Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1218 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1218 Underground Cemetery (19) ([-])
"Master, what are you laughing at? Do you understand?" the poor young man opened his eyes and asked, then quickly closed them again.

"Haha~ Young Master, maybe you don't know yet, but my lazy sword itself has the attribute of fire, and it doesn't violate the theory of gossip, mutual generation and mutual restraint at all..." Leng Ye said.

The down-and-out young man was shocked, and asked, "Master, what you said is true."

"Brother, I'm still depressed! It would be great if I could remove the fire attribute from the lazy sword, then I can really control the lazy sword." Leng Ye sighed.

"Master, that's very easy! You just need to find the ice spirit stone." Said the poor young man.

Leng Ye was startled, and asked: "Could it be that Brother Young Master knows where the Bing Lingshi is?"

The poor young man shook his head and said, "I don't know the details. However, such a cold thing with aura is either in the North and South Poles or Mount Everest. It can't be in other places."

Hearing this, Leng Ye's hope that had just been ignited in his heart was instantly shattered, and he murmured: "The North and South Poles are so big, if you have to search every corner, it's like reaching the sky."

At this moment, Rou Rou came over and said: "Brother Leng, Brother Young Master, if you don't think of a way, all of our people will die."

"Death light? Didn't they all hide far away? How could there be death light!" Leng Ye was startled.

"Brother Leng, didn't you see? The shemale tortured one to death, and it would grab the one closest to it and continue to torture it. We have more than 60 people here, and now there are less than forty left." Gentle said.

"Damn it, I'll find someone to kill it right now." Leng Ye said angrily, when he was about to call someone, he was interrupted by the poor young man.

"Guangzhu, to break the simplest formation, you have to do it in order. You can't do it at the same time. You have to break it one by one. Do one, Dui two, Li three, Zhen four, Xun five, Kan six, Gen seven, Kun eight. Follow this order." Said the poor young man.

"En!" Leng Ye nodded, looked at Yan Yan who was being tortured in the "Li" position, frowned, and thought to himself: "The Li position belongs to fire, just find a water mage."

Thinking of the water mage, Leng Ye couldn't help thinking of the Ice Witch, and then of Qiu Zimei who might be in danger, but, in order to make himself stay here as peacefully as possible, he stopped the wedding ring that was about to be turned.However, to Leng Ye's surprise, he searched up and down, but couldn't find a water mage there. In desperation, he set his sights on Qingfeng Xiaoyu, the rain archer.

"I don't know what the structure of Qingfengxiyu's artifact, Rain Arrow, is. Let him try it! I hope the water magic attached to the sword can be fooled." Zhong called down.

"Master, that shemale is so powerful that it can confuse people. If I behave abnormally, please slap me twice, so that I may wake up a little bit." Qingfeng Xiyu lowered his head and said.

Leng Ye smiled wryly and said, "Understood."

(End of this chapter)

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