Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1224 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1224 Underground Cemetery (25) ([-])
"Brother son, human life is at stake, don't make such jokes, hurry up and tell me how to break the formation!" Leng Ye said.

"Unless the two of them give up resisting, become a monster, and break the trap of a monster, otherwise, the yin and gossip formation will be difficult to crack." The poor young man sighed.

"Sacrificing these two people with extraordinary concentration?" Leng Ye was very depressed when he heard this.

"Guangzhu, if you don't want the child to be unable to trap the wolf, don't feel sorry for the two of them. For the two of them, it is their honor to sacrifice for the shrine. When I go back, I will add [-] points to each of them." The meritorious service of the gang, I promise to make them happy. I wish they could die a few more times. Besides, if this battle is not broken, the two of them will have to lie under Akira Muto forever and suffer all kinds of humiliation. By doing this, we are also helping Him." said the poor boy.

"Brother, you are cruel enough!" Leng Ye sighed secretly. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to rely on sacrificing his brother in exchange for breaking the formation. When everything was cruel, he couldn't help admiring the downcast young master, "In the shrine, I'm only facing the young master and his few leaders, and the young master will face the entire 48 members of the shrine. If he is more merciful, then the Shrine will not need to develop."

After figuring it out, Leng Ye called Zhang Feng off his mount in mid-air, trying to use Zhang Feng's loud voice to wake up Zixuanbing and Mozhi Wuhun who had been confused by Akira Muto. However, what made Leng Ye depressed was that However, Zixuanbing and Mozhi Wuhun were still immersed in the mess with Akira Muto, unmoved at all.

"Master, the power of voice is too small. In my opinion, if you don't fight, you can't become a talent. You can give each of them a mouth. No matter how dizzy they are, they will definitely be able to wake up." Qingfeng Xi, who had been slapped by Leng Ye before Yu smiled and said, at this moment, his watermelon face has already recovered.

"Yes, leader, you can give them some rewards!" The crowd also booed.

"I haven't seen the shadow of Dahemai yet, but I have practiced the slap of my brother, cough!" Leng Ye smiled wryly, without saying anything, went straight to Zixuanbing's side, and grabbed Zixuanbing's hand with his left hand. The hair, the right hand secretly exerted force, and slapped it down.

With a loud "pa", five blood-red handprints appeared on Zi Xuanbing's face, and then Mingmo's voice came: "Master, please be gentle! Be gentle! My husband is thin-skinned, lightly Just a little bit, just a little bit!"

"It's only after the fight, isn't this an afterthought?" Leng Ye thought in his heart, smiled at Mingmo, and then said to Zi Xuanbing in front of him: "Brother, I have wronged you."

Leng Ye looked at Zi Xuanbing who was still lying under Akira Muto, and found that half of his face was swollen like a pig's belly. Even so, Leng Ye saw that the other half of Zi Xuanbing's face was filled with The smile, especially the pair of obsessive eyes, is still staring at Akira Muto's towering double fronts.

(End of this chapter)

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