Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1226 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1226 Underground Cemetery (27) ([-])
"Brother son, the two of them really have flaws, it's over now." Leng Ye sighed.

"Guangzhu, there are actually ways, you don't have to worry." Said the poor young man.

"Brother, tell me quickly." Leng Ye urged.

"Master, I told you just now, as long as you use your masculinity to break through the femininity of the ladyboy's body, the battle will be defeated. The most urgent task is to find the right candidate with masculinity, and use his charm to attract The shemale's attention is drawn from Zixuanbing and Mozhi Wuhun, and then he just needs to sacrifice." Said the poor young man.

"If I heard correctly, someone else will be sacrificed?" Leng Ye said.

"That's right, there must be two people who will replace Zixuanbing and Mozhi Wuhun to die, otherwise it will be difficult to break the Yin and Eight Diagrams." Said the Luopo young master.

"Brother, I see that almost every guy here is full of vigor, what kind of masculine person do you mean?" Leng Ye asked.

"This masculinity does not mean that every man can do it. It is a term in Feng Shui classics, which mainly includes two points: first, it must be a virgin man; second, it must be full of charm, enough to It is full of charm to attract negative undead and even zombies. Only with these two days at the same time can it be possible to replace Zixuanbing and Mozhi Wuhun from above." Said the poor young man.

"Brother son, is there any basis to identify this kind of masculinity? If you let them come up one by one, I'm afraid they will all be beaten." Leng Ye asked.

"Haha~~ Chief, if you hadn't reminded me that I would have forgotten, my Jade Bagua has this ability." The poor boy took out his Jade Bagua as he spoke, and then he activated a button on it, and then muttered in the air Soon, two beams of light, one black and one white, were emitted from Yubagua, shining like a flashlight on the white wall of the house.

"Master, help me block the sight of Kun Wei and Dui Wei, I'm going to start checking them one by one." The Luo Po son said and pointed Yu Bagua at Zhang Jingbo in mid-air.After a long time, he moved away.

"Brother son, I think this kid is not bad, very innocent." Leng Ye said.

The impoverished young man sighed, and said, "Master, you must know that people can't be judged by appearances! Don't think he's honest, he's not good at the age of 11."

"11 years old? Can the jade gossip detect the sex? It's amazing!" Leng Ye thought, thoughtful, and then thought: "I just don't know if this thing will work for girls, if it works , then after the mission is over, I will borrow it and have fun."

After about half a day, the poor young man put away the jade gossip in his hand, sighed, and said, "Master, among these 42 people, there are 28 virgins, but none of them belong to the masculinity mentioned in the Fengshui classics." .It may be that Gui Zimai's vitality is not exhausted, let's prepare to go back now!"

"Go back? Then what about the two of them? Just throw them here to be ruined by monsters? No, you can't just go back empty-handed like this. Although I don't understand Feng Shui theory, I absolutely believe that there are other exits from this formation." , let's think of a way, and we will definitely be able to crack this formation." Leng Ye vowed.

(End of this chapter)

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