Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1225 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1225 Underground Cemetery (26) ([-])
"Is this slap too light?" Immediately realizing this, Leng Ye glanced at Ming Mo next to her, but heard her say: "Master, I really didn't expect that I, a dead ghost, would be so cowardly, so just help me ruthlessly." Beat them hard until you wake up."

Leng Ye was not impulsive, because he clearly knew the power of that slap just now, and of course he also understood that this matter had nothing to do with whether Zi Xuanbing was bold or not, and thought to himself: "Could it be that Zi Xuanbing was abused?" It's been too long, and I've already lost my mind? That's not over!" In this way, Leng Ye couldn't help but feel even more worried.

Leng Ye came to Mozhi Wuhun again, and after giving Mozhi Wuhun a slap, he found that Mozhi Wuhun was also in a state of confusion like Zixuanbing, "unchanged".At the moment, Leng Ye is even more depressed.

"Master, what's wrong with my husband? Please save him!" Ming Mo begged with a sad face.

"Brothers and sisters, don't worry, I will try my best." Leng Ye said.

"Guangzhu, as long as my husband is not allowed to die, I will agree to any conditions. Please save him quickly, and see him being fascinated by the shemale. If you don't wake him up, you won't know me anymore. Woooooo~~" Ming Mo burst into tears when she was excited, which showed her concern for Zi Xuanbing.

"Brothers and sisters! My brother has been poisoned by the demon, and he can't help himself, so don't be sad about it. For now, the only way to get him out of the sea of ​​suffering is to wake him up. But...but , he must die once." Leng Ye said.

"What? Leader, you must not let my husband die! If he dies, both of us will be sent back to the city. We also want to help you break the Dahe vein together! Leader, you must have a way, Please, please, please, woo woo woo~" Ming Mo cried.

"Okay, brothers and sisters, stop crying. I promise you, I will do my best to keep you here. Without you two, we can't resist the fairy beast." Leng Ye comforted, and then asked the ghost to pull Mingmo back up.

"It seems impossible to wake up these two people, and even if they wake up, they will still die. Is there any way to get the best of both worlds?" Leng Ye was depressed, and came to the side of the poor young man again, and said the matter .

"Master, according to the Fengshui classics, almost no one can resist the temptation of Yin and gossip. You are a special case, with amazing concentration. However, I don't think the two of them are people with extraordinary concentration, so I think they There are problems in both aspects. If this is the case, it will be difficult for us to decipher the yin and gossip." Said the poor young man.

Leng Ye had seen the scene where the Yin-Yang and the Yin-Yang were fighting with each other on the top of Longevity Mountain, and knew that Zi Xuanbing was not an incompetent person, but in order to confirm this idea, he still asked Ming Mo for a while.When he learned from Ming Mo that it would take two days for Zi Xuanbing to recover, he reluctantly accepted it.

"The Devil's Martial Soul shouldn't be like this, right? How can it be such a coincidence! So he is not good at that aspect? Damn!" Thinking of this, Leng Ye was completely depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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