mutual generation and mutual restraint. Specifically:

Gandui (gold) gives birth to Kan (water), Kan (water) gives birth to Zhensun (wood), Zhensun (wood) gives birth to Li (fire), Li (fire) gives birth to Kun Gen (earth), Kun Gen (earth) Dry exchange (gold).

Gandui (gold) conquers Zhen Sunda (wood), Zhen Sunda (wood) conquers Kun Gen (soil), Kun Gen (earth) conquers Kan (water), Kan (water) conquers Li (fire), Li (fire) conquers Dry exchange (gold). " said the poor young man.

"Then what can't you figure out about Lazy Sword killing a shemale?" Leng Ye asked again.

"Guild Master, Gan Dui's two orientations belong to gold. To destroy the monsters in these two orientations, you must attack with fire. And your lazy sword is gold, how can you kill the monsters in these two orientations? It is a violation of gossip. Xiangke's theory doesn't make sense!" Said the poor young man.

"Haha~~Brother, you are wrong. According to the gossip theory you said, my lazy sword can kill the monsters in the two directions of Gandui. Not only does it not have the theory of gossip, but it just follows this theory, haha~ ~" Leng Ye laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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