Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1229 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1229 Underground Cemetery (30) ([-])
"Master, the monsters are so rampant, they have caused my brothers countless, please don't stop me, I will use the top ten tortures on them!" Xiaoxin said and walked towards Kunwei.However, after only a few steps, he turned back and said: "Guangzhu, I'm not strong enough, you should slap me twice!"

Leng Ye looked at the one-meter-long matchstick in Xiaoxin's hand, and thought: "Could it be that Xiaoxin is going to use this to deal with monsters? Good boy, he has a future." No longer hesitating, Leng Ye slapped him twice Going down, in the blink of an eye, ten bloodstains appeared on Xiaoxin's face.

"Thank you, Lord, for fulfilling the mission!" Xiaoxin turned his head and ran towards Kunwei.Due to being slapped twice by Leng Ye, he still wobbled while running, like a drunk.

"NMD's ladyboy, I'm going to stab you to death!" Xiaoxin yelled, holding the matchstick in both hands, and stabbed the ladyboy's SI where Zixuanbing's lower body was attached.

Xiaoxin's stick was fast, powerful, and overbearing. Leng Ye saw it and felt pain in his heart, because he clearly saw that the direction the matchstick was going was the place where Zixuanbing was temporarily inhumane. As well as the intersection of the SI of the ladyboy, the ladyboy may not be able to die with this stick, but the Zixuanbing thing may be stabbed off, and at that time, the second toughness is likely to be born.

"Xiaoxin and Zixuanbing have no grievances and no enmity, so he won't do such a murderous thing?" This kind of thought flashed by, and when the matchstick in Xiaoxin's hand was about to fall to the intersection of a man and a demon, Leng Ye Closing his eyes, he sighed secretly: "Brother Zixuanbing, after the establishment of the empire, I will definitely appoint you as the first chief eunuch of the empire."

Three seconds later, Leng Ye slowly opened his eyes. To his surprise, Zi Xuanbing was still lying under the ladyboy's body unharmed. What was different from before was that at this moment, Zi Xuanbing was constantly moving his waist and abdomen. , the ladyboy at the top goes up and down, obviously doing that kind of yin and yang intersecting thing.

"Brother Zixuanbing is healed? Didn't Mingmo say that he can pass the atrophy period in three days? Why can it be done so soon?" Leng Ye smiled bitterly, and he found that Zixuanbing's movements were getting faster and faster. Hurry up, there is a tendency to kill the ladyboy.

"I didn't expect this skinny Zixuanbing to have such stamina. No wonder Mingmo was fascinated by her. I don't know how Mingmo will react when he sees this situation?" Thinking like this , Leng Ye turned his gaze to Ming Mo, and then, Leng Ye was stunned again.

Wherever he looked, Leng Ye found that Ming Mo was laughing, he was very puzzled, he never thought that Ming Mo would still be able to do this when her husband was touching a transvestite who even a beast like the elephant king would not bother to touch. I can laugh.

Seeing Ming Mo's strange behavior, Leng Ye couldn't help but turn his eyes back to Zi Xuanbing and the ladyboy, and then he couldn't help looking at the meeting point.

"There are such strange people in the world, haha~" Leng Ye couldn't help laughing.

Leng Ye found that every time Zixuanbing pushes upwards against the ladyboy, the ladyboy's body will involuntarily thicken by three points, and this is the case from the waist to the swallowing. When Zixuanbing's waist falls, the ladyboy's body Then it returned to its original appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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